3 Souls Ascend!

By Rasa Von Werder, November 17th, 2023

11-17-23 Crossing the Border – Angels & I get Three People to Ascend!



         I’m in a world where there’s some trouble & effort. It’s like we’re prisoners in a land where it’s hard to escape, & I’m one of the people helping others. It’s like when a foreign country invades & takes over one’s native land.

         OK so there’s this couple & they have 2 tiny kids {tiny kids could represent their flesh}. They might be the same age but she’s much more mature.

I was working with them when we came to a point where the border of freedom was but 20’ away!

I see her, short as can be, no more than 5’ or less, maybe 4’8”. She’s wearing a dark, stiff twill type outfit, the stripes are charcoal black & a grey {prison outfit} & she’s walking with a limp. I see her from the back at this point, she’s getting slowly but surely toward that border!

The mate is just standing there STARING at the border {border is the Other Side-Heaven} – like a child. His face is attractive & he’s staring in awe at the FREEDOM beyond that point & is too scared to move. He’s tall & is wearing LONG JOHNS, the kind you sleep in or maybe old style underwear, that buttons up the front. But the material here is made of a soft, soft light goldeny hue.

There’s a man in charge beyond that border {Celestial, Angel or Saint}, & he comes forward toward the young man, & I also step up & the two of us PUSH him to start moving – the LAST STEPS TO FREEDOM!

This works, & I believes he gets across.

I am also in charge of their two tiny kids, they are like infants, about a foot long, & for now I must place them on the ground in a clump of grass, being careful where I put them – looking at this spot, that spot, in case they move don’t want them in the dirt. I see nothing else in this sequence.

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                 Without a doubt, these are Ascensions, especially the male, as he has on the costume of a Soul in Perfection – Soft Gold. A Celestial & myself help him take the last steps to Paradise – the other side of the border is Heaven. He, they escape this Prison Planet. I physically see me taking his children to the Other Side. The female I see headed there, hope she makes it, maybe she did, but I didn’t see it – unless the two infants represent THEM.


Then there was a scene where only privileged people can dance on stage & they don’t allow some people. But I want to break that barrier, & since I have been one of those folks not allowed on stage, I get up on it now & dance.

Then I get down & encourage this big black {nothing to do with race, this is the Soul} female to do likewise, but she’s lacking confidence. Finally she gets up there but a small white female with a bouffant glittery short dress also got up with her & the two of them danced. The small female was her buddy.



         This is a similar theme. Dancing can also mean Ascension, as there’s a ‘party’ in Heaven when a soul Rises. This big female like the man in the previous vision, has not the CONFIDENCE she needs to take the final step of JOY. With encouragement, though, she makes it!

The little female with the bouffant glittering short dress sounds like her Guardian Angel.

My part was ENCOURAGEMENT……………


At last, I see Ascensions! I saw in a dream yesterday, which I did not type, that after my mind gets off the oil situation, I will be free to see Ascensions again!

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