My cat ‘Blackie’ was healed of a respiratory illness on the 15th of Jan by ‘St. Martini’ – Rev. Marin Luther King Jr. – his feast day. When I asked him to heal her I heard him say he would.
Then my beautiful Persian ‘Tubby just yesterday, the 22nd I realized was sick also – probably got it from Blackie. She did not have her symptoms but her behavior had changed. She was sleeping abnormally & not annoying me all the time, had slowed down to a crawl, was sitting on the cellar stairs for hours, seemed lost & forlorn – I knew she was sick. Once in a while a tiny cough & her meow when she wanted to summon me was a whimper I could hardly hear. I asked St. Martini for her healing – he wouldn’t answer.
So I called out to other Saints, saying anyone out there who loves cats? Surely she has done nothing to be ill. Please don’t hold my faults & sins against healing her {I repeated this again & again as it could be an obstacle} – please help poor little Tubby!
Had this dream of great meaning:
I am summoned to the mansion of a great personage. There was a prelude up to this but it’s faded away.
This is some kind of business – I don’t know what. I arrive at the place & there is a female receptionist standing there near the door, welcoming people as if to a place like a museum. She attractive, long blonde hair parted in the middle, thin. She stands to the right of the door & after I walk in, the lady who owns the house appears & the receptionist is not spoken of – which I feel is not respectful as she’s doing her duty. But somehow we are making a documentary/movie of this event & it seemed alright she was passed over. She was not insulted, a gracious person.
*{RECEPTIONIST: This is the Guardian Angel of the great person who invited me. This will be a first. A Soul in Purgatory, a Saint-to-be, not yet in Heaven, answering my prayer! Those in Heaven are bereft of their Guardian Angels – they have no need of them unless it’s some very special occasion, like the lady who died in childbirth. Her Guardian Angel was holding the baby in Heaven, the mother died & ran like crazy toward the baby which the Angel handed to her!}*
The lady owner takes me up lacquered wooden stairs, ornate. {Later when we return by these stairs I’m surprised the last few steps – maybe 6 – there are no steps, on has to put their feet on the wood squares with frames – the frames stick out. For a few feet one must be agile & athletic to climb up to start on the stairs & then one can just jump the few feet down – again – it’s asking a lot from a visitor, but I can do it easily.}
*{This WOODEN STAIRCASE underscores that this is NOT Heaven but Purgatory, because WOOD is the Cross! And amazingly, this great lady has a MANSION in Purgatory which indicates she is a GREAT SAINT but must have also committed great sins – like King David – & all must be atoned for! This is to be understood – some people are not great saints but they commit few sins, their Purgatory is not long. But some great saints did commit great sins & their Purgatory could be longer, but when they ascend, they will be in a higher place than the one who was not great.
The TRICKY beginning up the stairs & back again tells me that Purgatory is not a place anyone can access easily! There are untold trillions of Souls there, it’s like getting an address in Infinity – try writing to someone housed in Infinity without having an exact address!}*
She tells me all about herself & her activities. She’s middle aged, her hair is medium brown with is it gray streaks? – Pulled back in two large sausages behind her head. She’s slow & thoughtful as she speaks.
*{This woman’s appearance also belies her state in Purgatory. If in Heaven she would be YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL. She’s not there yet, still being cleansed, & gray streaks are worry or suffering.}*
As we walk down the hall my attention is brought to paintings but I can’t recall what they’re of. The last frame before the end of this hall is a super elaborate brown wooden frame, & within it a thin mirror, only about 4-5” across, but also with a super-elaborate darkish wooden frame. I’m amazed it’s like this but excuse it with the thought,
“It’s all decoration. This is a design.”
*{These pictures on the wall & then the mirror on the end, all with elaborate wooden frames, seem to say these are the things of the world this Saint is still attached to. They are fake, ordinary compared to the things of God – like designs or decorations. They could be accomplishments or status, the way the aristocrats have painting of their ancestors on the walls which is supposed to make them important. Going back 500 years to an ancestor who fought for the King & got lots of land & the people on the land who become de facto slaves – this is a heritage they hold onto. It’s all the things of the world which this ‘framework’ is saying, it’s an elaborate concept with nothing inside it – like the last picture is ‘Who am I?’ I am not BIG in reality because I was big in the world – look how narrow the mirror is – my reflection or image is actually small, it’s mere chimera, design or ornamentation. But when one holds onto these things, one stays in Purgatory.}*
Was this the prelude?
I’m with someone pointing out to them my land, it’s features. It’s like we’re sailing high above the street – maybe 20’ or so – & we pass by this one lovely field just like the field at the end of our farm {right up against the woods}, near Freehold. At this point I say to my companion,
“This is my PORTAL.”
We pass another wooded area, then the place where my pond is. At first I see only the dry area before my pond & wonder if it’s still there, but then I see water & exclaim,
“And there is my pond.”
*{This being the prelude, what would I need my PORTAL for? It’s the Portal to Purgatory, another key to what this is!…..Why this field is portrayed as my portal here? I’ve seen other areas – apartments, dwellings, roads, as my portal. It seems then that the portal can change according to the situation, person or place I must each!}*
Back to the mansion:
The lady & I discuss animals. She goes on & on. As I look at her I realize that she made an APPOINTMENT to see me, which this is a PRIVILEGE as she did this out of her important schedule – just to see me.
*{This her being ‘of importance’ can be taken two ways. One, indeed, I am grateful that this Soul has brought me into her domain & is answering my prayer! But could it also hearken to the fact that she holds on to her importance on earth?}*
Now she speaks about her menagerie of CATS. Not house cats, – large, wild cats. She mentions a word that means ‘entering the enclosure of many wild animals who are under the authority of a person who has raised them, & they are deemed to be tamed & safe, but you have to accept this & not be afraid.”
{There’s the fear, however, that you never know when a wild animal might act up, & then what? They could kill you fast & the owner could not stop it! I recall this happened to a man who came to wrestle a ‘tame’ bear! When they were merely posing for a photo, the bear panicked & attacked & the man was DEAD!}
This reminds me of Cesar Milan, the dog expert, & his great enclosure of dogs, when someone who’s scared of dogs walks in they could be shaking with fear but they have to cam themselves down.
I make a note that I must not be afraid – I believe I mention to her I am a ‘bear lady’ & was once surrounded by 6 wild bears & kept my composure! No, I will NOT BE AFRAID!
She then opens the large wooden gates. I hear wild cats. I expect I will step in, be surrounded by them & face this.
The lady walks in & instead of my going behind the gates, one poor, frightened cat – like a Cheetah, comes out. She’s very much afraid. Now I am given to nurse her, as she needs help – I’m not sure for what.
*{ONE FRIGHTENED CAT: This is a symbol of my Tubby. I’ve known her for years now – she’s not mine, a neighbor’s I don’t know which. For years she was afraid & spooked out easily, she’s only gotten relaxed in the last year or so. This shows me her nature or personality.—that it’s about her.}*
She’s in front of me, her backside to me. I am given a needle – like a syringe – {isn’t a needle a syringe after all?} which is dark grey with something in it. Now I must administer this needle into her v___ as if its sperm being put in. Don’t know why. I must do this TEN TIMES. At the end I say to my Hostess, is that enough?
I believe it is, like she’s {in my imagination} supposed to have a certain number of KITTENS! – Strange development.
*{This might name the SOURCE of Tubby’s fear. Her being FIXED has deprived her of the instinct of doing sex with the male cats & also of having babies. Somehow, her instincts are not being fulfilled. Could be like a human who’s been deprived of their sex drive & now they have no intimacy or feeling of LOVE from the opposite sex – they are deprived & for some reason, to Tubby, this translates into FEAR.
I am being given the remedy by an Angel I presume, to get her impregnated PSYCHOLOGICALLY or SPIRITUALLY. In other words, HEAL THE WOUND of being deprived of such. Her wound is deeper than a cold or respiratory illness; we are getting to something at the core of her unhappiness.}*
The Lady & I then both descend down the stairs.…………..
*{This is leaving a certain part of the premises of this lady in Purgatory, the place where she has the business of the cats. Why did she answer my prayer? I’ve been asking the Souls in Purgatory, during each Mass to pray for/help us on earth. She answered the prayer, but why, I can’t figure out.}*
I then get up after my sleep & TUBBY IS WELL! Her same ole’ behavior, including annoying me, & I am so happy, I don’t care. The kitty plates have dry food, cut up chicken pieces, another plate with fish, fresh water & fresh milk – & she is still meowing for something – that’s what I mean by annoying. But go on, Tubby, annoy me, just don’t be sick! {end}
Second Dream:
I see my husband Nick who died of a drug/induced heart attack.
In this dream we’re all encouraged to throw away our trash on a certain day – it’s like a day of amnesty or something where all our garbage is received, we are not in any way fined for it – bring your garbage this day, everyone!
I take my trash & dump it, many others do the same – the place is crowded. I then realize I can see & meet lots of people as they dump their trash, so I hang about a bit as I want to see some of them.
And there, sitting against a wall on the floor, is Nick. I want to speak to him but he AVOIDS ME or runs away if I approach when people are around him. Right now there is a female with a little head – she’s black – hovering over him. Not a good time.
His hair is braided in ‘cornrows’ just like that little black girl’s {refers to soul, not race}. And at intervals there are tufts/knots of the braids sticking on his head. He looks forlorn – empty.
*{HAIR IN CORNROWS: This is TWISTED THOUGHTS coming to knots or blocks, he can’t get anywhere with his mind. His female partner is the same, – he listening to her. Hair represents thoughts as they are coming out of your head. I pointed out in one article on my site how during the time he didn’t speak to me for 9 months, every picture taken of him he looked forlorn & empty notwithstanding he was also on drugs – they didn’t help.
Sitting ‘against the wall’ is helplessness, & on the floor is poverty, or being ‘without’ what one needs In this case, it’s a Mother’s love – mine.}*
I see him twice, the moment is not right.
Finally I see him alone. I go up to him & say,
“Unless you do something {meaning to change your life} you are GOING TO DIE. I can see it on your face.”
The next time I look for him – he’s not there. {end}
{*the Amnesty to throw away your trash is get rid of what you don’t need or what is garbage to your life. God is giving everyone a call to do this – get rid of negative things now &with no impunity. It’s our chance now, not in eternity, to cleanse ourselves, be rid of garbage, which includes addictions.
You got rid of your addiction to Nick – you made yourself get over him. But he did not divest himself of his addiction to drugs or to you – this is why he was FORLORN-EMPTY—Your love was the love that he needed, but he could not get it when you told him ‘This way or the highway – no leaving the enabler, no rehab, no me. So it was the end for him.
This says the main reason was that drug partner/enabler with him, seen as the back girl with the little head. She was influencing him; you could not get to get him away from her & the drugs.
When you finally got to speak to him – your last conversation – you knew it was the end. Unless he did as you bid him to there was no hope – you knew he didn’t have the ability to do what he had to do – it was over.}*
RASA DIARY 1-21-24 Jesus predicted this in a dream – Hardships explained after herbal discussion
I’m now adding the BANANA SKIN to my coffee/tea daily. I eat 1 banana each day, this herb lady said both the banana & the peel is GOOD for you – one of the ingredients it’s strong in is MAGNESIUM. Something else in it I forgot. So each day after eating my banana I get the benefit of the peel, lol. ALL DAY I drink my herbs I collected off my lawn/fields – it is YELLOW DOCK. This might be the secret why my blood pressure went down – it’s still way down, every other day I take NO MEDS for it at all. When I do take them, usually LESS than before. The Yellow Dock seeds I was taking in pill form – not any more. There are MILLIONS growing wild all over.
I also learned about WILD SPINACH, also called ‘Lamb’s Quarter’ from this same lady. When I got wind of it was late in the season, it had all gone to seed. But anyway I collected the seeds with semi-dry leaves, fixed them for freezer storage. My freezer is filled with herbs off the 3 acre lawn of mine: Dandelion, Plantain {cleans blood} – Burdock leaves – & the Wild Spinach. I can never run out of greens all winter even if I get snowed in as my freezer is full of them! And they are more healthy then greens from the store – they’ve done tests.
I recall the Wild Spinach from the farm near Freehold. It’s EVERYWHERE. Have TONS of it here. Never knew it was good, just a common weed. After she portrayed it & I tasted it – delicious! Can’t wait to collect it in the Spring when it’s fresh, green & tastiest. She was SNEAKY & at first, did not NAME it so I could not look it up just showed it growing – I prayed & then saw another herbal video where a man showed it & NAMED IT – the I could look it up & saw more pics, could identify it. And then this sneaky lady, the second time she showed it, she MISNAMED it Wild Lettuce {totally different but also good} & I’m not sure if it was an honest mistake or if she meant to mislead us, so we’d have to buy her book! She said during the depression people collected bathtubs full of this weeks {wild spinach} for their food!
I have had a setback with my health/well being. Both arms have got sprained – the left one excruciating pangs of pain at certain times when I hit certain angles, the right one hurts much less, nothing serious, bearable. If I’m careful I can use the left arm OK as long as I don’t hit that bad angle. This has been going on ALL MONTH. I thought it was from lying on my side so now I lie only on my back {it was incredibly hard to train myself} & great benefits have come from this. For one thing, my deviated septum, for years I have had to hold my nose open as lying on my side the nose contracts & hard to breath – both my thumbs got dislocated from years of this, & pain in both thumbs during the day which I thought was arthritis but it’s not arthritis but the nose-holding. So the thumb pain has stopped. Sleeping on the back might also straighten my back out over time as I have that old-age slump, but lying on my back with a sweater under the ‘bump’ just might make it better over time.
I forgot to say why my arms got sprained. I finally realized it was NOT lying on my side but rather carrying those HEAVY BAGS weekly mostly with ANIMAL FOOD, from the car to the house – many bags weigh 30 lbs each, carry 1 in each hand. This PULLED the muscles. I was warned about this but didn’t know what else to do. Now I know. Separate the items into smaller bags so no bad is over 10 lbs, should be alright. Also don’t let the bags drag down, hold them up as in a bicep curl – that will not pull on the muscles. Live & learn.
And then, the icing on the cake: The CAR TRUNK WON’T OPEN by any clicker & all my animal food is in it – & THERE IS NO KEY HOLE – I swear. Everyone searched for the key hole – there is none.
New Guru Erik told me to ask some teenage boys, who stood behind me in the checkout at the $ store – to help. They protested they knew nothing about cars, but my inner voice insisted they could help. We tried, they stood there unknowing. But then one of them asked me the make & model of the car, looked on the ‘vin’ in front – looked it up on the internet & vallah – there is a way to do it from the back seat. You open the ‘armrest’ & behind it there is an opening, you put your hand in & find a lever, pull it up, & the trunk pops open! Wow, that was a mental burden on my mind for days!
More car shyt!
Car door would not close! Neither one, driver side or passenger side. My new Guru Erik from Sweden {mental reading} told me ‘use your key’ & I did & then I could get it closed!
Then suddenly my oven, I could not get it lit! Erik stepped in again & told me to make sure I hold the clicker down a few seconds – which I then did & it worked. He also showed me why I could not get the broiler to work – as it was on the TOP not the bottom as on most ovens! So I would hold the broiler button & thought nothing was happening – but it was – only it was on top where I did not see it! And now, after 5 years with this oven, I can broil stuff! Which helps a lot as sometimes you don’t want to use the entire oven, just something quicker, the flame closer to the food – I am roasting apples to eat with dinners – like 1 to 2 apples daily – I don’t like eating raw apples for some reason {I should but I don’t.}
A serious problem was my cat got sick {she’s actually owned by my neighbor, like the other cats here – I am simply the recipient of neighbor cats who like being here more than their own home!} & I have no vet & was also snowed in even if I had! She had a nasty cough & was vomiting green flem. This for 2 days. I prayed to St. Martin Luther King Jr on his Feast Day to heal her – HE DID! From that day, no cough or flem, perfectly well.
It sounds like a small problem, but when you love your animals, their illness is your heartache.
Mental heartache:
This started after Lisa Lyon ascended Dec 1 past year.
Lisa’s Guardian Angel told me,
“They wrote you out of female body building.”
Since that time, I’ve been plagued with anguish & what to do about this being written out. I know its Arnold, as he controls, still, much to do with this field. People obey him. In particular, they wrote the history of female body building on Wikipedia & at his command & left me out. They did it on purpose because they also spelled Dan Lurie’s name wrong. I went in & corrected it, & days later, to mock me, they removed his name from the history completely! {They know it’s me who corrected it because anyone can check into the corrections & see who did it – & my presence gives my real name! Their presence gives fake ones! – So they knew I was there, they knew I knew what they were doing & wanted to mock me!}
I don’t have the energy yet to write out & explain all my troubled brain went through, just to say tis: At the end, God told me {& I will obey God}
“Do not seek recognition or worry about it. You wrote your history on your Kellie website & elsewhere, you can put it into your Wikipedia – do nothing more. To hanker after recognition is the ‘glory’ of this world – which Satan tempted Jesus with,
“I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory, if you will bow down & worship me.”
You obeyed God in doing what you did – all your great activities, & they bore fruit. The fruit helped humanity, that’s all that counts. Your glory will be in Heaven, some of it on earth before you die – do not worry about it!”
This anguish went back & forth a hundred times in my head & along with other sufferings, wore me out. It got to a point where I could no longer work or do anything creative. I ignored my dreams, even the Purgatory ones, as I had not the strength to write them out & analyze them. This has been going on for weeks.
I came to the conclusion that right now, I cannot work. But my WORK IS SUFFERING. By suffering I gain MERIT & GRACE. This goes to help Souls.
Yes I thought I had to write, & write, & write. Or else contact people about God. But sometimes, the suffering is the work! This gave me peace. I suffer, Souls get helped! Just like what Jesus did! Consider it. Jesus suffered, He saved us. It wasn’t his writing. He never even had a Church until well after his death. He did good, & He suffered. We do good & we suffer, also to save souls.
And the need for recognition, I must put that torturous desire to rest. It is of the devil – his gospel. And people like A___ are of the world, they follow the world & its teachings. I must NOT lower myself to that level, it is SIN.
“You must follow the Lord thy God & him {her} alone must thou serve!”
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