By Rasa Von Werder, May 29th, 2023

        First Miracle Woman’s Prayers Answered   5-27-23


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I went to my fave bar/restaurant yesterday owned by a woman I shall call ‘Anne’s’ – met a new lady server I shall name Kay, & Kay told me her life story & wrote down 5 prayer requests. I was the only customer so that enabled a meaningful conversation & she listened with much attention & respect for God {which is not evident with all those I speak to about God.}

Prior to that I had a prophetic chat with my lawn mower repair man. I sat by the tractor as he worked & chatted. I told him I wanted to function at Anne’s bar, preaching, & that I would have, after my sermon, a female stripper, then a male, to go with the title ‘Stripping for God.’ And I would invite the Press & believe that some would even come from NYC, as they have done before, to interview me. I could get the bar on the local news, both stations, as well as newspapers.

And I told him I’d like to rename the bar ‘The First Miracle,’ which would also refer to why we’d have a Church in a bar, justifying alcohol. After all, was not Jesus’ first miracle at Cana turning water into wine? I told him the anecdote.

I then went to Anne’s & met Kay as said. After a while she told me she’s had MS {multiple sclerosis} for 24 years. It affects the memory & eyes eventually. She also said she had skin cancer & was going to her doctor This Tuesday to get it lasered.

Finally she was ready to write down her requests. It’s the lucky 13th I have collected – started late last month with everyone I know in town. This is what she asked of God, which could be granted by my Anointing:

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          Kay S     5-27-23

          No more cancer

          Eye Sight back



          MS {to be healed}

          This morning I had the following dream:


          My lady friend came home after being in the hospital. She’d hurt her hip & had been on a walker. But it was healed, no walker!

          She was walking so free. I spoke to her about being healed & she agreed how happy she was.

          I am sitting at a large grey wooden table in the kitchen & she had come home unexpectedly – the table was not perfectly clean & there were lots of little knick knacks on it. I wanted to take a cloth & wipe it down, going around the various plates, big & small, some of which were being piled into each other. One set of 3 tiny plates, had one with a fluted, pleated edge, medium blue all atop one another, the lady accidentally put her tongue on the edge of it as she moved it toward the middle of the table, & it was my hot sauce & it stung a bit.

To my left, across from her, was a huge picture window, as big as the table, & lots of light coming in.

I was surprised at something. I had given her 3 iron frying pans. In another part of the kitchen, maybe a step down, like a separate room, there’s a small stove or hot plate. She had it working so that the frying pan was burning something in it. Like thick flames maybe 5” high. It worried me that above the pan was a huge bouquet of old, dried roses on long stems, beautiful, all red. Full blossoms, but all closed up like buds. This bouquet was about 5’ tall & maybe 4’ wide, & it extended above the pan & I worried the fire might hurt the roses but so far it did not, there was enough space. But I wondered about the heat of it hurting those valuable roses.

And in another spot, somehow above our table, were 2 more burners with 2 more iron frying pans I had given her & they were also burning the same type of flames. I exclaimed,

“So you know how to cure these!”

Sense-image material is that recently I have given one of my 2 iron frying pans to a needy family, but was concerned as they both had to be re-cured but I didn’t know how. And I hoped the lady recipient would know how.

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MEANING: This lady represents Kay & the 3 iron frying pans are three of her requests being ratified. One is ‘no cancer’ in a separate room or area or category & the other two close together, are eyes & MS. Looking at the requests, re her memory, & she will gain courage, the memory will stay good as the MS is cured, she will not need courage to face the problems when they are gone.

The frying pan beneath the huge bouquet of dried roses sounds like the laser beam treatment that burns off the skin cancers. Why would this be dried roses? Roses are love, it seems that God has given her this affliction not out of punishment but love, as good things come out of bad. My guess is this has brought her closer to God. Why are they large & dry? Large because it’s a big problem to have cancer, & large red blooms are big sufferings, dry might be she’s had this a long time with prolonged treatments – not fresh blooms of something that just happened.

The grey table I’m on, not having it completely ready & I want to wipe it down sounds like our conversation at the bar – she on one side, me on the other. She was wiping it when I walked in. And the hot sauce she tastes on the tip of her tongue is when an evil man walked in, sat next to me & was bad-mouthing God & I told him off. She tasted a tiny bit of my wrath.

The large picture window as big as the table was a huge window of opportunity, as when I came in I was the only customer, & I told her about many of my healings, which inspired her faith, hope & confidence so she believed she could be cured.

The 3 iron frying pans being cured – what better symbols for her issues being healed?  

Another important symbol re frying pans is ‘Cooking on all burners’ – in this case, 3 burners, which means things are going extremely well, the 3 representing the 3 requests.

Now again, look at the preamble – where I spoke to the lawn repair man about calling the bar FIRST MIRACLE? How prophetic can you get? 

I must ad that I’ve been praying to a great Guru, Sri Kaleshwar, & I have reason to believe he is facilitating this – sending me his Anointing.  He was very good at curing cancer, healed 4 our of 5 people.  I learned about him from his disciple Alx Utterman.  He did great miracles & I asked him to become my new Guru.


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