This frightened me so badly, it was so real, I didn’t want to record it – thinking for sure they would get me for murder {lol.}
After I calmed down, realized it was not about me at all, but as happened before, I was in the skin of another experiencing their reality, in this case, a woman was guilty of murder on some level.
There was a preamble but it’s been a day since the dream, I’ve forgotten it.
I was with this woman & there were two men – One, a handsome, strong, broad-bodied man – kind of like my Uncle Henry, athletic, vibrant. Let’s call him ‘Hank.’
He was here, near us – this woman & myself. And a second man, who’s also handsome, younger, thinner, rounder of feature but smaller head & body, somehow reminds me of a criminal, is also near us.
I don’t know why, but this woman decides to KILL Hank, & I seem to be in her skin so I’m as guilty as she, her accomplice.
But it is the criminal who does the actual murder but this doesn’t explain HOW.
We are all together, physically close, in some sort of attic that extends as long as 5 houses. The strangest thing is that HANK agrees to his own murder! He wants to die!
In this attic then the murder is committed & the cover-up begins. The lady & I do not want to be caught – we want to escape arrest & punishment. We’re planning the leave the attic, the scene of the crime, & go far away where no one knows us. They’ll find his body in the attic & look for us but not be able to find us.
Hank is DEAD but yet alive talking to us but after a while he faints & collapses. He’s lying on his back. And a bit later we see just his arm lying on a table, & we ominously say to one another,
“That’s the table we ate on.”
How gruesome.
We now plot how to get out of the attic & make our escape, being sure no one sees us. We head downstairs, but there in the middle of the house our mutual friend Rudy is on the phone, loudly talking. The bathroom is across from us. We think Rudy might pass through this area exiting the house, so we go into the bathroom {my suggestion} & close the door, standing there, she to my right. She’s a whole head taller than I, seems to be wearing pale blue diaphanous clothes.
As Rudy passes this area he stops before the door of the bath & he can see right through the door & wall. But he only looks at the other lady, just gazes in a blank way – doesn’t look at me.
Then he’s gone & the door & wall were but a wheat-colored curtain, like soft thin burlap, & it’s been moved aside. I say to her,
“Who moved the curtain?” {end}
*{The end tells the meaning. I had two good friends, both of whom died, one Rudy, who spent only 18 days in Purgatory & about the same time a lady who I shall call Betty Ann, also died, & she’s still in Purgatory. She knew Rudy also & had utter contempt for him & spoke against him many times, but I was of a different opinion. I knew Rudy had a good heart, & one time when he had no place to live, I allowed him to stay I my house for over a year – he paid a small rent & got so much done for me, it was more than anyone had ever done to help me with my house needs & landscaping. It was he personally who did it, even though he was disabled, & he got his friends to do the rest for reasonable fees. In the last years of his life he couldn’t drive & no one visited him at the senior citizens housing but me. I took him to dinner about once every 2-3 weeks. {All those ‘friends’ he’d had were like Face Book friends – they all vanished when he could no longer drive & thereby be a ‘go-fer’ for them & kibbitz at their regular coffee shop.}
Betty Ann was a contemptuous person & besides Rudy she also hated blacks – for no reason except prejudice, & often spoke against them. That may be ‘beside the point’ or maybe not – it shows her lack of empathy, which this dream also reveals.
A couple months ago I reconciled Betty Ann with Rudy, saw it in a dream. I had to help her move her hand to shake his, but it was done.
Now Betty Ann’s husband got caner. She had to go with him to numerous appointments as the disease progressed & not knowing the whole picture, I was kind of mad that she was being used this way & felt it would exhaust her & maybe affect her health. I guess it was after he died my inner voice said,
“She worked him to death.”
I was not able to see it that way, as I only knew her & him very little. She was helpful & supportive of me although I noticed the flaw of greed & materialism. And also that he worked various jobs even while he had the cancer, in order to pay for his insurance. I felt it was a lot to ask for a sick person, but what did I know? How could they pay for the insurance, then? I suppose out of her salary, which would have made them poor – but it could be done.
This dream supports the statement that ‘she worked him to death.’ And for what?
After he died, only then did she & I go out together a few times, to dinner. She had the time but she was also diagnosed with fatal cancer! Woe to Betty Jane! But it would not hit her for a long time – a year or two until she was grounded.
It was then she told me about her jewelry – he’d bought her expensive jewelry with real diamonds & emeralds. {My own opinion is these are a waste of money.} And she had more nice THINGS in her house than anyone I’d ever known! {No U-haul behind the hearse when she died.}
OK she died. Now I’m seeing in this dream, inside her skin, why she’s so long in Purgatory. Rudy ‘sees through’ the wall where we are. The ‘rest room’ represents Purgatory. He’s looking at her. At the end, he MOVES THE VEIL between himself & her. And he reveals to me indeed, she worked her husband to death. He’s not looking at me because I’m not there!
The other man – the criminal, must be Satan.
And that might very well be the principle sin of why she’s so long in Purgatory {not as long as some, but for a person who seemed decent otherwise it could be called long. It’s 2 years 3 months so far, average person – like Elvis Presley – is 5 years.}
Why did she work him ‘to death?’
For THINGS, those unnecessary, ridiculous things of the world – gadgets, nice things, a life bordering on luxury which he killed himself for. And suicide? He agreed to her terms, he wanted to please her.
And the arm on the table? She often said to me, that he said,
“What does this person bring to the table?”
He brought his arm – the arm of his strength & labor. And it was sacrificed as he was. Gruesome. {end}
2-14-24 Asian in the Sacred Room
I was in some sort of building, have forgotten all else but this. As I meander down the stairs of this huge building I go toward a room to the left which has no door.
I see only part of it, imagine the rest & the man sitting at this desk. What I see is two exquisite armed chairs with many planks up & down the back of them. They aren’t tall, kind of low like the back to one’s shoulders, a dark blonde or light brown color, highly polished. And in front of the I don’t really see but know there’ s a beautiful desk, & behind that desk is an Asian man who’s so special I don’t dare walk in there to see him. This is his office, but he’s private & Sacred. I back up & go my way back to find my way wherever I was going.
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