Descent into Purgatory

By Rasa Von Werder, November 2nd, 2023
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11-1-23   Descent into Purgatory-2-the Male Teacher

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First, I chanted ‘Poor Souls-I love you’ hundreds of times before sleep & whenever I awoke. It resulted in a visit to Purgatory! {Try it}

I went into an underground area, which, after a while, I yearned to get out of & I did. I saw many characters there. Shall describe what I recall.

It’s like all around me are walls made of huge light beige blocks & I walk & walk to find an exit & there is none.

*{MEANING: Both Purgatory & Hell are places of limitation with no exits. Purgatory eventually does get an exit, Hell apparently not. Why the limitation – what is it made up? Of what does it consist? Those ‘building blocks’ are products of our own minds, which cut us off from Love – the true Love of God. They were sins, thoughts, feelings, ideas, that are limited, not opened, not receiving Grace. I always know I’m in Purgatory when there is confinement, limitation, no open sky, no sunshine, no beautiful nature.} *

I come across a man in a monster condition. He’s sitting on the floor, seems bandaged, gross appearance, dressed in rags with trash around him. He looks as me & says,

“What are YOU doing here?”

I lean at him & exclaim,

“I’m here to try & bring people closer to God!”


*{A SOUL ASKS me what am I doing in Purgatory? Lol. I probably look like a Celestial Being to him. His monstrous appearance, rags & trash, are products of his mind on earth, so now he sees what he was inside, it’s all he has left – no body – just his Soul’s limitations or the evil that blocked his Divine Nature} *

Then I come across a lady who thinks she is doing important activist, political work. She sits on the edge of something & there’s a baby lying close to her on the left. She’s surrounded by trashy things, not an office, but she still thinks she has an office & a place of good work. Her appearance is average, she’s thin & decent looking. She talks & talks, like a political activist. When she sees me she exclaims,

“Call me!”

As if she had something to relay to me of importance, a word, a job, & yet I sense she is empty of any real purpose – but doesn’t know it – Still living her delusion.

*{ LIVING HER DELUSION: What does this say about this woman? Could it be pride, self importance, a status seeker? But the ‘call me’ might be her needing me, not me needing her –could she realize now she is without help or opportunity except for a person who cares? No more status-seeking help. And who is the baby?

Notice she is not paying attention to the baby. It might mean she neglected the innocent child inside, who apparently was born again (or she would not be saved) so she has a spiritual nature, but she needs help. In her life, she apparently lived in delusions of grandeur.}*

I pass her into another room where there is hope. I see a window, high up, through which light is streaming.

There are some people on the other side of it. I climb or fly up to this window & see it has 3 layers. Oh, how I hope I can open it. I try one, then another, then the third & at last it is open & I go outside into the sunshine. Victory!

*{WINDOW, SUNSHINE, 3 LAYERS: Oh what relief to get out of this Purgatory! The sunshine represents God, who the Egyptians worshiped as RA. And the people on the other side are either Angels or Saints, maybe my Guardian Angels helping me get out. Three layers? Difficult to get out of limitations.} *

For a while my memory was terrific & I recalled all the details. Yesterday I watched nothing on You tube, nothing, & that helped de-clutter my mind, so my memory was way better. I am now convinced that watching anything on TV, movies or You tube or doing anything that brings the world into me – even if it’s educational {except for things on God} dissipates &/or clutters my mind – the memory. It’s like all the images disturb my own images which appear in the Theater of the Mind.

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Dream two – The Male Teacher


          I had traveled a long distance in my car – the drive was at least 1.5 hours, & it was like that trip to Purgatory but different, not as extreme.

          But I ran into trouble. I needed a dime to start my car – it had a slot like some machines, you push a coin into it to operate it. But I had nothing, not even a dime. I had lost my purse.

          *{MY CAR & MY PURSE: Car is vehicle by which you get somewhere – it is in the mind & heart, like a key. You just ‘beam here’ or ‘there,’ appear in places or leave them. So am am somehow stuck in a place I don’t want t be & seek help. A purse is your ‘means to an end’, a tool, your money is a tool, your purse holds money, I.D. & things you need to get by, to accomplish things.}*

          I was out in the open, wide panoramas in a city, so it isn’t Purgatory but the world, which is filled with sinners.

And I am out in this place that is not the street, but like an empty mall, with walls here & there – no stores. I have on nothing but a beautiful bathing suit –one I have that is printed with turquoise designs, white & gold, & has two straps that tie behind the neck.

*{BEAUTIFU BATHING SUIT, TURQUOISE, WHITE & GOLD: Is the Light or attitude of my spiritual self. I went into the world to help others but got stuck there & needed to detach myself. The colors of my soul self represent goodness – Purity of intention, love. Turquoise is Sacred to American Indians.}*

          I see a man here & I invoke his kindness, telling him I have nothing & I need a dime, just a dime, to start my car to get out of here.

          He tells me that below there, are stations like bank outlets where one can get such things – instead of helping me. I go look & see those stations on a dark street, a few of them, but they are all closed. And across the street are shops, but they are closed also – it is night on this street in spite of above being daylight. This man did not help.

          *{MAN DID NOT HELP: Since I think I know who this is, it’s a man I liked when I went back into the world temporarily, going to bars & restaurants to try & start a local Church. I ask this man for very little but he refers me to places that are closed. In other words, this man has no spiritual love or help.}*

          In fact, when we are behind a wall, & I realize dangerously alone, he grabs one of my suit straps & holds onto it. I fear rape & I struggle to run away. As I run the strap expands, stretches as the material is rubbery – I mean stretches 20-30’! The man takes the strap & ties it around his foot & I drag him far, but I do get away.

          When we get some place I take the strap & untie it from his foot & see it’s a furry paw of a grey dog.

*{GRABS STRAP, TIES IT TO HIS FOOT WHICH LATER BECOMES A PAW, ETC, LONG STRETCH: Yes, I was thinking of this man a lot until I realized his love is low minded, his mind is of the animal – grey, furred paw, grey is mind. And I was attached t him mentally until I finally got away.}*

          I continue my struggles here.

          My new problem is the car. My purse has reappeared, so that’s been solved by the Higher Power. But one of the tires on my car – it’s not flat – but the thick black rubber on the outside has become raveled somehow & I’m not sure if I can drive that long distance safely. I can’t find people to help – Trying to solve it. Do I discover a tire changing place in this area?

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But where do I sleep? I seem to have trouble with where I’m staying if I must be here a few days. Or do I take a chance & drive all the way home, but what if the tire fails? I struggle to solve this.

          There are two men here. One is a guy I don’t like but he seems to be working with my work also, he seems to have a personality that is not compatible to mine. He’s tall & his body is shaped like an egg, widest in the middle. He has a group of children he is dealing with – like a social worker. My cause has changed from Purgatory to social work.

*{INDEED when I went back into the work for like 3 months I lost most of my contact with Purgatory! I can’t figure who this fat man is.}*

          Then there’s a second guy who this first guy is affiliated with, maybe attracted to – it’s nebulous.

My way home does not get solved.

*{MY WAY HOME: What is home? It’s the place of Peace, security & safety. It’s being with God. I lost my ‘home’ when going out into the world (because my eyes were so strained I could not do computer work.) So I figured I’d not waste time & see if I could start a Church locally, but it didn’t work! The folks were not interested in God, at least, not in my presentation. And so now I have a problem, getting back to my roots}*

The second man does not get involved with me but then he does. We’re in a room by ourselves; we lie down on a bed as we need to rest before morning. It’s a large bed, with a soft is it red, bed cover? There seem to be things on it to the side, things we need to take with us on this journey. That other man is in the adjoining room with the kids, the door remains open. I have a feeling people might not approve me lying next to this man, who is a teacher. He’s to my left, I’m on my left side facing him. As I lie down next to him I feel an incredible rest & security & surprisingly, I say to him,

“Will you get me home?”

Which means drive my car & I sense that if something happens with the tire, he’ll know how to fix it. And without hesitation, he says,


This calmly & matter of factly.

I never see his face, only his strong arm on his right. It seems to have a golden hue. And the minute I lied down next to him I felt PEACE.

*{HIS GOLDEN ARM: Represents the strength of his love. Gold is perfect love, arm is strength.}*

He says something about I could close the door but I say,

“If I do they’ll think we’re having sex.”

The other guy does see us lying together but says nothing – no one complains although I sense it is forbidden or others are jealous.

*{RE SEX: This business about sex seems to say to me Charbel was sincerely celibate – Some of the Saints were not {which is OK. I’m OK with Jesus not being celibate, having his wife Magdalene, also having other encounters. So what? Irrelevant.} And I am thinking, after he gets me HOME maybe I’ll reward him with sex. This isn’t physical sex, it’s spiritual union, which is ecstatic. People think sex is sex, it’s all the same. But it isn’t. Sex with God or Godly sex is completely different. Physical sex is usually gross & without ecstasy.}*

It seems that the Almighty has solved my dilemma to get home.

*{THE MYSTERIOUS MAN WHOSE FACE I DO NOT SEE, WHO OFFERS TO GET ME HOME! Who could this be? The only one I can think of offhand is St. Charbel. Strangely enough, he never permitted anyone to take images of him, but we have his image as it appeared mysteriously in a photo taken of his monks, in front of his monastery, while he WAS NOT THERE! This might be my hint it is Charbel! – Who is one of my spiritual husbands! A might thank you to his gracious self.

And yes, he is a great Saint & I felt wonderful in his Presence! His vibration is off the chart for holiness.}*


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11-2-23    I have 2 children— {2} Hundreds of dark people with me


This having 2 children felt so real. I saw the infants, really felt their presence, one of the realest experiences in a long time.

And yes, I have a husband, an ordinary guy -Young middle age, round glasses, thin, wearing a blue sweater & his eyes wide open when I show him I have given birth. His class or who he is in society? Ordinary, neither professional nor working class, in between.

I see my child born, I hold it in my arms. I wrap it up. A year later, another one. Same thing. When the new one is born the first one is standing on a table top like on a ‘root’ or thinnish pedestal, sort of red, & he is above this root, waiting for my attention.

I show this to my husband also, so real.

When I go to get the first one from its wraps, there are several layers, which I was afraid might have suffocated it as there was plastic over its crown, but it was fine. It’s tiny.

*{ME: Mother God, I am baffled. Can’t even get a hint. What is it?

MG: It’s you & Nick. A child born to you both is a project, a new Thing. The only thing I can think of is your work for Purgatory, for which he is now a partner, getting his own clients out.

Could these two children be Souls that because of Nick, have now been DELIVERED or ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN?

It seems there was one first, then the second. It took time for them to get cleansed, but now they are ready. So rejoice.

Nick looking as he does: the round glasses are your Dad, whom you loved. Nick took his place. His medium social status is as he was. The blue sweater is a celestial color. He’s midway between Heaven & Earth & maybe a little Purgatory that he feels once in a while when you suffer.

The parking lot, his black car, your Corvette that was at first blocking the street:

Your vehicles are your tools or keys for getting into Purgatory, your portals. You both have one individually & as partners. He has his, you have yours, but you are together. His car is black might hint at funerals – his dead friends.

Your Corvette that at first blocked the road, but you got it out of there up a 6” obstacle: There was something blocking your way into this project with Nick at first, but you got past that. Your car being white is purity of intention.

Why his car is hidden: Might be because he is not on earth but with you. No one can see him, but they can see you as you are alive in body.

I know that does not make perfect sense, as this is about a hidden Interior work – Purgatory, but dreams don’t always come out logical.

What is the small plot that you think is used by wild dogs for sleeping & you will change this into something usable for you guys?

Wild [dogs] would be senses. Wild might be random people that Nick knew who are dead, they are seeking REST. But you will help them ASCEND so they won’t be haunting the earth or Purgatory any more, that’s how you make use of this space. Don’t need this resting place as they will be in Heaven.

Your house across the street, the attic with the entrance from Mario’s room & the nice big room beyond it – which will not be as easy to access from your parking space as you thought as there’s a street between the two.


Now husband & I have a house, painted white, on a corner. It’s large with many rooms & 3 floors, the third being an attic but more extensive & useful than most.

But first, there’s the scene of myself with my white Corvette. I am parked in the middle of the street, across I which would block traffic. A cop is watching me as I must move. I get in, I put my key into the lock on the right side, rev it up & jump over this curb made of stone & cement about 6” high at least, but I get over it fine.

Now up a slope there is a level area about 40’ long & maybe 15’ wide & my husband has his black car parked behind a series of privacy bushes to the right of our {I’m pleased with this} PRIVATE parking lot. This is directly across the street from our house on the corner.

I get my Corvette into its space on the left {it can be seen from the street, but not hubby’s car} & notice at the end of this area a small wild space where the middle of it is dug out – I surmise by paws – & sparse weeds around it. There’s a discussion on this – I say it’s wild dogs sleeping here, someone else thought it was derelicts, but I said no. We decide to fix this spot so it’s usable for our needs.

Then I talk about a good room adjacent to the attic. I tell hubby,

“Don’t you know where you climb up into the attic {through Mario’s room, there is the entrance, a small foldup ladder you must climb} – when you go there, there is a great room right next to it – go through the door, it’s large & we can use it for something.

Not sure what I was thinking of. Was it expanding family? But then I realized the two items, our parking lot & the house, were separated by a street – I had forgotten that point, & not as easily accessible as I thought.

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Our house reminds me of the picture I saw recently of the house I rented long ago in Beverly Hills. A fan sent me the link – Lovely place.

*{What is your house? Your mental state, consciousness, that you also share. Something to do with Mario’s room has to do with separation – always – Now you want to use something here for convenience or help for the Souls, but it won’t be as easy as you thought – Some kind of separation. Not sure what this means.}*


The huge number of dark mostly females – Hundreds of them – & myself, going to movies


The streets are full of hundreds of dark females & I’m with them, going to movies that are displayed as great entertainment. Amazingly, I don’t see the movies, only the people around me.

I change venues several times – on the street the same many people everywhere. I go to this movie, that movie. I sit with them. I am barefoot at one point, can’t figure who is holding my foot? Then realize it’s a female a few people down my right.

Then later I’m in a school & have my right arm around a dark boy in a blue corduroy jacket. He’s very thin. This boy is ordinary. Then a super handsome dark boy {someone I loved & wanted} sees me & says,

“I understand”

or “I see” –

Something to that effect.

*{ME: Mother, again I am baffled. Is this about me watching You tube & then having my mind cluttered so I can’t remember my dreams or help Souls in Purgatory as much?

MG: This seems to be a distraction, by hundreds of lower thoughts of the world which happens from watching ‘movies’ or videos on You tube. It’s not a sin, but a deterrent to your work, an obstacle.

It might be the very obstacle you saw twice in the first dream. First, you having to go up the 6” curb to your private parking, {you were in the street, which means pubic} & second, the STREET between your parking lot/portal & your shared house.

STREET in general means ‘put your business in the street’ or being IN THE OPEN, your mind, your thoughts, ON THE WORLD.

It is not compatible to think of the Interior state & the worldly state at the same time, it’s an impediment.

Your mantra yesterday was,

“Forgive me my sins & give me Grace to help Souls.”

You had no sins but this is an IMPEDIMENT, the only thing confusing the issue & mucking up your work.

When you watched nothing your mind & heart were better off & you were more effective, your mind cleaner for God’s work. Spiritual & worldliness are in conflict.

PS The dark people has nothing to do with race; it’s like ‘dark thoughts’ or lower thoughts. It’s amazing how ordinary You tube movies, like the ones I’ve been watching on history, take my mind into the world & people – away from God} * {end}


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