God’s Love via Sex

By Rasa Von Werder, June 18th, 2023
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This is about God’s Love Under the Guise of Sex

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6-17-23 Unusual Spiritual Graces

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          These graces occurred this week, the 12th was Sri Kaleshwar, & the next two days, unknown males were united to me as husbands. First, re the husbands:


         There is a beautiful, fascinating blonde male with me, absolutely stunning. The strange thing is that he IS my husband, yet I don’t know him. He’s kind of ‘making love’ to me but it’s not physical. He seems to be transmitting nutrition to me via an emotional bond, like feeding my emotions. Very nourishing.

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          And the next day another male, not as beautiful but OK, is united to me. His clothes are bright colors. He has on a regular outfit & around his waist something bright, maybe red, is tied. He is wearing bright red, & bright blue & other colors. 

Below is the real Sri Kaleshwar.  He made himself even more handsome for the experience, lol.

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          Now the zinger. I was in bed trying to sleep, my right nostril was completely shut. I kept praying to God to fix my sinuses, but nothing happened. Then switched to pray to Sri Kaleshwar & his partner, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. I asked them to fix my sinuses but added

“Help my physical body,”

saying it many times. After a few minutes my nostrils opened up & my breathing became much more relaxed & pleasant, a big change. Then I had a vision that I was reluctant to share as it’s explicitly sexual & people might misunderstand. But others might be edified, so here goes.

A most beautiful male appears to me of foreign descent. He’s around 28 years old, thin, medium dark skin, wearing a soft knitted long sleeved top, tucked into medium blue pants, neat outfit.

He has a super-thick short beard covering his face as well as mustache – as I have seen in images of ancients. Looks old-time Persian. There’s another man around but I don’t really see him.

When he fell off the chair he was still sitting in it, but his head is on the floor. As I comfort him

He’s near me sitting in a chair, & he falls of the chair crying that he is in pain!

At first I think it’s physical pain, & I put my hands on him to comfort him, but he then cries,

“I’m jealous, I’m jealous!”

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And as I put my hands on him suddenly his penis is in my right hand! This shocks me & I’m trying to understand it. I think he wants me to make love to him. I begin by kissing his abdomen, but he says,

“Hurry, I want to come on your face!”

Another shock because this is new to me but I put his penis in my mouth & I believe he comes in a few seconds, like 3 seconds.

The idea of this is extremely nourishing like in that husband dream that came later. It is healing my emotions. But it happened so fast I want to back track so I can experience more of it.

And so, in my imagination, I put his penis in my mouth again & I sort of direct his orgasm so it spreads over my face, round & round, like putting white frosting on some sort of cake, like a Strudel. And it is extremely pleasant.


Meaning: As soon as I awake I sense that Sri Kaleshwar turned himself into this beautiful male to bless me, & the blessing is unusual but it’s spiritual under the guise of sex. I have had dreams like this from before, where for a long time, I was walking the streets as a beautiful prostitute, picked men up, took them to a secret room, & had the most ecstatic sex in my life. I had no idea what it meant at the time, but later realized these were Souls in Purgatory & I gave them Spiritual Love! This was one of the Gifts of Jesus who in Jan 1978 asked me to make 3 wishes & the last wish was “I want to have spiritual relations with men” & this was it. This grace lasted a couple years on & off, then it ended.

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The sperm he’s putting on my face is what, Sri Kaleshwar & Sai Baba?

Kalesh answers:

“This entire grace is about love. You were deprived of love as a child after your parents split up. You wanted to cry but could not & eventually you got a sinus condition which makes your nasal passages swell up & close down, which would happen from crying. Repressed emotion is what this is.

Because of this deprivation you had a sad face when you weren’t smiling, so sad that people would comment, & you had surgery to correct this problem.

And so Sai Baba & I opened your nasal passages & helped you breathe to show you how your breathing would be without this problem. The symbol of the sperm is love – to give you a happy face. Sperm is white like milk, milk is kindness, & you compare it to icing, which is sweet. This is sweet, kind love – what you were deprived of.

And of course I made myself beautiful for you. Now me in the chair goes with,’

“Like falling off a chair,”

which means something quite easy to do.

I’m acting out a role under the guise of jealousy to see if you would care about my pain, & you do. You try to comfort me. In so doing, you deserve this grace which Sai Baba & I gave you.

Unfortunately, we could only give you this Grace temporarily, because your maladies are permitted by God to earn Grace for Souls in Purgatory & others. As you know, that’s why God doesn’t heal everyone’s ills all the time, because they are gaining Grace from them – an element we are here on earth to do – to gain Grace.”


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Me:  Mother God, can you explain the two marriages or males linked to me as husbands?


When you first thought about this you were mistaken.  They are NOT Souls in Purgatory, but none other than your great new Gurus, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba & Sri Kaleshwar.

The more beautiful blonde is Sai Baba – because he is the more evolved.  The ‘lower’ in spiritual status is Kaleshwar – the physical beauty represent the spiritual height. 

Sai Baba is your husband, even though you never knew him because according to this you are united or on the ‘same level.’

And Kalesh is also united to you.  They have both accepted you & given themselves to you this way, you are greatly blessed!


Me:  OK, thank you Mother God & Great Gurus.

Below, they do a lot of anointing in Yoga with water or milk, also present food to the Ascended Masters.  This is the real Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, a miracle worker.

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