God Tests Me-I Pass-Souls Assisted

By Rasa Von Werder, December 31st, 2023


A test from God which I pass & it helps Souls


12-30-23 Murder & Media


          I’m outside somewhere walking through quiet daytime streets, lots of trees around in this suburb, when I realize I’m in a bad neighborhood. It’s ‘bad’ somehow I know because it’s DESERTED. I’m trying to get somewhere. Then I go to cross this street & a black man {spirit not race} in a car that looks like an Alfa Romeo from the back – beige – is there, & I jog behind his car up the left side street – he’s headed toward the main street right there to the right. When he sees me he says,


          the feeling being I’m his next victim.

          When I do get to town I find there’s a murderer about who’s killed several people in the neighborhood. The police know who he is & are watching him to get something to arrest him on.

         I go through the streets heading to my destiny with some care. One I see no people – only horseshit in the middle of the road. Another is lined with hippopotamus laying about all over the street like they’re immersed in the dust & dirty – no water! – they are one of the most dangerous animals, so I light up into the air at least 20’ – after a couple minutes, go way up to 60’ & land up on a rooftop to observe.

          Whenever I go through streets like these I think ‘where did I go wrong?’ As they are dangerous with demonic people lurking although so far – no people.

          I stop at a stand of some sort & a person tells me,

          “You were on the news re your prayer group.”

          I’m startled & figure its a few seconds of me praying.

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          I see a vision of my apt which I turned into a chapel, with an altar. It has pews. It’s small like it would be in a house. It seems to be decorated mostly in silver & blue, vertical designs, but very much like a real Church.

          The thing is right now, with this murderer about; people are rallying together for support. And prayer comes in handy, that’s why they featured me I suppose.

          Next I am here at my house & it’s ‘standing room only.’ I’m behind a group of large black men, dressed mostly in suits & jackets, some heavy. The place is packed so tightly there’s no room between the people. One of the big men to my left says,

          “What are we all doing here?”

          Like he’s confused, & I say,

          “It’s because they featured me on the News praying, & everyone came here due to that.”

          At first they didn’t listen to me, but after a minute they all quieted down & heard what I said & it appeased their minds.

          Then I go to another stand that features media. They have all kinds of printed matter, magazines & newspapers, in stacks on the floor & tables. I see one large newspaper open – it features me. The center image is me in my strip attire, beautiful & glamorous in a sheer light sort of negligee, another corner has a black male model, & a couple other pics. It’s just pics, no print I don’t even see captions. Its good quality print. Because it’s me, I snap up this part of the newspaper & take it with me. I’m quite surprised at all this & delighted. It was not anticipated.


                     *{I have a general idea, Mother God. It’s the demonic infiltrating me – when he said ‘gotcha’ was the moment I went on the LEFT road & that’s when my mind went bad. I’ll let you describe the meaning as you are the expert.

          MG: Indeed. The Lord predicted Dec 28, the bears coming at you from all sides – when you sat in HIS residence with the Golden Leaves – He kissed your hand to signify He is giving you a GRACE – it will NOT be RANDOM when the hardships come. And on the 29th the dream tells you how your pains of lying on your back are equivalent to a million dollar diamond – to help the Souls in Purgatory! Knowing this is a Grace, no coincidence, helps you endure it.

          Why is Satan driving an Alfa Romeo? Lol. Because you have NOURISHED or MADE HIM RICH by taking the BAD ROAD.

          Several bad things happened IN A ROW – not of themselves huge, but the multiplicity of them got on your nerves. Your cat Tubby for the 20th time, pissed on a bag of your clothing – no matter how hard you tried to improve her behavior – she keeps going 1 & #2 which you have to clean up, but the #1 is worse – the #2 are dry logs easy to pick up, but the #1 she’s done in bad places where you’ve got to do a lot of work to clean it up. And the other cats did mischief also, we’ll skip that.

          Tubby just won’t learn, you’ve spoiled her by, feeding her chicken every day, letting her in & out the door constantly as to her wish – you were invaded by the feeling of HATE at her latest act. When that feeling came over you it was EVIL – as you almost never feel hate for anyone, human or animal, & it took your entire world down. Life became ugly.

          Then you went outside to get the dog food out of the car to put for deer & other animals but the trunk won’t open. You remembered one can open a trunk with a key but no matter how hard you tried, you could not find the key hole. This did not help.

          You were also groggy & tired as for the last 5 nights, the pain in your arms, having to sleep on your back which you hate – you have not been getting enough sleep, you’re tired, so when bad things happen when one is tired, it can pull them down.

          But then you recalled the dreams & Jesus said you would suffer. That changed everything. You repented your hate, you got over it, Satan was defeated, it had been a TEST.

          Part II of this concerns you being on the NEWS- MEDIA – you had changed your apt into a chapel & someone says you were on the news praying & all that, & finally, after checking out the news you see the people crowded into your chapel, one asks why are they all there.

          This proves this whole thing was a TEST & you PASSED IT, possibly after you lit into the air after seeing hippos & landed on a rooftop. From a higher vantage point spiritually you detected the test & got yourself straight.

          People all talking about this murderer on the loose is a DEMON killing souls. The POLICE watching him to apprehend him are ANGELS.

          Now you become some sort of a ‘hero’ or ‘celebrity’ in the news because you defeated the demon – you dismissed your lower nature & rose up in charity & were kind & loving to Tubby.

          When that was done a huge number of Souls in Purgatory entered your DOMAIN {Chapel} where you prayed or spoke with God.

          Some were confused why they were all there but they were being helped. So rejoice.   {end}


12-29-23 Million dollar diamond


          I’ve been lying on my back the last few days & it’s been difficult & all kinds of pains from lying on my sides – muscles pulled. Both arms hurting terribly on & off all night. Wanting to turn to the sides so badly but can’t do it.

          Then I saw in a cloth a huge oval with points diamond – So huge I was told it’s worth a MILLION dollars. I wrapped it in a cloth & put it not sure where, but I owned it.


                     *{This concerns the VALUE of lying on my back all night because of the pain in my arms, but doesn’t explain what the value consists of. But I imagine for myself the physical benefits – will skip that.

However, the GREATEST VALUE is that Jesus PREDICTED He’d bring some sufferings by his Grace. These pains plus other hardships, will HELP Souls in Purgatory! This says how amazingly valuable this penance is!}*   {end}

### TIGER HUG ### OUR SHARE ### CAT WILD MOM ### JESUS N ME ### 12366205_509508282560529_5990284345803598142_n (1) 14141792_893651194074446_71966357639696694_n 15284008_196901974102167_558126734742808340_n 15442336_711883065630077_8440062231920372051_n Christopher Wood 2 XXX PEARL GREAT PRICE XXX XXXX XMAS


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