Channel Mother Cabrini

By Rasa Von Werder, March 19th, 2024
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I Channel Mother Cabrini 3-18-24


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         ME: Mother Cabrini, you opened up 67 institutions to help the poor, orphans, the sick, during your lifetime – a miraculous accomplishment. You faced tremendous hardships & obstacles, but by the Grace of God, you did it. Everyone knows you are a saint & you are admired & loved greatly by many including me.

         I’d like to get your counsel on my work, as I am fighting Patriarchy to establish a Matriarchal religion & Order – for women & their children. I have also had hardships & obstacles, different from yours but nevertheless, hard to conquer. By the Grace of God I have done many things to obey Her precepts & further the cause of Mother God on Earth. How would you describe my mission, & my goal – & what abilities, skills & virtues do I need to fulfill my work? Yes, I am old – But I still have ambitions. Speak to me.

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         Mother Cabrini {MC}:

         Your fight is Ideological. Your enemies are not physical; they are psychological, spiritual & metaphysical. However, these enemies are housed in the minds of men & women – Spirits of deception, delusion, lying spirits, spirits not of God but the devil. You are opposing them; you are putting forth ideas that are the opposite.

         ME: Yes I’m preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the opposite of what Patriarchy purports. And I want to write down everything I propose for the new Religion & Order. Right now all I can do is write. Do you have any advice how I should proceed? Do you think I can actually start this Order during my lifetime that is left – which is about 13 more years if I’m lucky. Or do you think I should just write & hope to put down all the ideas/instructions for the religion & Order?

         MC: Try not to worry or hurry. It will all come out of you in good time, & if God wants you to do anything physical as you hope – she will put forth Her Magic Wand, wave it over your property & it will begin.

         ME: Did you ever think about the prejudice & evil I am facing which is Patriarchy? Did you ever pray for it to end?

         MC: Of course, most women if not all, think about these issues – we all face them. Each woman activist can only do so much in her lifetime, in her skin. She hopes to lay stones of work down upon which other women can build. Don’t fret about whether you start physical building or not, jut concern yourself now about writing it all down & what happens, happens. If you don’t start building or organizing this lifetime, the next generation of women will follow your footsteps & proceed.

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         ME: What do you think of my New Religion?

         MC: Why not? It’s about time someone kicked their asses. Those priests & prelates, I had a lot to suffer from them – they were obnoxious to the core, presumptuous, self righteous & all misogynists. I knew they were abusers but there was nothing I could do about it, I just had to proceed the best I could. A lot had to happen before other women came along & feminism was born, & then Female Empowerment with you.

         ME: As I was sitting just now meditating she spoke to me thus, words approximate:

         MC: Now is the time to do what you’re doing. When you first started on the internet, in 2004, it was a time of relative stability where the patriarchs felt secure. When you preached as you do they fought viciously against you, even death threats. But now, when you return to Face Book, you won’t get that. They will leave you mostly alone because now is the time of CHAOS. During chaos is when new ideas can be ingested & people are so confused, so focused on what to do next, they will not fight new ideas, especially this one which is Matriarchy. Men have noticed that their world is crumbling, all the misconceptions they had of themselves being Kings & Captain Marvels & Strong Leading men, dominating everything, are evaporating like the morning dew. Their illusions have for the most part, have been shattered by the results of male rule, where the chickens have come to roost, & by the behavior of women with their demands for equal rights, opportunities, & now you with Matriarchy. They know they’re finished – the writing is on the wall to those who are aware, educated & informed. There are still some that are ignorant, but they are ignorant of all things even Patriarchy itself, they are basically not riveted anywhere, they just live – either badly or well, just live for the day ahead, don’t know what’s going on outside.

         ME: So far, so good. Sounds like you’re on board with my program. What do you think of my focusing on women & mostly excluding men except for what WE want – not to dominate us, but we are sexually free & cohabit with them when we wish, but there’s no domination of us by them nor do they dominate our children. That’s the Order I’m setting up.

         MC: Everything you’re doing & thinking it’s about time. I like it all. If I was back on earth I’d join your Order & help. Maybe go out & set up new branches for us. For women to be sexually free has part way started, but you’re taking it to the limit, making it official, which is humorous in a way. It’s like a laugh in their face. Not being revengeful, just merely showing them like it is – their karma for thousands of years of abuse. They used women as breeders for their nefarious schemes, now you use them only for sperm & a bit of affection. Like William Bond says, they don’t know how to love. They know how to take love from women. They have needs, but they’re slow to give. They only give when they can get something out of it – like giving women money for sex – which they will do. But giving for charity is not their nature.

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         ME: How many books will it take & how many years, to get this all into writing? I have to put down the Order, its rules, its setup, housing, management, education. Then I have to write out all the religious doctrine & beliefs – A lot of writing.

MC: It will take 5 books & 2 years – not much for you. You did 9 books in 2 years when you were Graced by God. God will Grace you again for this.

You will be helped by Pete & William, each in his own way. Their writings support yours. When you include the work of William regarding males are the submissive sex & all the other things he writes, people will be impressed. Pete also writes well – he has his own smarts & vision which will give your work credibility. Together the 3 of you will make great strides.

ME: What do you think of my past work – Stripping for God, body building, female domination, cougering, preaching in front of the White House which caused Our Lady’s of Fatima Power to manifest – all of that. And also the Graces I received – the infused virtues from Jesus {Faith, Hope & Charity} & Mary {Poverty, Chastity, Obedience} – this Christmas I received KEYS from Jesus & a Mantle with among other colors, GOLDEN ROSES made of Gold Thread from Mary – dozens of other Graces over the years, the Holy Interior Stigmata & all the special favors from them as well as Saints. I have 7 spiritual husbands, 6 of them known Saints.

MC: You have the right to stand with the best of them, some day people will know it & believe, & pray to you & get favors. Many miracles will occur. This isn’t to be known in your lifetime as you’d be hounded & it would impede your work. But people will come to your grave to ask for favors. They will clamor for relics of you. There will be more favors & miracles than normal to prove yourself to the people – God will grant that. You who were despised {including by your family even now}, ridiculed, scoffed at, put aside in life because of your profession – all that will change. Those who are in the same boat as you will come to you with confidence – women of the adult trade, those who are shunned.

Your life is coming to a close but you have much to look forward to in Eternity. What a future you will have!

ME: When I go to the other side will there be many animals to greet me? And what abut Souls in Purgatory I helped?

MC: It’ll be beyond what you ever imagined. Words cannot say. All the pain gone, all the joy realized – A Heaven that not many can enjoy. It’s all because of your Heart because your love has been True.

ME: What in Heaven most impressed or surprised you?

MC: Everything. Hard to describe. What is most shocking I suppose is those who are in Heaven one didn’t expect – & those who likewise went to long Purgatories or even Hell who one also did not expect.

ME: What about all those Priests & male clergy? – Their pedophilia & all the other sins. Did you know abut that & how many of these guys made it to Heaven & did many go to Hell or long Purgatories?

MC: All kids. Some of them were sick you – They’d been abused by their Dad or other men. We suspected some were like that but had no proof. All kinds, some Heaven, some Hell overall not because of any particular sin but because they shut God out of their lives.

ME: Many saints say the majority go to Hell, the minority to Heaven, & that more women gain Heaven, & more poor people than rich.

MC: The Broad Highway to Hell is common among the people. They have no idea they are headed there, but they are. And as Jesus said, ‘Many go there.’

ME: Do you have any advice or parting words for me & the people out there?

MC: Take it day by day. Stop worrying & work on your Faith. Believe in the Good & good will happen. Believe in the bad & it draws bad to you. Clean your heart out periodically by forgiving all who ever hurt you & ask them to forgive what you did to hurt them, & receive their forgiveness even if you have no proof of it. Keep struggling each day to be a better person for yourself & others. You must love yourself as you do others, don’t blame yourself for so many things especially little things, forgive yourself for your faults. That is all for now.

ME: Thanks to Mother Cabrini   {end}

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From Wikipedia:

On September 1887, St. Cabrini went to seek the pope’s approval to establish missions in China. Instead, he urged that she go to the United States to help the Italian immigrants who were flooding to that nation, mostly in great poverty. “Not to the East, but to the West” was his advice.[7]

Cabrini left for the United States, arriving in New York City on March 31, 1889, along with six other sisters.[8] In New York she encountered disappointment and difficulties.[7][2] Archbishop Michael Corrigan, who was not immediately supportive, found them housing at the convent of the Sisters of Charity. She obtained the archbishop’s permission to found the Sacred Heart Orphan Asylum in rural West Park, New York, later renamed Saint Cabrini Home.

Cabrini organized catechism and education classes for the Italian immigrants and provided for many orphans’ needs. She established schools and orphanages despite tremendous odds. She was as resourceful as she was prayerful, finding people who would donate what she needed in money, time, labor, and support.[9] In New York City, she founded ColumbusHospital, which merged with ItalianHospital to become Cabrini Medical Center from 1973 until its closure in 2008.[10][11]

In Chicago, Illinois, the sisters opened ColumbusHospital in Lincoln Park and ColumbusExtensionHospital (later renamed Saint Cabrini Hospital) in the heart of the city’s Italian neighborhood on the Near West Side. Both hospitals eventually closed.[12][2] Their foundress’s name lives on in Chicago’s Cabrini Street.

She founded 67 missionary institutions to serve the sick and poor, long before government agencies provided extensive social services – in New York; Chicago and Des Plaines, Illinois; Seattle; New OrleansDenver and Golden, ColoradoLos AngelesPhiladelphia; and in countries throughout Latin America and Europe.[6] In 1926, nine years after her death, the Missionary Sisters achieved Cabrini’s original goal of becoming missionaries to China.[13]

Cabrini was naturalized as a United States citizen in 1909.[6]

Death[edit source]

Cabrini died of complications from malaria at age 67 in Columbus Hospital in Chicago on December 22, 1917,[3] while preparing Christmas candy for local children.

Her body was initially interred at what became Saint Cabrini Home, the orphanage she founded in West ParkUlster County, New York.

Veneration[edit source]

In 1933, her body was exhumed and divided as part of the process toward sainthood. At that time, her head was removed and is preserved in the chapel of the congregation’s international motherhouse in Rome. Her heart is preserved in Codogno, where she founded her missionary order. An arm bone is at her national shrine in Chicago. Most of the rest of her body is at her major shrine in New York.[14]

Cabrini was beatified on November 13, 1938, by Pope Pius XI, and canonized on July 7, 1946, by Pope Pius XII.[9][2] Her beatification miracle involved purportedly restoring the sight of a day-old baby who had been blinded by a 50% silver nitrate solution instead of the normal 1% solution in the child’s eyes. The child, named Peter Smith (1921–2002), would later be present at her beatification and become a priest.[15] Her canonization miracle involved the purported healing of a terminally ill member of her congregation. When Cabrini was canonized, an estimated 120,000 people filled Chicago’s Soldier Field for a Mass of thanksgiving.[16]

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