I Have Reached Nirvana

By Rasa Von Werder, September 3rd, 2023

Startling dream with a big Message 9-3-23


         I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming of Tom Selleck & thought it was a sex dream – I used to be in love with him & met him.

         The dream affected me so strongly; I had insomnia for 2 hours thinking about it. And when I figured out partially what it meant I was startled.

         It was by no means about sex, nor even about Tom Selleck!

         The dream told me about Jesus/God under the guise of Tom, & Tom asks me about the Divine Stigmata, & it portrays my present state being Nirvana {Buddhist} or Nonduality {Hindu.} It announces I have reached that state again. {I was in it for a time in 1981-82 & 2007 for a while, but it always ended when I went back into the world.}

The dream:

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         I am in this hotel – It’s not expensive or luxurious, the most ordinary you can think of, with old furniture, quaint, high, old fashioned metal bedstead {painted yellow} beds with soft, old bedding & bed covers. The one I’m staying in has a mauve thin very soft cotton cover with tiny white flowers all over it. This is the kind of hotel I always sought when I traveled – as cheap as can be, but I am surprised that Tom Selleck would visit anyone here as he is so wealthy, isn’t it beneath him, even if he’s making love with a female? Would he not procure an expensive room to see her in?

         Ok, I see Tom Selleck has chosen to be with a female in the next room. I am madly in love with him so I want to snoop, but I don’t want them to know I’m looking. I crouch down on the floor of my room. My door is closed, there’s a narrow hall between us & their door is closed, but I can see through my door & theirs!

         He’s just finished seeing her & he’s leaving. I see later he’s going to occupy the next room for the night.

        I assume he finished making love to her, but she has clothes on, so how could that be? She’s sitting in a chair like my ‘captains chair’ with arm rests. She has her legs spread open, but on her body is a white girdle – the kind they wore in the 50’s or early 60’s, which is like ARMOR, lol. Her top is satiny dark, shiny.

         Her features are strikingly exotic. She has black hair, medium length, & it looks Asian. It’s smooth, glossy, thick, bangs swept to the side coming down in points to her right. Her eyes are decidedly Asian or a mix.

         Now I know Tom slept in the next room so I want to intercede when he starts to leave, get his attention. I want to wait by the door – he has to go through her room to gain the hallway, then the stairs downward, to exit.

         I don’t want his lover to see me, so I hide behind the wall, in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. Someone is coming. Is it her or him? I sense the air making a larger disturbance & presence, like that of a man, so I rush out into the hall & catch him halfway down the stairs, calling,


         He welcomes me, loves me, & as soon as we meet, we are close & kissing & he puts his tongue in my mouth & what is amazing is how long & hard it is, like an entire penis, & I’m able to take it all in! I sense his tongue to be like a sort of ‘stone’, mostly grey, with texture on it, strangely.

         Now we’re in an embrace, me below him looking up, arms around hm & what is different & unusual is he’s not in a hurry to leave, like men usually are after they have sex. He is content to linger with me & communicate. I say to,


         “You don’t know what I went through to get to you.”

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         This refers to my trip to Hawaii the first time, the diary 200 pages long I wrote about him & delivered it to his studio, but never got to meet him! This was early 1982.

         Then I was booked to dance in Hawaii 1984 & he called me to come to the studio, he had some Polaroids taken of us, & I got to see him one more time at the studio for a few minutes. Neither one of us mentioned a date, except he was disappointed that I was not there when they came to the club I worked – I was so exhausted from the trip, I was asleep. I sensed he was interested in me but I had been celibate then for 6 years & would remain so for 24 more years, so I did not flirt or hint at a private meeting.

That is why this lady he is visiting is wearing clothes, especially the white girdle, which is like armor – this female is ME – my flesh!

After I make my statement re what I went through, he ays plainly,

“What I would like to know about, you tell me what happened to your brother & his girl friend.”

At the mention of ‘his girlfriend’ I see to the right, as if she was there, the teeth edges of a saw, yellow.

I’m disappointed that he asks about my brother – that situation I didn’t want to talk about; I wanted to talk about Tom & me. But I say, without further explanation,

“Oh, they broke up”

And then my mind blanks out, I can’t even recall what I was going to say about my struggle to get to Tom.

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                 Tom Selleck is a symbol of Jesus/God & this goes back to the time I prayed for the Divine Stigmata. In order to afflict the Grace on me, which is one of total loss/deprivation & spiritual poverty the Lord first had to take me down from the Heavenly place I was in, & cause me to fall in love – to desire a man, which would eventually lead to a total rejection, heartbreak & burnout of my heart charka & the charkas above it, including the Sahasrara, & I would be bereft of the thing I loved the most – the Presence & communication with Almighty God!

What more likely subject to fall in love with than the man everyone was then speaking of, – the tallest, handsomest & sexiest of all the men of Hollywood?

God uses physical people & things or situations we desire as BAIT for a purpose. This purpose was I was to LOSE, not gain, & was to be devastated, deprived, & left spiritually homeless!

         But Tom only got me started on the earthly love path. When I returned to the mainland I was talking to a blonde, blue eyed Marine at the recruiting station, & because Tom was so nice, he would not inflict me with rejection. But this marine, because he was not nice, did so. I started my usual customary chase – as I always do when I’m love, & he ran like Hell, the way James Brown had done, the way others would do later in my life. Men are like wolves. When you run they chase. When you get aggressive they run.

         Because I called every day, he got so scared, he moved from his barracks {which was preposterous – I didn’t even know where the crap the barracks were!} And he stopped returning or answering my calls while I became more & more desperate, going crazy. This always happened with me – God knew this would happen so She led me into this trap, out of my Heaven, into the suffering of human sense.

         Tom here is Jesus/God, & instead of hearing me out how much I love him, he wanted to hear about my bro & his gf – that represents the marine & me!

         Indeed, the Stigmata is not my favorite point of discussion & there is another message here, where, when He asks about this, my mind blanks out.

         Yesterday I made a prayer. I have four female relatives in my family all of whom have no respect, even have contempt & hate toward me. Whenever I think of them, I suffer. And for some reason they come to my mind – probably because it’s so unfair – I’ve never done anything to hurt them! I’ve only done good to them! So I prayed,

        “God, I ask this favor. These women, whenever I think of them, I feel pain. Could you help me to forget them, never think of them? Because I’m in the state of Nirvana & I don’t want it interfered with. {I said this without being totally serious.}”

         And now, when I think of the marine & his gf, who is me, my mind blanks out, as an answer to this prayer, because he hurt me so badly, badly enough that my charkas burned out. Of course, this was the Grace of God in answer to the prayer for the Divine Stigmata, which was granted!

         And so, God is telling me,

         “Rasa, these people persecuting you is a Grace, just like Stigmata was. Do not attempt to erase it, as you erase the memory of Graces, which have done you great spiritual good.”

         And so I rescinded the prayer, but ask God,

         “What good does these four women persecuting me {mentally, emotionally} bring me?”

         And God says,

         “It breaks away your attachment to family. Remember, all the great saints, even Jesus & Buddha, left their families to be with God. Buddha left his wife & children. Jesus taught an important lesson about detachment from one’s family for the sake of God.

         Look at all the Saints, hermits, recluses & anchorites. Family distracts one from God. Consider yourself blessed that they don’t respect you or want to be with you, they have left you alone to be free for the sake of God.”

         Me: Could you explain what the exact meaning is of Tom / Jesus / God giving me that significant kiss? And loving me, wanting to linger with me & his tongue the way it was?

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         Mother God:

         In the past, you gave God your celibacy. Even the most handsome, sexy man in the world could not make you break your vow {nor the richest as the man who proposed marriage to you with his 200 million dollars!}.

         You have arrived & achieved your greatest good, that of being One with God. You want nothing else. There are no desires, no ambitions, no yearnings, except to be with God & do her work. This ends suffering.

         You proved your love for God in no uncertain terms. Now this is a new day. The pain is over; you are not to suffer any more. You have reached the state of Nirvana in Buddhism, in Hinduism, called Nonduality.

         Me: I’ve been here before, Mother God. Do I stay here now or will I sink back down again?

         MG: I predict this is permanent. Even if the movie of your life comes out & you’re besieged with attention, it won’t rock your boat. You are set in your state.

         Me: Why is his tongue like a rock & as long as a penis & I can take it all in?

         MG: To represent solidness & permanence. God has penetrated you or entered you permanently, solidly, for all time.

         Me: Why is this a poor, cheap hotel {but charming to me} – the kind I like, while I am surprised he’d lower himself to be in a place like this?

         MG: It’s about you in your state of spiritual poverty, while He is God, so mighty, so exalted, & He lowers himself to us, so low down compared to him/her.

         Me: Why am I hiding from my own flesh, spying on her, seeing through doors & walls, hiding behind a wall from her in order to meet Tom?

         MG: This is about the Spirit, not the flesh. You sacrificed the flesh to be with God & now you don’t want the lower self to interfere or have any opinions or feelings, lol.

         About the transition of love going from Tom to the marine. As I said, Tom was kind to you. But the marine reacted in a hysterical manner, the way James brown & others did, to your aggressive behavior. And so, out of fear, he rejected you brutally. And this devastated you. So the path you were on had to lead to this, so your love was transferred.

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