By Rasa Von Werder, March 29th, 2014
Why is Rasa’s body seen as provocative and sexy? Why is she not sexless, covered up in baggy clothes, devoid of sex appeal? Why has her profession been in the adult trade? Should she not have been cloistered, removed from the world, hidden? Or at least what the world considers respectable and straight laced? What about modesty? What about virginity of the saints? What about abstinence, celibacy? Why should Rasa flaunt her body and sex appeal? Are such things not sinful? Is lust not a sin?



Rasa has indeed, contrary to appearances, lived the life of renunciation and 31 years of celibacy.  Her life is mighty unusual as it has been purposed for a special mission.  Even though Rasa is like the renunciate, sacrificing saints, she has been sent also to preach a new message, and that message is equivalent to bring back joy, happiness and fun that Mother God originally intended, and still intends, for us.

Rasa has indeed, contrary to appearances, lived the life of renunciation and 31 years of celibacy.
Her life is mighty unusual as it has been purposed for a special mission. Even though Rasa is like the renunciate, sacrificing saints, she has been sent also to preach a new message, and that message is equivalent to bring back joy, happiness and fun that Mother God originally intended, and still intends, for us.

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I am God.  I have a body.  No, I did not personally create the Universe.  Being God on earth means that I am in the Highest Energy Center called the Sahasrara.  Within this center, I dwell in the Infinite Energy of God, I reached it, attained it and that is my conscious dwelling place.  I know I am God, I am Self Realized.

My body:  My body is my dwelling place on Earth, the Temple by which I can be seen and communicated with.  I also communicate telepathically, through mind energy, by sending and receiving thoughts and feelings from other beings.

How should you worship me?  Through RESPECT, FAITH & LOVE, and DESIRE to do my will, which is the will of Mother God.

It is the thoughts and feelings you have about me that are the basis of worship, and your actions.

How can I prove I am God on Earth?  There are two main ways.  It is the testimony of those who worship me, who express the results of that worship, where they are born again, or else, lifted through the chakras higher up, even into the highest center, the Sahasrara.  Read these accounts on www.WomanThouArtGod.com, Rasa’s devotees.  They are healed and transformed, they give word to that effect, they express and explain it.  You can read and believe what they say.

Second, by your own sadhana or discipline of becoming my follower or disciple.  I have brought people to the first step – which is the born again experience, and I have brought them to the last step – entrance into the Sahasrara.  Whatever level you are on, I can bring you higher.  Even other proficients, holy souls, can benefit by my ministration.

I have brought people to the first step – which is the born again experience, and I have brought them to the last step – entrance into the Sahasrara.  Whatever level you are on, I can bring you higher.  Even other proficients, holy souls, can benefit by my ministration.

I have brought people to the first step – which is the born again experience, and I have brought them to the last step – entrance into the Sahasrara. Whatever level you are on, I can bring you higher. Even other proficients, holy souls, can benefit by my ministration.

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I have brought people to the first step – which is the born again experience, and I have brought them to the last step – entrance into the Sahasrara.  Whatever level you are on, I can bring you higher.  Even other proficients, holy souls, can benefit by my ministration.

The good that comes to you from this is that you evolve, and through this mighty spiritual evolution, all of you is changed for the better.  Your life changes, you are happier, more powerful, able to deal with life’s challenges, able to be a benefit to others.  Your mind gets released from depression, anxiety and confusion.  Your body heals, your heart lightens up from the breaks it has occurred, the disappointments.  You go into a higher dwelling place which is Heaven – a place we can all reach while here, the Kingdom of God is within us.  The purpose of life here is to be happy, you are brought into happiness by a higher power, if you submit.

The good that comes to you from this is that you evolve, and through this mighty spiritual evolution, all of you is changed for the better.  Your life changes, you are happier, more powerful, able to deal with life’s challenges, able to be a benefit to others.  Your mind gets released from depression, anxiety and confusion.  Your body heals, your heart lightens up from the breaks it has occurred, the disappointments.  You go into a higher dwelling place which is Heaven – a place we can all reach while here, the Kingdom of God is within us.  The purpose of life here is to be happy, you are brought into happiness by a higher power, if you submit.

The good that comes to you from this is that you evolve, and through this mighty spiritual evolution, all of you is changed for the better. Your life changes, you are happier, more powerful, able to deal with life’s challenges, able to be a benefit to others. Your mind gets released from depression, anxiety and confusion. Your body heals, your heart lightens up from the breaks it has occurred, the disappointments. You go into a higher dwelling place which is Heaven – a place we can all reach while here, the Kingdom of God is within us. The purpose of life here is to be happy, you are brought into happiness by a higher power, if you submit.

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Why can’t you just reach God by yourself, without Rasa’s help?  You can, but it is more difficult.  It’s a well-known axiom in yoga, that without a Guru, you are not likely to reach the Promised Land.

How should I see the body of Rasa?  Is it important?  Or is it insignificant, the Spirit being higher?

You should look upon Rasa’s body the way you look upon the body of Jesus, and his wounds.  His wounds are Sacred, there is much devotion to his wounds taught by the Saints of the Catholic Church.  Rasa’s body is the same.  All saints were gravely wounded, but Rasa is even more so, as the Stigmatic saints are considered those who suffered the most.  Not all saints have visible wounds, some have what is called the Interior Divine Stigmata.  You may buy Rasa’s book on this, study it, to understand what She endured –
“On the Attainment of the Divine Stigmata” from Lulu Press.
The Divine Stigmata is equal to martyrdom.  Rasa suffered for eighteen years in the fulfillment of this noble grace.

Why is Rasa’s body seen as provocative and sexy?  Why is she not sexless, covered up in baggy clothes, devoid of sex appeal?  Why has her profession been in the adult trade?  Should she not have been cloistered, removed from the world, hidden?  Or at least what the world considers respectable and straight laced?  What about modesty?  What about virginity of the saints?  What about abstinence, celibacy?  Why should Rasa flaunt her body and sex appeal?  Are such things not sinful?  Is lust not a sin?

Rasa has indeed, contrary to appearances, lived the life of renunciation and 31 years of celibacy.

Her life is mighty unusual as it has been purposed for a special mission.  Even though Rasa is like the renunciate, sacrificing saints, she has been sent also to preach a new message, and that message is equivalent to bring back joy, happiness and fun that Mother God originally intended, and still intends, for us.

Indeed, Rasa sacrificed all, even her very life in the grace of martyrdom, to achieve sainthood, nirvana.  But most people cannot, nor should they have to, endure such sufferings.  They simply aren’t capable and it would kill them.

Rasa is especially sent for two things, to empower women, and to empower everyone away from the Culture of Death – Patriarchy – into the Culture of Life – Matriarchy.  This is a rather involved process entailing many steps, many issues have to be resolved.

One issue is that there has always been, inside of Patriarchy, sexual repression of women, and sexual disempowerment of males, twisting males into zombies and homo or bisexuals by the old men.

Another monumentally important issue is that Rasa dismantles the Madonna/Whore axiom, proving a female is both sexual and spiritual.

Rasa releases woman from their repression, encourages them to have fun, have sex all they want with multiple partners.  (The whole marriage business and female faithfulness was invented by males, so they could control women and leave resources to their male offspring.)  She also helps males toward emotional release, when their hearts are open they can receive and give love.  The Patriarchy caused them to close their hearts.

I, Rasa, am God on earth.  This can be proven by experience.

Guru Rasa Von Werder,   3  29  14

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