Dr FeelGood Treats Me

By Rasa Von Werder, December 1st, 2023


11-30-23-the Doctor-lines waiting 

Explains new musician who’s chatting with me on the internet – an international celebrity.

He posts a video & it gets a million or more views within 2 weeks


         For some reason it has to do with my breasts. Sense-image material has to be a friend who has to have a biopsy on her breast.

OK, so I go to this famous surgeon who looks like Gundry who I just saw on his commercial. Let’s call this man ‘Honey’ as he’s sweet. {lol}.

       I need my breast, something, maybe done with it or maybe not? It’s like all up in the air.

         Through part of the dream I see my breasts like ‘clay’ texture.

I do have something to do with the doc, then go away because he did some treatment to me & we have to have a checkup to see how it worked.

At one point, it has to do with weights. I have weights & am kind of high up above water, & a murky, muddy sort of stream that is emptying into the big water, like an ocean but it’s vague. I am on a banister & at one moment I want to throw one of my weights into that creek! Or both of them? – But feel it might do damage to some tiny creature in the water/mud. They are the ones I lift. I get the feeling overall not to use the 25 lbs for some of the exercises where I have to lift them above my body as I lie down – it’s hard. Maybe better if I use the 20 lbs. I seem to be mad at my weights & want to punish them. A man friend is with me.

Now, to go for my follow up visit. There’s a line so long that it takes hours to see him. I know this man who I’m right behind. He’s tall, above me, sweating so badly that the sweat from his face falls onto me again & again – I don’t like that.

I have to leave the line again & again for chores but I return, knowing always that I’m right behind this man.

The most recent time 2 people got ahead of me. I thrust them aside {slightly, nothing rude} & got in there telling them it was my place.

But now the father of the 2 persons who were there comes over & tries to assert his kids right to go ahead of me – I push them all aside, go inside the framed-in area {like an outdoor/indoor place, the walls are all glass} & not only do I get into my rightful place but I see there’s a clasp on the door & I close it.

Now I’m in front of Gundry, – he just stands straight, I am the same – as he did with everyone – I feel light hearted as I know all is well. I want to say,

“I feel like Miss America.”

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He’s wearing dark clothes – so am I. He’s mild mannered.

He asks me something, I answer; I think it’s about how I feel. I feel fine & happy.

Then the phone rings {real life} about a bill – lol – & that’s the end.

Forgot one scene. I wanted to approach Gundry but it was not opportune. There on the right is about a hundred or more males of all types – younger, older, flamboyant like show business, some gay with bright blue colors, others conservative, all kinds. They’re waiting for him also & seem sad or worried about what was or is wrong with them – they had surgery & don’t know how it’ll turn out yet.

I tell my friend,

“He did surgery on all of these.”

It’s impressive.


*{ME: Mother God, what does it mean? I think it’s about the musician I’ve been talking to & don’t know what the outcome is. I think the ‘operation’ is speaking to me personally on the comments, PLUS his performance or how he teases, manipulates, entices an audience & people with his flirtatious behavior. People are affected emotionally including me. His ways are similar to how beautiful enticing women act when they sing or dance or in some cases, act in theater. So many people are affected & hoping to be in relationship with him –, both men & women, waiting inspecial areas & lines, lol.

MG: Of course it’s about him. He’s affected your emotions or heart, which is seen as ‘breasts,’ as they contain love.

ME: But the MEANING? What does it mean? The weights might be saying I’m tired of routine, discipline, like the things I must do daily. Tired of the burden, want to lighten it up.

MG: You’re considering what would happen if he does continue speaking to you & suggests some sort of intimacy. It’s easily done by internet.

It’s ‘up in the air’ like the condition of your breasts, you aren’t sure what is the right thing to do. You were praying.

But his ‘surgery’ on your feelings worked, you are livened up, feel emotionally lifted like the power of love. He gave you hope of love even though it might seem far fetched & some people wouldn’t believe it – because of the age difference & his present celebrity. etc.

ME: What about my ‘place in line’ & the two ‘kids’ I push out of line, their Dad protests but I prevail, etc. The man with the sweaty face whose water falls on me, to my chagrin. Somehow he affects my position negatively, maybe delays it.

MG: This is saying your place to relate to him is ASSURED or CERTAIN – you will get there, in spite of others who tried to be more important or ahead of you – the competition so to speak. You lock them out, lol. The sweaty man is someone who is extremely nervous about ‘Honey’ – he could be a businessman. He does get his turn, & then you.

The ‘surgery done on all those males waiting is the same surgery he did on you – emotional. They’re all sad & worried as they don’t know where it’ll go – IF anywhere. It seems NOT. You are talking to your friend amazed at how many people he has affected, especially men. You don’t see crowds of women like this, strangely, in the dream, but you see them googly eyed in the audience at his concerts. {end}

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Had this dream failed to type it yesterday as I wanted to do other work {finished the 1st editing of my new book on Purgatory – 337 pgs} 11-29-23


I go to see Elvis Presley.

This is him years after his summit, like he’s settled down, retired I guess. He’s chilling her with a wife & kids & I appear, wanting his attention.

I have a chimpanzee/gorilla type project. I want to catch these apes & make a recreation center, mostly for kids, & want his funding. Yes it’s weird as I think back.

This somehow passes & now he comes up to me & is paying attention. At first, he is neutral. But then I begin speaking about his relatives, dozens of them. {This is my ticket for him to take me seriously.} I try to remember names, don’t recall all of them. I stumble to recall. But I mention one female, like an Aunt, & he is so stimulated the blood appears in his face – he knows I’m FOR REAL, that I actually met his ancestors/relatives, had something to do with them, & I have produced a book, which I present him.

The book is my usual kind, with shiny pages & images, I see one where people are streaking from left to right – it’s in shiny beige, their skin, bodies. It’s his family. This proves my authenticity.

Elvis is no longer handsome. He’s overweight, the skin on his face is kind of pock marked. I remember when I was 10 years old he was the love of my life, but I don’t go there.


The gorilla/ape is the picture he first saw you with as your marker on You tube. It was a very weird pic you – chose it to get attention, as the last weird pic did nothing. This ape has hair standing out straight, like a grey mop, & wildly popped eyes & is talking about he did not sleep well, why do you ask?

So that’s the image you start with & he must have gone past that & checked your site as he calls you beautiful.   This explains the gorilla issue.

But then you say something or something comes to his attention that impresses or stimulates him. Perhaps the mention of your 31st book you’re working on!

OK you got his attention & it went from there. Apparently, he’s one of the few people who has LOOKED YOU UP after you got their notice. That shows why he’s so successful, he’s zealous, he reaches out, he’s active, not passive, doesn’t wait for fate, creates it. {end}.

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