I was Nefertiti Charbel Says!

By Rasa Von Werder, July 27th, 2023
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7-25-23   Charbel Brings me a Gift – Nick appears for mystical sex   7-23-23

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On his feast day the 24th, St. Charbel did not appear to me in any way & I was disappointed. But I prayed to him the next day telling him even though I was unworthy, I know he blessed other people with healings, miracles & gifts, & I probably didn’t deserve anything as I ad not been watching any more documentaries on him, although I do pray to him daily. So I thanked him for all he did for others.

That night – last night, I had this dream. I believe this was Charbel. I have 7 mystical husbands right now & they at various times appear as my good husband Richard. So I cannot know for sure who they are until I examine the entire dream & other clues.

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I go to a large apt where my husband Richard is waiting for me. Things are not in order & everyone is working to straighten out the large, airy, bright rooms. There are two women here besides me, one’s young & pretty, the other taller, more mature.

Richard & I greet each other & I feel the most intense & sweet love from him. In real life I looked upon him as a good brother & was never ‘in love’ with him & never had sex because I was celibate. But now I feel more romantic toward him.

After a while he is going out the door with the pretty young lady. I assume they’re going to have a meal, or else have sex. I have no right to tell him what to do so I don’t grieve about it.

But within one minute they are back. I see him, then her. So they didn’t do anything.

I look at this table here where things are strewn about & see a flat box, about 4”x4” & about an inch deep. I open it & see it’s filled with small wooden Egyptian carvings. I see the head of ‘Nefertiti’ represented 3 times, two are plain black, the third is painted in light colors just like the original head of hers wearing the Egyptian crown, & this one pops out of the box when I open it. There are other wooden thingies here too, all of which are neatly encased in a cardboard holder lining the box. Her head has a handle on the bottom so you can hold it, just like what I saw in the Martin Luther movie last night, where as a child he watched a marionette show & a man held a demon’s head by the handle & menaced Martin with it.

Then I see a nice piece of printed paper with colorful Egyptian drawings explaining the story of Nefertiti kind of ‘in the air’ & I find it fascinating & want to read it. I sense that Richard put this here for me to see. I intend to read it. It has a series of Egyptian images on top, in a row, going across this about 8” piece of paper, & it’s printed in a style that looks somewhat like ancient scripture, but not hand written, it’s modern printing. The background of the paper is dark, the letters are white.

I now go over to Richard – he’s wearing a white shirt, & ask him

“Have you eaten?”

I have a strong sense of caring about him.

I think he says no & suggests we eat together, but I say,

“I can’t eat until I straighten out this clutter.”

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It seems this is St. Charbel. And he loves me deeply. The other two females, the tall one is someone important to him – probably Our Holy Mother who he was devoted to. The pretty young girl is my thinking that he’d ignored me because & got together with another female & it was not my business. But this shows I mustn’t be jealous, as he was with her only a minute & nothing big took place, no dinner or sex, which would be big spiritual bonuses. In other words, he doesn’t love another woman more than me, he’s spending a good deal of attention to me & a lot of love, & he brought me a Gift.

But I have no idea what this Gift means!

Nefertiti I just looked up. She was an Egyptian Queen who had great power, was even co-Pharoah & then maybe the Pharaoh when her husband died. The art shows her doing things only the Pharaoh does, like smiting the enemy.

She’s famous because of a statue done of her head. There’s also a NUDE statue of her!

She & her husband brought monotheism to Egypt with worship of the Sun God, Atem.

She’s described as “powerful, mysterious, independent, equal to her husband.”

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What do the artifacts in the box tell me? There are 3 heads of Nefertiti. Two of them, charcoal black, stay in the box, the brightly painted one jumps out & it has a handle on the bottom, a stick to hold the head by. But what does this mean?

The only thing I can think of is that Charbel is providing me with a secret, that I am Nefertiti reincarnated. It’s hard to believe.

I was at a gypsy’s in Times Square, who told me

“You were a Queen in a previous lifetime. That’s why you are the way you are.”

I smiled in disbelief but she insisted.

The two heads in the box could be a hint – ‘Charcoal black’ – ‘Saint Charbel’ – it’s him.

It could also be what is long dead & gone, like generations gone by, people died, their remains ‘burned up’ like charcoal.

But one head jumps out at me – it’s Nefertiti with a HANDLE. What is that a clue to?

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handle on:

1. A good physical hold on something. Make sure you’ve got a handle on your end of the couch before we try to lift it.

2. A newfound understanding of a topic or concept. Once I got a handle on how to operate the new system, I found that it made my job much easier.


         Well, if I was Nefertiti then I should have a great deal of confidence in myself!

         If it’s true, St. Charbel has given me a great gift of knowledge!

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         He has given me a HANDLE on my identity & character. Like Jesus was the reincarnation of a great Buddhist Guru – the Magi or Wise Men came to honor their previous Guru. It explains the character & teaching of Jesus – Christianity is exactly the same principles as Buddhism.

         And my desires for Female Rule or authority would coincide with that of Nefertiti.

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Nick visits me for love making 7-23-23

                 He appears as himself, very tall, elegant & thin. I shall keep the details to myself, it being personal.  


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