Non–Christian Ascends to Heaven

By Rasa Von Werder, February 18th, 2024

Non Christian rises up to Heaven-HUGE party-2-18-24


This might be a Muslim {Ascending} but am not sure


         If there was ever proof non-Christians go to Heaven, this is it.

         I’m in this unusual place that I usually don’t rub shoulders with. My community group is on one side of this area, indoors, large rooms {like 40’ square}, while another community/family is to the other side. There are NO BARRIERS like a fence, wall, divider – nothing. It’s just an invisible line & I find myself crossing it to the other side.

         There in the corner is a TREE kind of like a Christmas tree but has few leaves. It has HUGE THORNS like 4” long! But it also is loaded with large PLUMS {we consume most of them}. I decide to try them, & my friends on my side join me & we all partake of these fruits. Only one is bad, I open it & inside a person has placed their GARBAGE – like a red & white checkered tablecloth & other items that are to be thrown out. Disgusted, I throw this piece into the nearby garbage can – also thinking like so,

“I’m availing myself of my neighbor’s trash can to discard stuff, I hope they won’t mind.

*{“Only one is bad.” “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These FRUITS are the ACTIONS that are borne from the beliefs of a person. The only thing I would despise from the Muslims would be their treatment of women – which this might pertain to as the tablecloth –women prepare & serve the food. So this belief system disgusts me & I throw it in the ash can.}*

There’s a point where I must go up a stairs, which I do, & am uneasy as a man who is ‘shook up’ is following me – the man is some kind of nervous wreck.

As I climb up I come to a balcony where there are semi-see through large wooden-framed shades before the street, it makes me uncomfortable as the man enters also & I don’t know what he’ll do – is he dangerous? His appearance is thin, average in light brown clothes, short hair, a worried man.

*{This worried, nervous wreck would be a man in Purgatory. ^The THORNS on the tree might be what he endured in life. ^ I am with him, as I’m his MINISTER but he makes me uncomfortable as Muslims look down on women. But he does nothing evil. He & me with him are in an in-between place, still in Purgatory, but some of the Light is shining through where he’ll soon be released ^the shades letting in some light from the street. ^}*


Then it gets sketchy. Things happen so vague between both communities, I can’t explain. But we all end up IN THE STREET & as I walk here, there are SO MANY PEOPLE lining this one street, on both sides, you could not cross to the other side & get where you want to go as the people are like sardines. At the same time, the curb across us & air are filled with big yellow & white balloons, like some kind of celebration. {the yellow balloons remind me of ‘smiley’ faces they usually print that way.}

*{Ah, this is his ASCENSION! The STREET is the dividing line between earth & Heaven. On the other side are members of the Heavenly realm, all happy, receiving him. Myself & others on this side could not go there & get to another place as one must DIE to go there lol. My best friend Rudy was also seen in this symbol, while we walked on the sidewalk, came to a street, I stopped, but he RAN across – which was the Other Side – & he ascended in 18 days!}*

I’m standing in a lovely dress – it’s soft, silky yellow, chest seems flat, & my hair is fixed nicely, short, straight but puffed up. I am very aware of myself – thinking ‘How do I look? Will the people notice me? Lol – no one does.

Some of my own people are close to me & in fact, standing slightly in front of me. I tell them,

“Step aside – I am a star. You must not cover me, I must be in front.”

They move away from blocking me.

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*{ME: Mother God I need help with this, as it sounds extremely vain & I don’t want to judge myself. What does it indicate?

MG: It’s simply to show you, in the dream, that you’re responsible for this man’s Ascension – he was your client. You had him rise up with you, follow you, up the stairs where there was semi-light & then there was his Ascension.

ME: The yellow silky dress, straight but puffy hair & why is my chest almost flat? That would mean ‘no love.’

MG: You’re dressed for a PARTY, you’re celebrating – got your hair done, put on this festive dress, chest flat might mean the opposite of what you think. Could be saing ‘I’m not advertising my love, no one SEES me or looks at me means these people don’t give me CREDIT for their associate being liberated. So it’s OK, not a bad symbol. If your chest was PUFFED UP you know what that mean – wanting credit. So you deserve credit, but his people don’t even know who you are!}*

After this outdoor scene we seem to be back inside & I wish I could recall details but it felt like a party – & my neighbors are the host. I recall eating but what? The feeling is although we are vastly different from the neighbors, all is overlooked & we are affable.

*{This is a terrific dream of an Ascension!}*


JUST BEFORE I WAKE UP I sense a woman deeply sad. The phone rings – I hear her voice, downhearted. My greeting is,

“What’s wrong?”

She says,

“My health.”

I asked her name, she said it several times, but I could not understand it or identify her. It sounded like ‘Lorelei’.

I start praying for her.  It has to be a living woman as she mentions health. {end}


2-16-24 Wet kisses-Not pleasant–Mickey Hargitay Visits

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         There’s a man I approached for help but am not hopeful. I have a low table – it’s round & has a round bench around it. It’s been worked so much, has so many screws & nails in it & been out in the air so long, it’s falling apart. I study it, where can I drive another nail to hold it together? It’s splitting apart; it’s rotted through in spots. Reminds me of the picnic table I had so many years, which finally just collapsed. There was no place on this item where I could put a screw or a nail to fix it left.

         I show this table to this man & he doesn’t seem to care. Later we’re going somewhere & he’s to my right holding my arms. We pause & he wants to kiss me. It isn’t pleasant, his kisses are wet & I now recall we did this some time before, was also not pleasant.

         Suddenly two people appear before us, working. They are not to see us kissing & I caution him to stop.


         *{This is probably a man in Purgatory because his kisses are unpleasant. When James Brown came to me & kissed me it was unpleasant because he was still in Purgatory – therefore his soul was unclean. I thught he was rising up to heaven then, but that was still years far off – so I was perplexed why the kiss was unpleasant. His soul was yet unclean – this is the same thing I reckon.

         I’m asking him for help to fix a table. What does a table symbolize? It’s the breaking of brad, camaraderie unity, friendship. You have to have a table to sit down like a family or friends. But if the table has been nailed & screwed so many times, it can’t take another hit – that is myself, having been hurt so many times. Being screwed, nailed, nails going into one are tortures. Here I see the top of one screw that is HUGE, with a round top covering it. This is someone hurt me deeply – this man no doubt. And being out in the open, the weather has made it rot. That’s being out in the world, no protection or help – no consolation like a home to go to where one is sheltered.

         Therefore this man & I cannot sit down at table, be reconciled, be close or have love. There is no way unless he makes reparation, but he doesn’t. He did not care in real life; he still has not the contrition for what he did.

         But in kissing me he seeks union – love – that he wants from me. He is unclean, it’s unpleasant. “He’s all wet” is a negative term, meaning someone isn’t ready – immature, unprepared.

         But I can’t figure out who he is & who are the two men who would be disturbed if they saw us kissing? They would be those who love me or protect me – possible Gurus or Guardian Angels, or even souls in Purgatory. Ah, they are carrying a table right in front of us, from left to right.

         So the table figures again – why? It’s all about that. This soul is not ready to go forward but he’s trying to get love out of me. Mother God, who is it?

         MG: There are so many men who hurt you, where do we start? I’m trying to pick up from the appearance bet that would be an indication of his state of soul, not how he looked on earth. His looks are like his kiss – unpleasant. The worst thing about him is when you show him the table he doesn’t care. He has no empathy, he’s not sorry for the pain he caused you. I need time to think who it could be. The table is the relationship – it was hopeless.

         Could this be Nick? Maybe. It would show he’s not ready to ascend into Heaven, he’s doing his Purgatory with you here on earth, suffering with you, but sometimes getting glimpse of Heaven as you do.}*


         Earlier I recall my upper yard. Time had passed, not long, but a new season. The terrain now had trees where there were none {Christmas trees, pyramidal!} before but parts of the ground were barren & made a path like a low bridge, you could walk on this bare-earth bridge across from side to side on the hill, as I was doing & enjoying the scenery. Am I barefoot, enjoying the dry sandy soil here? There were bushes & evergreens, but sparse so you get sunshine & light. It’s like a new season brought new vegetation, not like many years had passed, it was just a season. This isn’t logical, but there it is.

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         *{New season would be time to do something different, new situation, new lifestyle. Like first I was dancing, then ran a business, then got married, then was a widow. All new seasons.

         What do the symbols in this season say?

         The new path is a ridge, dry, sandy, it appeared by itself – I did nothing. Sand is the sand of time. {Sand on the beach was once huge rocks eons broke it down to sand, the sand running through an hour glass.} Time created this ridge, which is a new path or new way to go.

         What do you see? A Christmas tree & other bushes & evergreens, like a lovely garden. The Christmas tree is blessings & gifts. Something has been given you. It could be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. We shall see as the days progress, I can’t discern it now.

This predicts some kind of happiness, maybe that dream of Jan 27 with Jesus kissing your hand, the bears of suffering approaching you from all angles, maybe that season of suffering will be over.}* 


         Then the thing about Mickey Hargitay. He suddenly appeared in my premises, a sort of extensive house, where a few people are milling about – it’s more like an office or business than a residence.

         He’s suddenly there – just like the image in my Life Story, part 9. He doesn’t know about my praising/promoting him in my book. I want to show him. I tell him about it, that I said he’s “The world’s Greatest Lover,” then I look for the book. There was a stack of them; about 6 in a row on a table/shelf, with one on top the other, all the covers glossy back & white. But they’re gone. I search everywhere. There’s a person here, a man I guess, who more or less supervises the place & I ask him if he knows where they are. He seems to & tells me he put them such a place he thinks – but I don’t recall where, & that’s it.   {End}


         *{This is a blast from the past – I was 21-22. Baffled. Is this really him or a symbol of someone else Mother God?

         MG: This seems to go with ‘new season.’ Time has certainly passed from then to now. But what does it mean? He’s come to you, who is he? Himself or a symbol?

         He can’t be the wet kisser for two reasons. One, he never hurt you. Two, he was a good person as far as we could tell; he would not be in Purgatory 18 years.

         Is this a message about books?

       Why would he appear to you from Heaven? Valentine’s Day?

         Let’s put this on hold & think about it.

         The book covers being in ‘black & white’ meaning its news like a newspaper {used to be}, & it’s clear, as ‘black & white’ is clear. Your books are clear & honest, they are factual. You did not lie or exaggerate anything, nor diminish it.

         You want to prove or show what you said about Mickey to him – but the books are missing. Is there someone who wants to know about him? Another person, not him? This person is thinking about him? A friend, his daughter Mariska, his son Zoltan? Mariska is mentioned in his chapter. Maybe someone told her about your book. Maybe she sees an angle in it for a TV movie on her Dad’s life? This is hard to understand.}*   {end}

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