Save Nick’s Child

By Rasa Von Werder, August 17th, 2023

8-17-23 Save an infant’s life & Spiritual Sex

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Save Nick’s Child 


        Scene One of the dream:

        A man I love is in front of me lying on his back. I hover over him & kiss him deeply, a French kiss. I sense that my tongue touches a sensitive part of the inside of his mouth, like a clitoris.

        We’re on a staircase in a tall hallway, our family or friends are calling us to dinner below to the right & I guess we go.


        Meaning: This is my spiritual husband Nick. I was speaking to him yesterday which is seen as a ‘French kiss.’ It was NOT about sex. I was telling him how much more I respect him now ever since he brought me his dead friends in Purgatory to minister to. I congratulated him on how much he had improved spiritually.

The call to ‘dinner’ is probably me saying the Holy Mass & besides the Souls I say it for, Nick & I also receive its benefits. ***


Scene two: A man I love is near me. He’s handsome but I can’t tell who he is. He’s reading

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 a book, has on round black rimmed glasses like they wore in the 30’s & has on a lightly checkered summer shirt with short sleeves. The checks are light beige & maybe blue.


Meaning: Nick again. He’s seen as seriously studying. The book is probably a life review, where he went wrong, where he went right. Checks mean ‘the Cross’ so he probably regrets his mistakes – for the most part being a drug addict, staying with the female who provided drugs, not listening to me, not working on our relationship, not being with me except for sporadic sex, not taking my words seriously. The checks on his shirt show suffering for how he lived his life. ***


I say ardently,

“I miss you,”

Kissing his shoulder & face. We’re on a couch & covered by a thick rumpled blanket, & beyond us, a few feet below, is family & friends who don’t see us making out. They are preoccupied with something. One of them is wearing red, which means suffering, so it’s a problem they’re attending to.

Then I slide under the blanket to give my lover fellatio & begin. But I see to the right, a lady walks in. At this he gets out from under the blanket & says to me,

“We must stop.”

The lady comes up to me, hovers over me to congratulate me on something I did. She speaks of it seems I was checking the baggage coming in from an airplane & in a suitcase I heard an infant crying. I opened the suitcase & saved the infant’s life. No one else had heard the crying.

The lady has on a sort of soft bikini bra, I can only see cups in light pale green, don’t see the straps or anything. Strange wardrobe.


Meaning: I’ll need help from you, Mother God, as this is baffling. The dream shows the effect of my conversing with Nick for a short time, telling him consoling things & praising him, this reflects into ‘making love’ with him. Then there’s Holy Mass & a lady who tells me I saved a child’s life. How does it all fit together?

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Mother God: It may fit like this. Nick has a small son, 4 years old. You contacted the Mom of the tyke, & you warned her not to leave him with certain people who are pedophiles. She reacted with threats of violence. But nevertheless, this says you saved his life. He would have had a fate similar to Nick or his brother, who’s been in jail for years. Abuse brings devastation on the person. Although the Mom reacted negatively, you hoped she’d think about it & take a different course, which this suggests she has.

This is the most logical answer I can give on the subject.

Who is the lady & her strange bra? It might be a celestial being or it might be the Mom herself having a change of heart. The breasts represent love. 

Why the airline baggage, child in suitcase?  Airplane could mean a message ‘from above,’ & child in a suitcase is how helpless a baby is, just being put like that, cannot defend itself.  Your prayers for children this way have been constant.  

The people in a group beyond you who do not see your love making, one wearing red, sounds like people discussing the problem facing Nick’s child – being left with a pedophiliac.  The suffering woman is probably the lady who finally got the message to the baby Mamma & was threatened by her.  The child’s Mom refused to speak to you when you tried to contact her {because we were rivals for Nick}, so you asked your friend to convey the message.  She suffered for it with threats.

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