Miracle of Salvation

By Rasa Von Werder, November 26th, 2023

11-26-23-Result of Prayers for Earl’s Unborn Son – He is now fully formed & entered into the Joy of the Lord


        This is my blog wherein is posted my first encounter with Earl’s unborn son.  Explains how I find him ‘in a black tube’ but he is aware & conscious!  But no one has ever recognized his life until now!:



Yesterday dreamed of the ‘son’ in a ‘tube’ that was an unformed or miscarried fetus that would have become a son for Earl – but he is in a type of Purgatory because he never received any recognition or love, since he wasn’t fully formed to be born. This mystified me but I cooperated with it & prayed love to him.

Last night I chanted ‘I love you, Earl’s son,’ many times & later chanted for Souls in Purgatory many, many times including Grace for him.

         Saw a SNIPPET of a grown man kind of like ‘awakening’ from sleep, but he’s standing. He’s SWARTHY, much more so than Earl – has thick long dark wavy hair waving curling around his face, & a week’s worth of hair on his face, he’s got a sort of smile – he’s SATISFIED & HAPPY it seems, but I only see this for a few seconds, then gone. His skin is dark olive, again, more so than is Earl’s. He is not tall but average like Earl & STOCKY. {Earl is my height, around 5’6” now, & was once our regional wrestling champ. He’s a skilled handyman & has been doing farmer type work all his life.} This COULD BE his son I reckon.

{I prayed years later for another soul that was aborted as a fetus – my own son – & when he appeared, he was a fully grown, handsome & well developed man. I am not an abortion fan, this was rape. And he was a champion body builder, Irish, & his son looked like him. I named him Edmundo.}


Another dream, don’t know if it relates to this at all. An old friend of mine who I’d been speaking to for YEARS {20?} on the phone – never met – was a smoker. About 5 or more years ago I called him after some absence & he seemed to be dying of emphysema. It’s all he talked about. I had begged him to stop smoking for 20 years & he refused, now this. And out of charity I was going to call him weekly & said so, to break into his loneliness, & he INSISTED with much explanation, that he was NEVER LONELY.

This pissed me off so badly, I said to myself,

“Here I was going to call him out of charity once a week until he died – enduring boring conversation about his symptoms again & again, but he insists HE’S NEVER LONELY! So fuck’im, I’ll show him by NEVER CALLING”

& I didn’t – don’t know if he died or not.

So now I’m in a room with George Essex, the man I speak of. He is VERY SWARTHY, not at all like the real George, who had a classic ‘pretty boy’ actor face. This man has dark olive skin, grayish actually, darker than the ‘son of Earl’ pictured earlier. His head is shaved down where you can only see the new growth of hair, like a week-old stubble, even less. I am here just speaking to George about esoteric subjects like we used to do & we have an audience -

They are a couple. He is, strangely, in some kind of cubicle like a box where the extension of it is taller behind, shorter in front, a medium light grey bar across, & she is kind of taking care of him. I don’t see him physically, just know he’s there. Her I see clearly.   She’s petite, thin. Her hair & head design wise is a group of triangles. Sausage curls, the shape of her head, all seem to be in triangle shape. She is listening & COLLECTING the statements George & I make because they are REVELATIONS. She’s organizing my teachings so to speak.

There is a manila cardboard folder there, & it contains research papers, the way I do, some white, some yellowy. She handles that folder & puts it somewhere. I feel SLIGHTLY invaded privacy wise but then again, I want others to benefit from what I know.

George is standing with his back to me, facing the man in the cubicle, while the triangle partner is to the right. I go behind George & jokingly pinch his head, holding gobs of his moveable flesh inside my fingers, the way I joke around with my Tomcat

who has huge fat cheeks & I squeeze them. And while doing this I say,

“George has GOOD TASTE”

& here according to our former conversation, you’d think I’d say something esoteric like architectural design, but instead, for a joke, I say,

“In WOMEN.” 

I never see George’s face in this dream.

Then I am sort of lying around in front of George, & he takes my hand – from the back, & puts it NEXT TO his penis, which is large & hard as a rock. {There’s a sense that putting my hand directly ON it would be going too far, but NEXT to it he’s showing me a fact} I am rather startled, but this is a result of his ‘coming to life’ through my conversation!

I think about sex & sense that at this time it’s not for me, with George or anyone.

We discuss this – I say,

“Spiritual love & earthly love are two different things. Earthly love is desire.”

I do recall now I was admiring my legs in front of George as I reclined backward, holding them in the air. I was putting white cream all over them from the knees down & complaining I have gained a little weight & my ankles are larger than before {not so in real life, I have lost several pounds.}

Don’t recall what else but I was ‘showing off’ my body & nudity somewhat in the dream – this could account for George getting a hardon, lol.

So now I discuss sex because there’s no way I’m going to do it. I tell him,

“The Saints warn me that if I take up with any man at this time, they will leave me.”

And he UNDERSTANDS. He says,

“You can learn a lot from them”

This is not the typical response from a man, who will say & do anything for sex, & discount any denial of it. He accepts it calmly & rationally.

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         I was going to ignore these dreams but now I see they are important. But I’ll need help, Mother God. I surmise the second dream on George has to do with ‘son of Earl’.

BTW, something, in the middle of the night, impelled me to BAPTIZE him. I have a bottle of water next to my bed. I went through the right words, his Godfather is John the Beloved, his Godmother is St. Gertrude the Great, & his name is Earl Jr., Anthony for the middle. {You always have a Saint’s name for the baptism.}

I will need help on all the symbols including George. I have not dreamt of him in years, since we last spoke. Why him, & who is the man in the cubicle & the lady? It seems to me the man in cubicle might be his former state, as when he was in the tube in yesterday’s dream. He was not yet fully formed, so I don’t see him, because he has no substance or flesh. The lady ‘fan’ who is gathering my research might be his Guardian Angel? This would be her role as ‘record keeper’? In other words, now this person has been accepted into the Kingdom of God, the heavenly Realm. He is loved, he’s been baptized!

There’s something that disturb me however, Mother God. If this person was never formed he never sinned, in fact, only those who can reason can be guilty of sin, so how could he be in a Purgatorial state? I believe it but need it explained.

MG: There’s a lot of explaining to do here, but it’ll be worth it for people to learn

First, why is he George?

Because you ignored George, this soul was ignored. There’s a mystery here, it seems that one has to be loved, wanted, welcomed, accepted, to be brought to life fully. From this vestigial state it seems that no one even THINKS about such an early fetus –

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yet unformed, perhaps a Fallopian tube conception, stuck there, no one imagines this as a PERSON.

You might say that many pregnancies are not wanted, no one loves them. But a woman who carries a child in her womb can’t help but have some recognition, acceptance & love for it – even if it’s a ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ situation. In the movie, after it’s born & she finds him, no matter how ugly he is {demonic} she has feelings for him as a mother.

OK, so he is the man in the cubicle, as you guessed, while he was still the unformed person & you surmise that’s why you can’t see him – correct. And the lady attending him is his Guardian Angel, correct. You are amazed that a fetus could already have a Guardian Angel? This dream proves it starts at conception. The triangles around her head beckon the idea ‘Trinity.’ And indeed she is keeping a RECORD of what has transpired that you have done.

Now George, having been ignored for years, is now recognized by you & this ‘brings him to life.’

Karmically, this is your payback to Earl for fixing your window, even though you probably will not tell him or his wife, but unconsciously, they will know. If you told him about it he might think you’re crazy, as he’s already said to someone about you, so let’s not tempt that.

Now he comes to life. His swarthiness, dark skin, reminds one of a person that is working class, like a blacksmith, farmer, truck driver, which is Earl, so he’s Earl Jr & his appearance, though not exactly like Earl tells the story of a hard worker, not a desk jockey.

When he looks at himself in the cubicle, here, you see his head is SHAVED. Because the sight of what he experienced is TRAUMATIC. Hair represents thoughts. Long, healthy hair, dark, is positive thoughts. Grey hair is worry, white is extreme worry. {He was so frightened his hair turned white!} But no hair, bald or shaved is to the point of INSANITY or absolute trauma. This was a 

terrible condition Earl Jr. was in for YEARS! And you saved him! It seems like a MIRACLE.

Now you teasing him by squeezing, pinching gobs of his scalp flesh, saying he has good taste, then adding FOR WOMEN refers to a very human trait. You are acknowledging now that he is a FULL FLEDGED MAN capable of wanting women! This is a huge step from where he was, & you are joking to lighten the air.

And afterward, by showing you his erection, he is seconding that motion saying,

“Indeed, I am a living man, capable of desiring women. Here’s the proof, lol.”

There is some protocol here, as he’s not forward enough to put your hand ON it, only next to it, he is careful not to offend you.

Because you’re not a couple of lovers CONSENTING to any sex activity.

         About the legs & cream: Here you are DEMONSTRATING, so to speak, your MYSTICAL ABILITY        or POWER. Legs are MYSTICAL TRAVEL. It took a great deal of ability to connect with him in his state! Finding him, then doing what has to be done is another step. You found him through EARL’S MIND – without Earl even knowing you got that information.

       What is the white cream? Some kind of Grace of Love, as it looks like say, cream cheese, & milk is love or kindness. The degree of your SPIRITUAL LOVE gives you the Power to do this sort of thing.

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         The discussion of human loves vs God’s love. Here you have both facets of life/living, spiritual & physical. They blend together, do they not? Earl Jr is now proud to be a man, enough to show you he has a healthy erection. And yet, it was through spiritual love not physical, that you helped him out of his forlorn, forgotten state into manhood, where, although he is spiritual energy, he has the form of a man! This shows how spirit & matter are two dimensions of the same thing – GOD’S BODY. The physical is not to be looked down upon, as something evil or nasty. Yes, it functions on a ‘lower’ level, but not an evil one. It is not demonic except for those who make it so. It is the natural body of God to be flesh- to be alive in the material world.

         This dream, more than any you have had, underscores the validity of energy & matter, spirit & form. You discuss it with him. In God’s world, one wants what you wanted – to bring Love to a soul in need of it. In human terms, humans want very basic things of survival & procreation; True Love does at times enter into it.

By Earl fixing your window & not charging you, he gave & therefore earned Spiritual Love, & you produced it. Of course, it’s God. You summoned God, so to speak, God did the magic.

Now why was he in a Purgatorial state? This teaches us that there are more souls there than those who have fully lived – let us pray for them! The unformed conceptions, miscarriages & abortions, many could be waiting to be loved! Some do go straight to Heaven; it’s not a blanket fate for all.

What does the part about discussing sex mean? That you aren’t going to have it with him or any earthly man. He is not an earthly man, he is now in the Kingdom of God & where? Is he now in Heaven? The dream doesn’t really say. He might be. But if he was still in Purgatory, then spiritual sex or some act of love, such as a Sacred embrace or kiss or sex, could transmit him to Heaven – it has done so for many souls you helped.

I believe your Baptism transported him to the Heavenly realm, which could be why he is not troubled re sex, lol. It probably was easy for him to get there as you mentioned, he’s never sinned.

ME: I am flabbergasted. This proves to me that when I’m busy doing so many other things, I probably missed hundreds of dreams with great meaning. As now that I am focused on the Interior life, these dreams appear almost daily. Wow.}*   {end}

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