9-28-23 Tom Selleck-Symbol of JESUS/GOD’s Love Visits
This is INCREDIBLY important to me. But before I get to the Selleck part, I must give the preamble, because without it {happening in real life} there could be no Part II.
Had I gotten up after Part I – I would have had no idea WHY I had this strange preamble, because I did wake up & go back to sleep but went to sleep again – thank God. Because then I had the monumental Jesus dream.
I have my Rottweiler ‘Guard of the Mystical Heart’ {Gagee Boy} with me & he’s trailing a contraption made of metal, maybe iron, which goes where he goes. But we have been ‘arrested’ by the authorities, him & me, & now; they have detached the contraption from him & have it behind a counter, where a Lady in authority is inspecting it with a female assistant.
*{MY ROTTWEILER: Dogs & cats are INNER SENSES – because their sense of smell, hearing is much more acute than ours. And these senses of ours are psychic or metaphysical. In this case, I suspect my SENSE is my CONSCIENCE. And the conscience or awareness of my sins, the result thereof, I drag wherever I go.}*
{Sense image material is I was watching a movie, ‘Owd Bob’ mostly about dogs with one shepherd dog suspected of killing sheep.}
OK, the boss Lady {Holy Virgin, who prepares me for the love of Christ/God} is going through this contraption one compartment at a time. The thing is a brown rust-color which goes round & round as you pull it, & has about 5 compartments.
*{FIVE COMPARTMENTS: 5 ways in which I sinned, now must be cleansed. What are these sins? Must be mental as the mostly grey signifies that. I am not aware of sins, but it’s amazing how many thoughts we can have that are UNCHARITABLE!}*
As I watch the lady shows me each compartment which is full of some version of shit. It all comes out of the dog’s body but is preserved here where he drags it along with him. She scrapes out each section. They do not stink nor are they disgusting, they are like firm soup. *{Not SERIOUS sins, which would be vile, venial or small sins – The one with the strongest smell is light brown, the rest are grayish in color, but all are waste & all are scraped out by her [one that is most serious has the worst smell & is brown rather than grey]}*. I exclaim,
“Wherever he went, this thing with its smell would go with him!”
And I thought about how inconvenient it would be if people could smell it. {I thought of how my sins would be repulsive to other people.}
The thing is this situation we were arrested for something is not righteous. The lady scraped out all the gunk, it was made right. I don’t think it was attached to my dog any more, but I see nothing else. {She cleansed me!}
Tom Selleck – Jesus dream
Tom Selleck appears for only one reason & that alone – It has to do with my sacrificing my ‘life’ {spiritually}, in attaining the Interior Divine Stigmata, & Tom Selleck is always the symbol of Jesus. Why? I explain elsewhere, it’s in my book on the Attainment of the Divine Stigmata & my articles. {See end of this ‘Meaning’ for more explanation.}
Tom, in his appearance, is the BEAUTY of Jesus Christ, as Tom, in his day as Magnum P.I., was the most handsome & sexy man in the world.
So now I am living in this nice house which vaguely sounds like my present one but different. I am expecting Tom, who is my lover & I his mistress, – but mind you, he is a great celebrity & this
is a big deal. *{Jesus/God is a great celebrity indeed! And for me to be His Mistress is what an honor!}*
I can see my driveway through a window, & as I look through it, I see Tom drive up in a black car like a limousine. *{Symbol of FUNERAL like a HEARSE – because it’s about my MARTYRDOM for the LOVE OF HIM.}* He stops, however, as my large grey cat is sitting sort of at the edge of my front porch {the driveway is adjacent to the porch}
*{my CAT is another SENSE like my dog. What of my SENSES makes him HESITATE? It could be my cat/feminine self is watching out for any MAN as I have once again forfeited any relationship with men, & this symbol is saying that this renunciation might have improved my chances for being closer to God! It was one point I had a chance to be friends with a young handsome male, but when St Charbel told me he would leave me if I pursued it, I dropped it!}*
& the top of the driveway & he doesn’t want to hit my cat. But after a pause he steers clear of the cat by driving to his right a bit & he’s here.
I run to the front door to greet him – he’s dressed in mostly black, *{funeral-my martyrdom}* there’s a bit of white under his neck with intricate black tiny designs. {What is this? It’s a ‘cravat’ in a triangle shape, the flat part on top, bottom tucked into his vest – White is a symbol of purity or goodness, not sure how this applies} We embrace warmly, my face pressing to the side of his face, I’m careful not to kiss on the lips because I’ve been asleep, have not brushed my teeth, & fear morning mouth. I tell him,
“I’ve not brushed my teeth yet!”
to let him know why no kissing.
*{EMBRACE BUT NO KISS as I’ve been sleeping, have not brushed my teeth yet, etc. Brushing teeth, teeth are either wisdom or have to do with anger or gnashing teeth – which would be regret. KISSING would be being PERFECT so that his wife, Mary Magdalene, in her Gospel, said He KISSED her on the lips. So that would be absolute perfection. At the moment, I FEEL I’m not there yet – He didn’t say it, nor did Holy Mary tell me I wasn’t
perfect – I said it. So this shows a lack of confidence on my part, I’m not ready to be in absolute perfect Union with God, but good enough to hug, embrace, & he His Mistress.}*
He is extremely warm & open to me & sits down for our visit.
We passed the front room which seems dim. We’re in the next or ‘back’ room which seems like a dining room as it has in the middle a table. I imagine it to be beautiful – like walnut or oak,
with beautiful chairs, but I don’t actually see it, just think it’s probably that way.
*{BACK ROOM MORE INTERIOR is the Sanctum Sanctorum, which would be the deeper, more mystical place inside me. The table I imagine to be luxurious is where I would celebrate a Feast, the Holy Mass, & do whatever pleases Jesus/God, like my prayers.}*
An interesting occurrence is across the table my MAID has taken Tom’s black vest, & without anyone asking her, is IRONING it for him, as a special service. I’m really proud of this act, because it proves to Tom that I am equipped to serve him, maid & all, without even being asked. My maid knows automatically what to do.
She is beautiful with short wavy blonde hair to the nape of her neck, thin, & dressed like a maid I think white. I notice her iron – that she got the iron – it was handy. I am trying to impress Tom with my service to him & here I have a maid, she got the iron, did what should be done without anyone asking.
*{MY MAID is one of my Guardian Angels {I have 3}. Her IRONING Jesus’ vest – ironing is straightening out. His black vest signifies His HEART as the vest is right over the heart. What service is my Angel giving Jesus? It is my DAILY PRAYERS, which I have enjoined them to say when I am unable. My prayers can be comprehensive & average last 1 to 2 or even 3 hours. But sometimes I am distracted, too busy or tired to say them, but I want them said. So I recruit my angels to say them for me, & this is portraying it’s a service to Jesus/God & this confirms that one of my Angels has indeed complied with my request! This shows us that it serves God when we pray for the whole world, people, animals & Purgatory!}*
There to my left, in front of him as he sits at the foot of the table, is a huge picture window, at least 5-6’ across, 4-5’ high. And through it we see miles of meadow & way far away, a rural village with low houses, no higher than two floors – this would be like 10 miles away. I know it’s a village for the roofs, see one red one. I say,
“Beautiful view, isn’t it?”
And Tom agrees.
The view from my house is important also, as a thing to accommodate Tom, make him feel good in my house. I wanted to tell him that at another point of my property {which is extensive} when you stand on a hill you can see miles also & the horizon looks like a large body of water even though it isn’t. But I don’t get a chance to tell him.
*{THE VIEW from my window & another place on my property: When we have CHARITY we have VISION. That’s the difference between Heaven & Hell or Purgatory. The closer one is to God, the more VISION they have, the more they SEE of God/Goodness. Purgatory vision is limited, Hell it’s almost gone, one sees nothing but horror or terror. Purgatory has a great deal of variety. Heaven is always beautiful, to various degrees, dependent on how much charity or radiance one has. So I’m kind of bragging to Jesus how much vision I have for both Him & I to enjoy!}*
Now we’re chatting. I get the sense that Tom {Jesus, God} has many fan clubs – I’m just one of them, & each club has a mistress of his, the way I am. I mustn’t be jealous or pry into his personal details.
Strangely, I ask him,
“I know this is far fetched, but what happened to the son of your first wife?”
This goes back to the time of his Magnum days when I was reading everything I could find about him & read about his wife & the son he adopted.
*{FIRST WIFE & SON: I am probably asking him about Mary Magdalene, his wife many think, & a son….or any children He may have had}*
I can’t recall what he tells me, but obviously, the boy is grown up. This was 1981-82.
Then I’m asking him about one of his fan clubs. He kind of receded into the hallway between this & the first room, to do something, I don’t know what. But as I ask he looks at me mischievously like I am getting personal. He doesn’t mind but as I said, looks mischievous, I see his face clearly, & I say,
“I don’t mean to pry into anything personal.”
The idea is he’s a great celebrity, much desired, has many fan clubs & I am one of his mistresses.
*{I SENSE that I’m asking our Lord about what Sri Kaleshwar said, that many women asked him to ‘Bless their flower,’ & He obliged, & he had many children, none of whom became spiritual greats, just regular people. His withdrawing from my inner sanctum to in between the front room & here & He looking mischievous seems to say IT WAS TRUE, lol. But it’s OK & I apologize for prying. His moving to this other spot is I am
thinking slightly as a mortal rather than my God Self – I’m curious.}*
Something has happened to improve or move forward in your relationship with God. Tom/Jesus represents God but in a particular way, when He appears as Tom Selleck it’s about your sacrifice for the love of Jesus/God. You prayed for the Interior Divine Stigmata, you got it. Not knowing exactly what it was, how it would affect you, you still took the plunge, knowing it would be no picnic, but not understanding the loss. You knew it would be pain but did not know what kind of pain, how you’d be afflicted & how long. Stigmata is Martyrdom, but Martyrdom takes many shapes & sizes. There is physical Martyrdom, which takes many forms from having your head chopped off to being tortured to death slowly as in the Inquisition, to being burned alive, to being boiled in turpentine & oil, like the Catholic Church did to some Souls, or having the Physical Wounds of Jesus appear on your Body to suffer & bleed. Then there’s Psychological Martyrdom, where a person endures an abusive relationship for a protracted time, or takes care of a cripple or one mentally ill for years, or is a slave with no rights & tortures for a long time, or unjustly imprisoned for years or some kind of torture like paralysis. Then there’s SPIRITUAL MARTYRDOM which is what God meted out to you. This is where you lost all your Spiritual Faculties, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit – your Sensitivity to God, your communication with Her, all was DISABLED – & this for EIGHTEEN YEARS. It was a special Dark Night of the Soul. And you had to live by Faith with nothing else all that time – God was a memory – you still had to be faithful to God, keep your promises such as celibacy, & not falter in your love of God, although there was no consolation.
However, there was a REASON for all this & what was it? It was your LOVE of Jesus/God! It was not for nothing. As Tom Selleck, Jesus appears as the most beautiful, sexy male & He comes to GIVE YOU LOVE – to return to you what you gave Him!
That’s why it’s so special, enjoyable & ecstatic when He appears this way!
Other details of the symbols & meanings are in the body of the dream.
The preamble is Our Holy Mother, preparing/cleansing you for this visit from Our Lord Jesus Christ, Her Holy Son. She’s assisted by an Angel. {end}
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