There was a movie we were going to do – it would take months to produce it. But something has happened to bring to me the ability to do a terrific movie in a few weeks & I insist to my team-mates gathered here, it will win ‘Best Picture’ & ‘Best Leading Lady’ at the Academy Awards.
The Movie 12-29-23
It starts out outside in a driveway, a friend of mine who uses cocaine is sitting in his pickup truck to the right & he just got his prescription for it. I ask some questions about it & he tells me it’s been LEGALIZED. So because it has such a good effect, I decide to get some & go up to the counter where they’re selling it, which is a window in this mall, you stand outside, they give you your item, so I get it, gleefully.
Then I go to my team mates. There are about 7 of them, more female than male. We’re in a room. We’re all sitting – they gathered around me & I am EXCITED TO THE MAX while telling them they can all get now-legalized cocaine & this will help us work each day.
The male in the pickup truck showed me his cocaine. It looked like dry, light brown marijuana in a small carton; it was coming out on the ends so I saw it. {This says it could be Nick as he took cocaine & died of it – now it represents something good.}
I tell them we are going to REHEARSE & help each other ACT until we drop – it will be PERFECTION. And I say that we’ll be able to do in a few weeks what would have been months, this way.
I am emphasizing the EFFORT we’ll put into this each day, all together.
The women seem to be all dressed in similar clothes, darkish prints accents of blue. They are DUMPY, like somewhat overweight, no shape, not good looking – all average. Don’t see the men clearly. But according to this dream, they’re all going to be in this movie which will be a great hit & win the Academy Awards.
*{ME: Stumped, Mother God. Only thing I can think of is putting the movies on my blog which is bringing QUADRUPLE people than before – when Pete was posting my articles on a few groups each time. It was work on both our parts, especially the articles I write take hours – now I can put all my articles on the website while posting movies on the blog – where people check it & might see our articles – {there are 653 mostly articles as of today}. Is this what it is? But how do the symbols work out?
MG: Sounds like it – it’s about doing something really FAST & it SUCCEEDS rather than the slower way.
But the man in the pickup truck, the team, the ordinary dumpy women, all that. What is that?
The ‘ordinary’ folks on your team might be Souls in Purgatory who are praying for you! You’ve asked them now every day for a week to pray for those on earth including you. This might indicate they’ve answered your prayers by giving you this SHORTCUT for hits – Divine Intervention makes us do things, try things, understand things we did not before. That would be why you’re in a dim room & they are dressed in dark clothing plus blue – souls still covered with darkness & they are sad.
Your words also sound like your encouragement to them where they are. You give them several reasons to REJOICE!
Below, me 1965–then Julia Child’s kitchen, lol. Chateaus & mansions – when great souls Ascend, they are given magnificent mansions, residences, habitats. Errol Flynn got his own ISLAND! Some get ordinary dwellings–depends how they lived
“You are forgiven your sins – REJOICE!
“You are in the Kingdom of God – REJOICE!
“God is waiting for you – REJOICE!
“Your sufferings are temporary – REJOICE!
& last but not least:
“When you see God Face to Face you will think ‘I could have suffered much more for what this is!’
Then you assure them of help & ask for their prayers.
What is the cocaine – marijuana?
It’s like ALCOHOL – wine, whiskey, which are signs of being HIGH or inebriated in a good way in this dream & many others. When you give them the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary & say the words you say, they get INEBRIATED with JOY..
The person in the truck who’s also helping is your spiritual husband Nick. He might be part of the reason you got this idea to post movies on the blog. This is the second time recently you’ve seen him in a pickup truck attending to you.
The ACADEMY AWARDS would be when they are CHOSEN to RISE UP to HEAVEN! This would be celebration, accolades, honors, joyfulness. You foresee ECSTASY to them.
The appearance of the mostly women is their state in Purgatory – how their souls look & how they feel – until you show up & lift their spirits.
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