Death Becomes Him

By Rasa Von Werder, December 12th, 2023

          12-11-23 Unusual-Gen Douglas McArthur Dream


          Explains the decision Nick made to be with me instead of his drug lifestyle,

even if it meant death

AUG 18 15 

         Above – he hopes to see me near my place – Sad look is he didn’t speak to me for 9 months, every image of him taken at that time looks sad, forlorn – EMPTY – Look below – same time period:

dec 18 16

DEC 25 15

aug 27 16



Just don’t know what this could mean, can’t wait for the analysis. No I often have no idea what dreams mean until I record them & call upon Mother God.

          This happens in Pearl Harbor.

          The attack on Pearl Harbor happens, & Gen Douglas MacArthur makes a stirring Patriotic speech & then he DISAPPEARS. No one can find him – he’s gone, gone, gone.

          The assumption on the good side being that somehow he perished at the hands of the enemy.

          But I have another idea & say it,

          “He’s in love with a Japanese woman who lived there & has decided NOT to fight because he might get severely injured or die, & they are so IN LOVE they can’t LIVE without one another, so that’s all it is – he’s with her!”

          Logically, no one knew abut this affair or where she lives, so he’s safe for a while.

          Of course when they find him he’ll be tried & executed for being a traitor so he’s in great danger.

          Now I see them getting ready for his escape, out of this area. He’s in her apt & they are looking for a hair dye as he’ll make his hair brown instead of whatever it is – can’t recall – is it grey? It’s like I’m with them, I jump from being in his body to her body, so bear with me, it might sound a bit weird.

          “We” are looking on a shelf of white painted small shelves in a room, maybe bathroom. We find the dye but after we apply it, the brown is also on his face. We try to remove it’ it’s hard. But we do find something that effectively scrapes off the dye, we have to rub some kind of strips of ribbed grey cloth over his face & it comes off. The hair color is not a true brown; it’s a medium-light rust color.

          What he decides to do is move to CHINATOWN. The dream doesn’t specify which Chinatown. New York has one, Los Angeles has one – I used to go there all the time. San Francisco has a giant Chinatown.

          Anyway, they go to Chinatown. The logic is that Caucasians or most people don’t know the difference between a Chinese or Japanese person, so in Chinatown she can blend in. As far as he goes, he’ll get a regular, normal job, & he does – as a store clerk. It’s a tiny store, I see it – he doesn’t make much money, but they are there for ten years.

          One day a man comes into the store who thinks he recognizes Gen MacArthur. He asks him if he is him. But Doug gives his new name, says he is mistaken. On getting home he tells his wife they are moving – To a new Chinatown, in San Francisco. They cannot take any chances.

          But alas, he is discovered, arrested, tried & convicted of treason. The sentence – execution.

          We’re all there. He’s against the wall with his arms stretched out, somehow ‘nailed’ to the wall. His wife, I’m in her body right now – runs up to him & embraces him, crying,

          “I can’t live without you,”

Below, me when we were dating in the apt we met. We met 2011 – He was 19, Iwas 66.  Look at those legs!

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          And she’s sincere, I feel her feelings. But his physical state is amazing.

          I’m looking at his open mouth, jaw. It’s 3 times normal size so I can see into it. It’s like he’s a corpse, a long time in the ground, & he has followed several other corpses also in the ground. There are insects there – cute round ones – busily darting from tooth to tooth, inside the cavities where teeth were. The teeth are partially rotten, I see yellowy brown colors, many gaps in the mouth where teeth were, but she doesn’t see this, to her he’s alive.

          This scene ends & it’s as if he’s free to go outside, believe it or not, to get some coffee. He starts & looks back, at us in the room, like don’t we trust him? He comes back soon with the coffee or whatever he got.

          And I believe the execution takes place but I don’t actually see it.


          *{ME: Mother God, if there’s any sense to this it escapes me. I sure hope you can fathom this. The only l thing I can think of is Nick & myself, as that’s how I felt about him, & secretly, he about me. And he’s dead so the part abut being dead does apply.

          MG: Who else could it be about but you & him? What is the attack, who is the enemy, why is he a traitor? Why is he executed?

          It all goes back to the original story which you have spoken about hundreds of times. He got caught into the drug scene. His confreres or those on his side are his fellow drug users & dealers.

          The attack is what? Here is the KEY to the dream: the CONFLICT. All his buddies are on this side, they will fight. Nick is a GENERAL which means he’s a LEADER of the druggies. Yes, he was an ICON, especially after you came along, it glorified him. Although they made fun of him, razzed him terribly, the images of him which you took made him a star. Nobody looked like him, they all saw his dick & in spite of what they said, they ADMIRED him.

          He PLAYED UP to the crowd, he carried on – the life of the party. But it was fueled by Cocaine & alcohol.

          Now comes a conflict FROM THE AIR! From ‘above’ could mean FROM GOD. God is calling him to quit the lifestyle & go with Rasa, do as she says, go into rehab, quit his enabler & change his destiny – otherwise he will die young…..This conflict/attack is a THREAT, either he fights with his homies/druggies/wolf pack or what? He gave LIP SERVICE to being on their side {the Patriotic speech}, then DISAPPEARED.

          No one can find him, where is he?

          Now you see this Japanese lady who he’s been with all along but not publicly recognized. He makes a decision & that is whose side is he on? Will he BETRAY HIS DRUGGIE WOLF PACK? Yes, to be with you.       

          But he cannot do this without the PENALTY OF DEATH.

          Where does he escape to at first, seen as Chinatown, with his little clerk job – then planning to go later? What does it mean about dying his hair that rust color to disguise himself? In Chinatown – one of his associates finds & recognizes him. Planning to go to another Chinatown in San Francisco. How does this all translate?

          After the trial & sentence, you are there, you embrace him. He is ALREADY DEAD, dead in a line of succession, all the drug addicts he knew who wanted to leave drugs but couldn’t do it without death – being condemned to die. He thought he could escape but he could not.

          You saw it. Yes, your love was desperate as shown in the lady – but his was too, only he hid it.

          Bottom line, he chooses to be with you & that means with God – the Angels & Saints – the Celestials, – in your dream, all Asians are Celestials, you’re one of them. He wants to be with you in Heaven rather than on earth with drug buddies. He made that move, he DISAPPEARED. Where is he means where is his Soul, his mind? Who is he thinking of? Not them, he is with you.

          Chinatown is different states of Heaven, being condemned as a traitor is betraying the drug buddies, leaven them for you. And there he is, gone to them but present to you.

          ME: It’s striking where he is like nailed against the wall, he’s alive, but then, he’s dead & cute round bugs are going through his teeth & jaw. I see it – I’m the only one.

          MG: You saw the future, you saw the destiny or fate. You knew he couldn’t escape it, you told him many times. His jaw & teeth being rotten & missing is stupidity {teeth are wisdom or lack of} – foolishness, all the mistakes. In spite of this, you loved him. Being nailed against the wall is being helpless. He was like that because his mental, emotional state was so awful that unless he was drugged he wanted to commit suicide, but he didn’t see that, he lived in delusion. He was self medicating which often leads to his fate.

          ME: What are the cute little bugs?

          MG: Life goes on. There is no death. Our bodies disintegrate, become something else, food for other life, from dust we came, to dust we return, often bodies are eaten by other creatures. This is to emphasize only his body is gone – not his Eternal Life.

          ME: After this vision he’s perfectly alive, excuses himself to go for coffee & comes back, didn’t run away. What is that?

          MG: You were mystically married April 21, 2019, that was a break for him, he got some spiritual Power to go on for a while & he did two more years, then – Died August 14, 2022.

          Dying his hair rust color, you both work on that, from grey to rust, his face also covered, which you get rid of – His new thoughts – hair being thoughts. Once you’re dead, you have no more worries unless you’re in Purgatory – but he’s with you, so he’s not worried. Cleaning his face? Face is who you are, he has a new & clean identity. His ESCAPE is from physical life.   {end}

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