
By Rasa Von Werder, November 19th, 2023

Prostitution-Priests-Dancing 11-18-23

Believe it or not, It’s Purgatory


         Above is the great courtesan La Belle Otero, Spanish/Greek, lived in Monte Carlo, died in Nice, France.

  Five Kings sat at her table on her 29th birthday while she danced naked on top of it!  BTW those are real pearls.  In that era rich men including royalty, gave authentic jewels for sex.   She said at one time, had she asked for it, when on a gambling spree in Monte Carlo {she became addicted} she could have gotten 10 grand a night from one of these Toffs.  Her dressing room was filled to the ceiling with fragrant  roses, huge bouquets.  She lived to 97 years old, – there is a movie made of her life- French/Italian, dialogue in French – “the Beautiful Otero” starring Maria Felix {not a good representation IMO} – in her old age was penniless & a prior lover in the govt  gave her a small pension.  She lived in a room with tiny balcony at the Hotel Novelty until her death in 1965.  At her funeral there was one lonely carriage with a royal crest {it says in her book}, other than that, a few associates & friends came – no big fanfare – she was forgotten.  At the end of this article see the piece about her plus a MOVIE of her dancing!  Her beauty was mezmerizing, her dance vivacious!  She’s an example how physical beauty plus celebrity brings one all the things of the world, but when that’s gone, you can whistle Dixie.  But I must add she could have died in wealth but she gambled it all away!

I almost skipped recording this thinking it was irrelevant because of the subject but suddenly remembered my own precious teaching, that those things which are most sexy can be most spiritual, & Prostitution can denote ministry to Souls, & definitely, my dance performance is usually for Purgatory.

          OK there were dozens of details I have forgot but what I do recall will fit together.

          I’m in a place performing. This is vague. But at the end of the dancing – I see in retrospect there are many dancers – at least 20.

          At the end, a special group, only 5, are chosen to do Prostitution!

          But prior to that activity, they must come out again to perform, & the clients sitting in the audience will choose who they want & then they will set a price & do their thing.

         I am not one of the 5 so I go sit in the audience to watch what is going on. The first thing that caught my eye was that they had to perform again, having already done so.

As I sit in the audience I see the first female get on stage, totally naked. She is beautiful of face & body, perfect, & she is nude – no striptease. Her steps are being done on the floor, reclining, facing the audience & doing excellent intricate steps.

The men in the audience, alas, are also only about 5. There were more prior to this ‘specialty’ show. We should have a full house or half, but no, hardly anyone. Pissed at this I look to my right at the group of other females & exclaim with derision,

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“So where are all these big buck {money} males?”

There is much weight in these words, as the males, in this dream, are pretentious & they proclaim their prosperity & high standing, but now, the chance comes for this intimate act & there’s hardly anyone in the audience.

I see one seat taken up by two friends. They seem strange, like one’s face is like ‘Jiminy Cricket,’ they are both not well formed.

Next scene, the show is over. I go to the dressing room to gather my belongings – we must all take them when each day’s work is over – & I am looking for my gown.

I see a box which has dozens of beautiful waist cinchers, but they aren’t mine. I even touch one made of a soft white with black embroidery, valuable, expensive. I wanted one of these. But I pass over this box, seeking where is my gown? I do see one I thought was mine but then say no, mine is pure black sparkles, I recall that dress – it’s on the cover of my first biography book, solid sequins with a v-neck top.

This is where I see the rest of the 20 or so females who performed all seeking their wardrobe I our dimly-lit hallway/dressing room.


*{I DO HAVE a good insight what this is, thank God I typed it. It is about my & other women’s ministry to Purgatory, & a decent group of us are helping, but then a special group of 5 can come forward to have INTIMACY with those men who can RECEIVE IT.

I imagine the general helpers are those who care, who pray, who receive or have Holy Masses said, or like me, celebrate the Holy Mass for them.

But now something extra happens. Some women are ready, willing & able to give Grace to certain men WHO CAN RECEIVE IT in order to make the ASCENT INTO HEAVEN.

There are few candidates both ways. Understand that lifting a soul out of Purgatory does not happen willy nilly or at random. There has to be a connection, or else, a Saint like Holy Mary must prepare the link, to get us hooked up to a certain client or clients in Purgatory. And so here it seems someone from Heaven has made connections, or the connections were already there, of who might receive Grace to ascend, – It’s determined who will give & receive God’s Grace.

There are 5 to give, 5 to receive.

I am scoffing at the males, who on Earth, bragged or believed how great they were, & yet, in Purgatory, they have to wait & wait to be delivered. It seems they are there due to their PRIDE.

The two unformed men are an example, in life they might have seemed well formed, but spiritually they were not.

And sadly, it seems to me, these 5 men, although the females are ready, are incapable of receiving this Grace.

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The scene where the performing is done & we are getting our costumes: What are costumes? In the Old Testament is says one Prophet left his MANTLE to his successor. The mantle is LIGHT or tools, Gifts, by which the Prophet or minister works.

For a few minutes we HUNG UP our ‘Mantles’ as we were not working, now we retrieve them.

I covet some fine tools or Gifts, seen as the corsets, one which is a soft white with black trim, but it isn’t mine. We can only have those Gifts which God has appropriated – the ones we’re capable of using! So I pass this box of corsets by & continue looking for my own gown/Gift.

My dress is crying ‘funeral,’ the shiny black sequins, solid sequin dress like I used to wear in real life.

The nude female on stage: Nudity is openness & vulnerability, no clothing, no mask. She’s pure Love & Grace. Her ‘on her back’ is another symbol of vulnerability. That is the position where we’re most receptive or can be accessed or attacked by a predator. {Consider, if a predator attacks from the back, they have less access to face, heart, glands & sensitive areas. Or if we are on a ledge or hill the predator cannot attack easily.}

Her facial & bodily beauty are both SPIRITUAL beauty.

Her great steps? Whatever she does, actions of Grace.}*



Then there’s a conversation about Priests – & I speak, in awe, something like this,

“I knew the ‘Priest of Prostitutes’ Father DePaul Genska, who worked at the Catholic Theological Union as a Professor. He even gave me his syllabus to do with what I like. I plan to publish it some day.” {this is facts of real life}

These statements of mine are weighty in my mind.


*{ME: Mother God, what is the significance of this?

MG: It seems like two different subjects, as we’re speaking of non-physical acts of Love & Grace, whereas Fr. DePaul ministered to & about females who were in the business of sex therapy on earth. So how do these gel?

It might be a good excuse to give the sermon on ‘Sacred Harlots,’ where men once went to Priestesses in Temples & donated for sex in order to reach Enlightenment {tantra sex}. Sex was a spiritual act, & here sex is symbolic of transmission of Grace from women to men.}*


Then I am close to Billy Graham! He’s wearing a grey suit & he’s huge. As I’m close to him I feel terrific love coming from him to me, & we kiss on the lips tenderly. And I go a step further & kiss his hand, which he didn’t ask for – he is so humble he felt he had to kiss my hand, not me his. But I wanted to humble myself, as he’s so great. Our kisses were way more than platonic, the lips kiss was kind’ a French, the hand kiss, my mouth was ajar. This has meaning.


*{My gut feeling is this is St. Charbel who might be helping you now. This shows how high up he is, of great Holiness {huge}. The kissing is intimacy or Souls exchanging Grace & Love. Both of you are trying to out-humble the other, lol.}*

La Belle Otero!

La Belle Otero: The Greek-Spanish Beauty Who Enchanted the Belle Epoque


         Agustina del Carmen Otero Iglesias, known as “La Belle Otero,” was said to be the most beautiful woman of the Belle Epoque—so beautiful, in fact, that men dueled and died over her. The actress, dancer, model, and courtesan was one of the most famous figures of the period.

Born of a Spanish mother and a Greek Army officer father in Valga, Spain in 1868, Otero came from an impoverished background. Soon after her birth, her father abandoned the family, leaving her mother to raise her alone.

The family was so poor that, as a child, Otero was forced to leave the home to work as a maid for a wealthy family in Santiago de Compostela. Tragically, she was raped at the age of ten while working for the family and suffered abuse and exploitation throughout much of her time there.

         At the age of fourteen, Otero fled the home with her boyfriend, and later dancing partner, named Paco. They went to Lisbon, Portugal, where Otero began her career as a dancer and singer.

Extraordinarily beautiful, Otero was the epitome of beauty at the time, with mesmerizing large, dark eyes, pale skin, rich brown hair, and classic features.

         Otero soon became one of the most popular entertainers in Portugal and Spain, both for her looks and her incredible talent as a dancer.

While living and working in Barcelona, the twenty-year-old Otero found a sponsor named Ernest Jurgens who provided her with the funds to move to Marseille and promote her career as a singer and dancer in France.

While there, Otero created the character “La Belle Otero,” who she fashioned as a mysterious gypsy from Andalucia, southern Spain.

 In addition to Otero’s great beauty, she was also known to be very witty, curious, and intelligent, making her a popular figure amongst high society in France.

Her mysterious beauty and charming personality embodied the ultimate standards of the Belle Epoque, a period of economic prosperity, peace, discovery, progress, and art in France that flourished from the 1870s until the First World War.

         Her beauty and dancing talent made her a star of the famed caberet Folies Bergere in Paris, where she donned incredibly ornate and revealing costumes that put her voluptuous figure on full display.

Famously, her prodigious bosom was said to be the model and inspiration for the twin cupolas of the Carlton Hotel in Cannes, which was built in 1912.

Otero was the epitome of beauty during Belle Epoque

Along with her position as a dancer and entertainer, Otero was also a courtesan to the rich and powerful of Europe. Known internationally for her beauty and wit, the Greek-Spanish beauty was considered one of the most sought-after women in Europe.

         She is said to be associated with some of the most prominent figures in Europe, including Kaiser Wilhelm II, Prince Albert I of Monaco, King Edward VII, and many other royals and thinkers of the day.

         Her many lovers were the topic of much discussion, and legends formed surrounding Otero’s amorous affairs. It was said that six men killed themselves when their affairs with her ended. Although likely a myth, it is confirmed that two men did indeed duel over La Belle Otero.

Always at the cutting edge, Otero also starred in several early films. Famously, the beauty was filmed in St. Petersburg dancing the famous “Valse Brillante” by an employee of the Lumiere company, who were some of the earliest filmmakers in history.

The one-minute film was screened in Russia and caused great controversy, as an officer of the Tsar’s army appeared in the scene, which was considered unbecoming for a military man.

         The great beauty, born into an impoverished family, became fantastically wealthy by the time she retired after World War I. Using the wealth she accumulated as a dancer and courtesan, Otero purchased a mansion worth the equivalent of $15 million.

Yet, somehow she managed to lose nearly all of it in casinos and nightclubs, and by the time she died at the age of 97 in 1965, Otero had hardly any earthly possessions aside from her memories of the Belle Epoque.

She passed away of a heart attack in her one-room apartment in Nice, France.

Reflecting on her life as an older woman, Otero stated that “Women have one mission in life: to be beautiful. When one gets old, one must learn how to break mirrors. I am very gently expecting to die.”

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