New Portal with Nick! Help Souls!

By Rasa Von Werder, September 28th, 2023


9-27-23 Rich gets me a new apt he’ll pay for –

Means Nick gets me a new portal to help Souls & he will suffer for it


         Fascinating development to do with Purgatory. And I understand something I did not before – that when I dream about the B’klyn apt it is my PORTAL TO PURGATORY! – {Why? Because my most memorable spiritual events happened there. Seeing God Face to Face twice, Mary giving me Evangelical Virtues, Mary asks me to take the vow of celibacy – Interior Divine Stigmata!}

         It starts with this family I’m visiting at the B’klyn apt.   They are poor. I’m mostly dealing with the lady.

         I first see this lady with a little son near her mopping the entire floor of where the apt’s are on our floor. The staircase, she has shut a ‘door trap’ like just wood, so that it looks like just a floor, no opening, & she is MOPPING, cleaning the entire floor. It’s some kind of act of charity or love – She doesn’t have to do this but she is, & I’m impressed. I tell her the ‘room’ looks beautiful now that she’s cleaning it – & it’s clean for everyone, all the people living on this floor. The floor is a yellowish color, maybe linoleum.

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        John Alexander Dowie {above} was a Protestant but he believed in Purgatory – He took me there


*{THIS IS A LADY on earth who represents a Soul or Souls in Purgatory. She is a person who told me about her house burning down – all was lost – even the kitchen utensils – everything. The house requires all goods for 3 adults & 3 college aged persons.

         I happened to have an entire large apt of goods from kitchen to living to bedroom plus many other things I did not need – things I used for photography backgrounds, things I had that I anticipated for parties at my house – lovely things my late husband bought me. – All the best. I gave this lady for her & her people, all of the above & expecting nothing more than simple ‘thanks’ which I anticipated & got – I kept reminding myself this was for God & myself to empty myself of stuff I didn’t need which was a burden.


And so it was. And mind you, many things had to be laundered, organized, carried to my car – loaded into hers {she didn’t help} – there were 5 ½ car loads. In my condition – hurting back & two hurting hips – it was not the easiest, but I did it. It was a month of work.

         This opening scene shows that this lady DESERVED or EARNED what I gave her, due to her past CHARITY. But we will see later in the dream how things change.}*


         That scene is over. Now I visit her in her apt & somehow it has to do with mine also. This part is confusing or jumbled. Which is hers, which is mine? It’s extensive & I have come, out of my good heart, to help her. I do all sorts of things for her that I don’t have to do. In the end she is not grateful & I am hurt, I pace up & down the floor, saying,

         “All I wanted or expected was RESPECT.”

         But she did not give it – Strange deal. It’s like she would not tell anyone WHO I WAS – just my name, address, & told everyone involved, the moving men who brought items here to her place {furniture I donate, etc} not to speak of me, to me, about me. Not to know anything about me. Just put the items in, finito. It makes me anonymous & invisible. No love for me, no gratitude from anyone.


         *{I had been thinking, wishing I guess, maybe she would tell her housemates who I was – they could look me up on the internet. Maybe they would take a shine to me. Maybe they would ring me up & invite me over when their new house was organized & ready for live in. She said they were expected to be well set up by Christmas. Maybe they would invite me for Christmas, since half the stuff in their new house would be from me?….But no such luck, nothing. No gratitude, no recompense. I did it for me & God & it seems here, lol, Purgatory Souls.}*

         Her apt, mine, & a third party’s, it’s all on the same floor & we are sort traversing back & forth. Her apt is very large, cluttered, I am helping. She’s stooping down here as in the original scene, organizing.

After a while I go out. Outside I pass by a man I think is a ‘lowlife.’ I don’t speak to him but ‘hello’ as I know him. He’s wearing a soft off white grayish t-shirt that is folded over his middle – the middle slightly protruding – later the lady I’m helping is wearing the exact same garment {means she has given in to him} as I will explain, she hooks up with him!

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*{LOWLIFE MAN: This is a DEMON lurking about, & by his stomach protruding slightly over the not white, light grey t shirt {not white is not pure, grayish would be mental thoughts} could be the TEMPTATION TO GREED rather than gratitude. As the stomach protruding is ‘full stomach,’ someone wants to eat or consume more than they need – greed.}*


OK, she goes out then & when she comes back she says she saw this man, & they are now some sort of ‘partners’ & he’s going to make a movie of her! This astonishes me. What kind of movie? What for? She’s a nobody & I don’t think has any qualities for an actress or movie star. But she stands there are lit up, cheerful, wearing a dark outfit but decent. Her hair is black, she might be Spanish like the other people in my building. What is going on?


*{THIS INDICATES she hooked up with the demon, gave into his temptation of GREED – she becomes mated or One with him is he has possessed her – & making a movie would be what? Probably ‘making a move’ or moving/acting in the way he wants.}*


Now we needed to have a meal but after untold hours, no meal is forthcoming. She did not cook – I am hungry. So I decide to go out, have a meal.

Before I do so I got dressed in nice clothes, sheer stockings, high heels, a thick soft light colored jacket, a soft sheer top falling in folds. I open my jacket to show her,

         “I’ve lost weight! Fifteen pounds”

         I say, & she’s impressed.

         When I walk down the street, people will be impressed at the beauty of my body.

         She asks me if I’m going to some popular modern restaurant called ‘Raspberries,’ but I tell her I’m going to my ordinary usual place.

But alas, things don’t work out so well. I want to go to ‘Anne’s’ where I used to go once a week for a hamburger when I was trying to persuade her to let me preach there.

But as I walk down the street, every restaurant is covered by a super-large blue cotton cloth {‘sense image material’, I saw that cloth in a photo of me yesterday, it covers a car; I used it as a backdrop for photography. I still have it.} Other stores are open, all kinds with all sorts of paraphernalia I didn’t need, open to the street, but by the time I get to the end of the street {I’m not going any further} I have not seen Anne’s nor any other restaurant, & I return home. And no one noticed me except the ‘lowlife’ man.

What do I feel about this man? Like he’s a shady character, trying to run some con game or a scheme, just hangs around seeing whom he can take in. He was holding something in his hands like a calculator, phone, or gadget which he’s surmising. And the lady friend falls for him & somehow, they become partners like he becomes her mate or something. As I said before, it astonishes me that she accepts him.

So I never got to eat a meal & nothing good happened out there in the street for me, in spite of my beauty – Disappointment, frustration.

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*{THIS REITERATES once again how I received no recompense from this transaction. No MEAL {nourishment, emotional} from her, & when I am filled with the BEAUTY OF CHARITY it does me no good. I go out there {in a sense, to Purgatory, where I often in the past, traveled in my most beautiful, sexy clothes. And losing weight is I have improved spiritually, I am lighter toward being that Feather they indicate in the Egyptian Book of the Dead} & cannot even FIND a place that would appreciate me – nothing. I cannot get to ‘the other side’ where the Souls are – Purgatory – symbolically – as every restaurant is VEILED/covered/hidden from me. *I get to the Souls by nourishing them through the Holy Mass, or prayers, or sufferings, where the restaurants symbolize that, but here, even though I am qualified spiritually, I can’t get to them.* Which is the same as getting some sort of reaction from this Lady recipient &/or her household.

SHE asks me if I’m going to the restaurant called RASPBERRY – which means in slang: contempt, mockery or displeasure. A person puts their tongue in between their lips & makes a sound blowing to indicate this. She is saying, in a sense, that’s all I will get for my charity lol.}*


Another scene is I walk into a nearby apt – it’s open. It’s as if a person has the bare necessities like sleeping on the floor – it’s all neat, clean, lovely, – rugs & pretty blankets, but sparse. Who does it belong to? I vaguely recall a man with his family but now he’s alone. I ask the lady friend about this. She says,

“Oh, I looked him up. He was deported from Italy.”

It’s then that I ask her about his family.


*{CANNOT figure out what this symbolizes. A man has deserted his family. He was deported. It could be some karmic symbol: What you do comes back to you.}*


I’m still sitting here talking to the lady friend, in spite of all that happened, & I muse,

“Richard is renting me a new apt, {in a good neighborhood! – Williamsburg, where THIS is located, was then not a slum, but close to it. Most people were on welfare} & he will pay for it! {This is a big deal, a great Grace.} & then I see in my mind’s eye, glancing at my apt across from us – it seems small but terribly cozy & it’s mine all mine – no one else can ever have it! I say,

“I will NEVER give up this apt!”

The feeling I get from looking at my place is one of great love & exclusivity. It is unique, special, & it is rent controlled.


*{THIS IS MY PURGATORY PORTAL! I am in POVERTY so Souls can receive my RICHES! I declare I will NEVER give this up! {Poverty is suffering, emptiness of earthly or even spiritual [dark night of the Soul, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was in it most of her adult life] joys}*

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Now it’s time to take off with Richard {my late husband who was good – when he appears he is always, so far, Nick Van Dunk, my dead third husband. He’s been appearing to me even when alive, as various men in my past. The evil ones when he’s being evil, but when he is perfect, he shows up as Richard, who was the perfect husband, kind, benevolent, & doing me great good.}


Rich & I go to an open store on the street. They’re selling books. I want books on interior décor – I might even hire a decorator to fix my new place. After I choose the books I want, I hold them in my arms, & they weigh a ton. It’s hard to carry them. He’s supposed to help me I think, but Rich is gone, he went to get the car – a luxury car {this makes me proud}.


*{WHAT ARE THESE BOOKS ON DÉCOR WHICH ARE HEAVY? Mother God: These could be the biographies of those who are dead, that now need help. You carrying them is SUPPORTING them. They are heavy as they were heavy with sin & need cleansing. You are asking or anticipating your good husband will help you, & he’s going to do just that!

The LUXURY car is a symbol of spiritual magnificence, lol.}*


So he appears again, I presume we got in the car, & now we’re at the location he found for my new apt.

He walks ahead of me, he has the key. I notice it’s a substantial building, a good strong, brown lacquered door in front. The opening around the door is rather narrow, but it’s OK – this is a crowded city. He eagerly opened it & went in. I thought about how he searched, how hard it is to find a good apt in a good neighborhood, but he did it. I glance backward to check the neighborhood.


*{HE HAS THE KEY: Is a big symbol of Nick’s initiation toward this. Brown lacquer – brown is suffering, not as bad as black which is death, but next to it. He is willing to suffer for his dead & living friends but we have to work together.

The convenience & stores are being able to get RESOURCES of which there are many. The RED of the items is almost always the red of BLOOD – suffering, pain. He will endure it. Let’s have a laugh – how many opportunities do we get on this earth to suffer?

Mother God, what is me anticipating the most luxurious furniture?

MG: It’s the comforts you’ll give the Souls. Furniture is for comfort.

Crossroad is the Cross of the Lord.}*

It’s right in the middle of the huge city & has many-floored {10 floors or so} stores everywhere, I can see the items for sale as if through the walls – most colors are light red, many buildings like that. We are at a crossroad. Yes, it’s a business district, not residential. Not so much for looks but convenience, I can shop easily from this place.

I do not, in this dream, see the inside of the apt. But I imagine I will get the best, most expensive furniture & maybe even hire an interior decorator. I want it to be exquisite & I want to show it to the folks in the previous building – the lady & all the poor folk. This new place is a big deal; I am so excited & proud.




This is a significant event. It means my spiritual husband Nick has created A PORTAL in union with me – the way that Saints use us people on earth as portals – to reach Souls in Purgatory. What is so unusual is I’m not sure how this is but from revelations it seems he’s both in Heaven & on earth – doing his Purgatory with me {as I suffer he suffers}, yet having himself also in Heaven where my Soul is.

And being in my Soul-place, like a Saint, gives him the onus of using my Office or Portal to Purgatory to reach his clients. For whatever reason, he has been & will continue to use me to reach those on earth or dead – his friends – who need spiritual help {this would be all of them, lol, all drug addicts.}

What is absolutely unusual is he will PAY for the new apt or portal {supposedly ‘for me’} which means he will SUFFER to ‘pay’ for the privilege of using me to reach his clients/friends, so that would be his own Purgatory! So this indicates he’s both in Heaven & on earth with me! Because the Saints in heaven cannot PAY for anything as they can’t suffer – that must be why they must use US, on earth, the Church Militant, to reach Souls in Purgatory. His ‘paying’ proves he is on earth with me. 

And oh yes,  what does one thing have to do with another?  The example of the ungrateful Poor Lady I helped vs Nick wanting to help me?  Karma.  God, instead of the fulfillment you would have helped had she been grateful, gave you another Gift instead – Nick helping you with Souls!



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