Family Jewels

By Rasa Von Werder, November 11th, 2023

11-11-23          St Esquire is back—Relationships


I went to my beautiful apt, not sure if it’s new or what, but I had decorated it to the best of my ability but when I see the other’s guy’s adjacent apt mine falls short. I try to fix it.

So here I am & everything is lovely but I don’t like how my bed looks. It’s not super neat, it’s just the way it is, a soft whitish slightly blue/green sheet is over the entire thing, it wants to be more organized.

My neighbor, who actually owns this property, is next door. He was away, now he’s back.


*{MY NEIGHBOR WHO WAS AWAY NOW IS BACK: In real life this is an old friend, Earl, who came to fix a broken window, that the bear had broke telling me how hungry he was. [It was an answer to prayer, lol, ‘Are the Souls hungry when I don’t say the Holy Mass for them? Indeed they are, see this! Rasa, God whispers to us in our pleasure & shouts to us in our pain! Understand how important the Mass is & how HUNGRY Souls are!]

Earl comes off very fortunate in this dream, more so than I! Part of it is the moment I asked ‘How much do I owe you?’ & he said NOTHING. But I had a gift for him, a gold-framed picture of his half Japanese granddaughter & grandson taken about 20 years ago – when I was friendly with them & him.

Our MUTUAL FRIEND is Rudy, who I spoke about yesterday, who appeared in a dream & I helped reconcile him with Mary Jane, who’s still in Purgatory. Rudy ascended in 18 days, so he’s a saint who can help her!

ME: Mother God, the part that I don’t understand, is why is St. Esquire, Earl, my Landlord, the owner of this building?

MG: You have SO MANY RESIDENCES & APTS, this is one of them. It’s like a PORTAL, or in some cases, a GHOST to the past. Earl ‘in a sense’, owns this ghost, a memory, a place in Infinity you can return to, which has meaning. Perhaps a cluster of thoughts & feelings, experiences.}*


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He comes to his apt. I can hear him in there. After a while he comes to my apt, our doors adjoining, & tries the knob, but I have it locked. The walls are blue.

*{I HAVE IT LOCKED, HE TRIES THE DOOR: Earl came back into my life which had been shut off from him. I quickly gave him access! He brings with him that host of memories.}

I quickly run to the door – he has the right to come in, this is HIS PROPERTY! I unlock the door, he enters.

As the door opens I see inside his apt. Wow! It’s EXQUISITE! His mantelpiece has dozens of framed pictures on it, each one with mostly silver, very ornate frames in different sizes, piled one on top of each other in a neat way. The rest of the place is done what looks like by a designer. He has exquisite taste & decorating ability.

*{MANTLEPIECE WITH FRAMED PICS AS DESCRIBED, EXQUISITE: Here Earl describes all his children & grandchildren to me. He & his wife are close to many of them. He’s helping one grandson remodel a new house – he came to help me right after their day’s work. Two daughters live nearby, they have grandchildren. He has 2 sons, one is far away & doesn’t stay in touch, another is close by & they are friends. And the conclusion is he has a VERY RICH FAMILY LIFE with great communication, support for the kids, & terrific Holiday shindigs which I asked him about. This is the pictures on the mantelpiece, framed in beautiful, lasting silver – the symbol because I gave him that gold framed image of his grandkids.}*

I try to IMITATE his place but to no avail, I just can’t get mine to look as good.

*{TRYING TO IMITATE HIS BEAUTIFUL LIFE TO NO AVAIL, LOL: I speak of my grandkids & great grandchildren – I have 3 of the former & 5 of the later – but they’re all far away & no longer in touch! I’m not rich/beautiful in family as Earl is}*.

I am reminded, there was a young female who came to me in an unusual way. It’s a test or experiment or visit to prove something, but what? To see if I’m a good person? If I’m good to stay with or visit or what?

When she arrives at my front door I have a large pink bath towel over it instead of a door. I sense she’s IMMATURE, no knowledge, experience, her judgment is off.

Almost from the start she judges me as not good to get along with, but why?

And she was SENT by this St Esquire, who is my Landlord.

I hear her REPORT, her telling me why I was wrong or off.

But none of it MAKES SENSE.

She’s judged me WRONGLY.

I try to defend myself. Don’t know what happens except she definitely doesn’t come back.

*{SHE DOESN’T COME BACK, JUDGES ME, IMMATURE: This is my granddaughter who fits that description. What is said is the facts. She visited me twice & did not want to come back unless I met a series of demands from her, like I must never talk about GOD! So that was the end. Other reasons why family isn’t close – most of it comes down to geography, they being in England, not easy to be close. So I can’t come up to Earl’s level.}*

Oh yes, I also see an image of St. Esquire outside, on the street. He’s walking up the street toward the ‘camera’ – my eyes. It’s a scene out of ‘Great Expectations’ & he’s Pip after coming into this fortune.

He’s in exquisite clothing, like a long camel coat, & he’s wearing black round rimmed glasses, but his entire outfit is super rich looking, neat & classy.

And at a little table in front of a coffee shop is his very good friend, also dressed so beautifully, to top it off, he has a translucent scarf tied round his neck, in a bow, the ends hanging down with the soft wind blowing it. A beautiful picture.

*{AH, EARL HAS MET HIS GREAT EXPECTATIONS, he’s come into ‘family fortune’ as described. He’s been blessed. And who is it sitting at that little table with the lovely black scarf? His face I might add, looks bucolic, sweet. It’s RUDY in Heaven! The black scarf tells me ‘funeral’. Sitting there in the OPEN is Heaven {Purgatory would be closed} & the little table is enjoying FOOD or the Fruits of Life. His trouble, pain is over, he has happiness.

And Earl being there also shows good tidings for him, he’s definitely in the Grace of God.

And when I asked him about Rudy he said he misses him every day, he was his best friend. I was glad about these good words, as Rudy can hear them.

Unlike Mary Jane, who previously had such contempt & looked down on poor crippled Rudy. But Earl gave a shining report.}*


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