James Brown Ascends after 17 Years!

By Rasa Von Werder, December 23rd, 2023

12-21-23 Party-James Brown Ascends!


Born: May 3, 1933 – Died Dec 25, 2006 – Ascended Dec 21, 2023 – 17 years in Purgatory


         It begins with 2 guys who’re trying to become entertainers. They are just beginning – so desperate they come up to myself & some friends saying,

         “Would you like to see us perform?”

         We go & it’s them 2 with a small band behind. They are trying out their act. Both stand there with their arms crossed over their chests for some sort of effect, both have on white t-shirts with long sleeves.



         Can’t recall what song they’re doing – not bad or good, just OK. I try to figure how I can help. We need DRAMA.

         Somehow a bow & arrow appear. I could shoot it at one of them {for dramatic effect}. But it could injure them. I come up with a thick rubbery black blob to put on the point. I try it. But the blob fits over the point, & even though it covers it, nevertheless there is enough of a point to cause harm – I show them.

         What do we do next? Can’t recall.

         Except I’m wandering by my house & my white Caddy to see where I can park it. It’s like long ago, when I lived in the house in Pacific Palisades. Or is it the corner of the old Post Office?   I’m outside figuring where do I put my car safely? There is a car repair on the corner, he’s busy, doesn’t notice me. Can I put it near there on the corner, not his property but seems OK? {Here is definitely the old Post Office.}

         I walk a bit down an open alley, not a street for cars, pleasant, lots of cement, some wild green vines. No one pays attention or looks at me.

Then inside I’m cooking something & there seems to be a man friend around but it gets so vague I don’t even know what.

How I looked then I dated him – when we met in 1967 I was 22, he was 34 – By 1970 it ended, he was so cruel I couldn’t take it any more.


Then it changes. I am with a group of people, many of them black. We are setting up a PARTY. Why, for what? Don’t know. But we have a beautiful apt which we designed, decorated. I see a female who’s obsessed with flowers. She has a large table & put – I counted – 13 vases of flowers on it! I laugh at this. One of the glass vases has a large head of beautiful LETTUCE sitting inside – & I think another has another type veggie – I chuckle at this. Like ‘what a fanatic!’

So we as a group are doing, doing, doing & then who do we invite? It’s so strange, so vague, but we think of what celebrity can we invite? And someone says ‘Jim Brown,’ the football star, is in town.

I mutter something about I knew him but ………Then I say,

“Find out where he’s staying – we’ll invite him, after all, I KNEW him, he might accept, & he IS a celebrity!”

But we don’t know WHICH hotel!

Then the thin young black man to my left – gives us the name – Something like ‘Dalletgreen?’ but he knew, & I say,

         “Of course, you’d know where your own people are.” Meaning because he’s black, they know.

         OK so the letter is sent & we GET A LETTER BACK!

         It’s a nice letter. He tells us he’s NOT in New York – where we are right now – in the city. He says, more or less like this,

         “I am in FLORIDA, retired.” {So I can’t make it to your party} – If only I could recall all the words, but I can’t.

         He speaks of vaguely of moving there, being finished with the hard life. It’s polite. And the fact that he, a celebrity, wrote us this letter seems to be a BIG DEAL. He could have IGNORED us!

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         What strikes me about the letter is that it’s done just like I’ve been doing in my book on the Souls in Purgatory, especially the last picture, exquisite, done by Leonardo Da Vinci of Our Holy Mary with Jesus & St. Anne, & it has these grey-blue colors in it. So for the caption I used the blue-grey color, made it bold & italics & its pretty. He used the same lettering, on white paper, it stands out. There’s white on top, white on the bottom, the lettr is a couple paragraphs in the middle just ike I formed it in my book.

         OK he could not come, but this letter comforts us!

         Amazingly, this man hurt me but I still cared! I wanted him at our party after all. It’s not Jim Brown, its James. {end}


                  *{ME: I will need help, Mother God, especially at the beginning.

         There are 2 guys so desperate to entertain no one wants to see them but me & my friends – The stuff about the arrow – Trying to get drama.

         Then I am at an old house in Pacific Palisades, then it’s by the old Post Office, trying to find a place to park my car, then a lonely alley, cement, wild vines, no one sees or notices me, it’s like alone & isolated, abandoned. Then am I cooking but what & for whom?

         MG: These are struggles to be seen, heard & noticed in Purgatory & in James’ early life. The two guys represent James Brown in his early days before he was a star. He did work with others, the ‘Famous Flames’ which disbanded & he got bigger alone. Maybe this is them. Maybe it shows the Flames leaving him, or he them, as their arms are crossed over their chests, which shows rejection or lack of love.

         Or it could show DEFIANCE. Because nobody wants him/them, they’re saying ‘I don’t care,’ like those that are ostracized or overlooked, shunned by all, might tell you they don’t give a hoot. It’s an ATTITUDE.

This person/s starts out that way- it could represent James Brown. After all, he was deserted by his Mother at an early age – they say he was bitter. She came to see him after he became a star – she called him her baby, but he told her

“I’m not your baby.”

His Dad gave him over to a good lady who ran a restaurant / entertainment center / bordello. But here he thrived & learned to make money by dancing for soldiers, a little tot. That’s why he was such a great dancer – he danced, they threw coins, he made a living.

Now you see yourself in a couple places. One Pacific Palisades. There was a transitory place, you never had time to furnish the house & weren’t there very long, a transient time. You never felt comfortable there & when you were in Mexico, a gay man you knew broke in & lived there for a while & robbed you before he left. The landlord told you abut him.

This house represents lack of roots, security & support. That’s how James felt when he was little, that’s how souls in Purgatory feel.

Now the Post Office, which means ‘it’s a message.’

No one NOTICES YOU. The repair man there is stooping down fixing a car. You want to know where to park your car to keep it safe. The car is your vehicle to Purgatory – You want to be able to minister to them.

Now you walk this forlorn alley, no people, no one there, you are alone – Cement & wild vines. No houses with windows glowing light & warmth, cold cement, lacking humanity – Vines growing wild is no one is tending or nourishing what’s here.

This is also Purgatory, alone, forgotten, abandoned, no one notices them or thinks about them.

You cooking is preparing nourishment for the souls – the Holy Mass. Who the benefits go to, you don’t know.

That’s the PREAMBLE or set up for what’s next – the party which says ‘Hey, we succeeded in reaching Purgatory & someone got into Heaven!

You’re not alone. There’s a FANATICAL woman who’s set up 13 bouquets of flowers on the table including a beautiful head of lettuce in a glass vase with water. I {Mother God} laugh at this. No need to look too far, that woman is YOU.

ME: What makes you think it’s me? And the dreamer would be you, then if it is me, why are you chucking?

MG: Just laughing at how much you love this unworthy man. He spent 17 years in Purgatory – that’s a mean sentence. You almost died of a broken heart for him, yet you do all this.

ME: The table I count 13 bouquets of roses & also the head of lettuce & some veggies in water. Does the 13 say he got 13 Holy Masses in order to rise up?

MG: Not sure but it could. It took a lot to get him up there. He’s been appearing to you since about 2010 when you gave him the first Sacred Kiss. You thought he ascended after only 4 years, not a long time.

Then he did not appear again until a couple months ago repenting finally of how he treated you, then days ago with 5 Sacred kisses.

ME: This explains why in 2010 at his appearance, his Guardian Angel arranged the visit for me to give him a Sacred kiss. I found it unpleasant because he was in a low place in Purgatory.

I now understand how this experience showed he was not clean – he would not take responsibility for his actions toward me, his lack of caring. It’s in what he said,

“Do not go out with a black man.”

In this he as pushing off his personal responsibility for actions, he blamed it ON HIS RACE.

His statement irritated you immensely, you could not believe one who was about to ascend into Heaven could give you that message. But he was not going to Heaven, lots of cleansing awaited him.

But recently, when he repented, he finally admitted it was his own fault, not because he was black that he hurt you. That speeded up his Ascension.

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You recall your first husband, how after 30 years he’d improved much, but he STILL HATED you. That disgusted you so much that you asked God not to show him to you again. Then 25 years later, recently, you relented & told God you were willing to see him & that act of charity made him ascend that very day

ME: Who are the other people at this party, all of us are saying we want to invite a celebrity, & this one black man knows where ‘Jim Brown’ is staying.

Notice he did NOT know where the man was! He got it wrong. He had no one who could reach him, help him. Remember Tim McVeigh? When you found him he said,

“No one else was able to reach me.”

Apparently, ‘reaching’ is tantamount to ‘helping.’

It’s like that. You’re one in a million. How many people minister to Purgatory? Think about it. When someone dies, they’re lucky if their relatives pray for them a day or two, maybe a few weeks at the most. The ones who were close or dependent might grieve more, but grieving does not make them ascend. Just like healing, grief, fear & worry do not get a person healed – faith & Love is what does it.

How many people full time minister to Purgatory, think of them every day, pray for them, & voluntarily say Masses or purchase masses – like you used to do – thousands of dollars worth a year, until you started saying them yourself. How many people do that? Priests say the Mass but because they’re PAID. It doesn’t count the same.

The hint that the flowers represent Holy Masses is the TABLE. They are said on the table.

Lettuce is a strong sign of VICTORY. The laurel leaves on the heads of the Grecian Olympic Champs long ago got that started.

His letter is the third & maybe final message from him. White borders on top & bottom are what? It’s like the message is in the sky, white above & below – that’s where he is – up there.

Being in ‘Florida,’ speaking of retiring & all that – Resorts are Heavenly places, where one leaves behind cares & enjoys just being. That’s his state, finally. Thank God. The pain is over. {end} 

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