By Rasa Von Werder, January 5th, 2024

Two dreams – First I prevent a man’s suicide & yesterday help a Mom & infant in

Purgatory at her daughter’s request


above, Klimt “The Kiss”


1-4-24 Party & Suicidal Man


         There’s a party of males & females. I see one handsome male – he has a pretty female friend but soon he’s at a table with 3 of them, one has short blonde hair in front, almost frizzy, but very attractive. I was jealous at first but when I saw him with 3 I figured they were all just friends, nothing to be jealous for.

I interview 2 young females. They were partying, meaning taking drugs. They said they’re going home & party some more. More drugs I ask? What about your future, & eternal life?

         They said it didn’t concern them. They’re both wearing blue, reminds me of that Cézanne image of a man grieving, all blue & grey. One is sitting on a bench to my left, the other rolling on the floor on her back. I see them as lost souls.

         At one point I go to the back wall where there’s a counter. To the left people are doing regular things but on the right, all alone, not communicating, like in a corner with himself facing the wall, bent toward it, sits a thin, lonely male, almost crying, who tells me he’s thinking of suicide.


         He’s wearing a white top with vertical off-white strings going from his pants up to his shoulders, not sure if these strings go around & over his front.

         I touch his back to comfort him & tell him not to feel this way. Then I get busy & go away to the party.

         Before leaving I go back to him to see how he is & he’s the same. I comfort him some more.

         Then I’m at another counter & my favorite young male is there to the left. But the new handsome male I mentioned comes over, & gives me a kiss that won’t quit. It’s so long – on the lips,- that I have to take another breathe & wondering why is he kissing me so long. He looks at my main guy – is he trying to make him jealous or impress him that he’s not the only young male that loves me? {end}


                           *{ME: I have the feeling this new young male is someone I’ve been watching on You tube! And channeling him, surprised how much he likes me & supports me. It’s like we met ‘somewhere in time’ & have an affinity. He’s defensive of me when I speak of those who hurt me, he said something like he’ll deal with them. I was taken aback – have never had a soul speak to me this way while channeling.

         And yesterday for the first time I saw him with a good-looking female during his pioneer cabin work – like they were partners, & felt a slight jealousy. Then I see him with 3 females at a table, & the blonde with frizzy bangs sounds like me. And so, this is putting me on an equal footing with the female in his video plus someone else – like saying,

         “Hey he likes this girl & someone else but he likes you just as much!”

         At the counter when he comes to me & gives me the prolonged kiss is when I was channeling & he surprised me with his warmth. Kissing like that frequently means’ conversing’ as we use our lips, mouth, tongue to converse. And he did surprise me.

         Then the ‘main man’ is my spiritual husband Nick. Some consideration, is he jealous as I admire this new guy so much? Souls on the ‘other side’ do get jealous. St. Charbel said he’d leave me if I took up with this young male on earth – so I didn’t. And the saying is ‘God is a jealous God.’

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         Now who are the loser girls? And who is wanting to commit suicide?

         That definitely puts this cast of characters on this side, not in Purgatory. And it seems the person I’m comforting is brokenhearted over an affair gone bad since I see ‘strings.’ The saying being ‘no strings attached – I’m free.’ He has strings is he has a relationship.

         So the dream is saying I comforted this soul & relieved his pain so he wouldn’t commit suicide.

I don’t know who the lost girls are, but they’re on earth also & I can’t help them.}* {end}


a girl who needs my help to nourish her Mom & infant sibling in Purgatory

1-3-24 Girl with Veil

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         Dream is totally different. I see a little girl, maybe 7 years old. She’s wearing a wedding dress with veil, white. Her head has a headdress of small pale pink flowers & from this circle hangs her simple veil. Her dress, from the waist down also has a veil that hands in the back & trails a few inches behind the bottom of the dress in curves, with the edge having the same type florets as her head.

         She walks sadly & slowly before us. To her left is a door, closed, the room here is extending outwardly maybe 6-7’ into this mall where we are {like the bow of a ship but not pointed, the front is flat but curved for maybe 8’ or so. The girl describes her Mom, who’s in there & apparently she’s been inside. She tells us,

         “Ma is in there with her new baby. All she has is a potato &’….she describes some vegetables & meager food, like one each of this & that say an onion, a carrot.

         She says Mom has 2 rooms there & in the room behind the first is a can of oil – not edible – something like Motor Oil.

         Have no idea what this is about.


         *{ME: Wow, Mother God, do I need help on this.

MG: It sounds like this child’s Mom died from a car accident. She cannot help her because she cannot GET IN the door – Mom’s domain in Purgatory is closed to her – she is not yet able to receive the Eucharist. She walks sadly explaining the case. She’s telling you her poor Mom needs spiritual nourishment.

The ‘wedding outfit’ could also mean this child is in Heaven. When we ascend we are ‘the brides of Christ.’

Could it be she was in the same car that took the lives of Mom & infant, but she Ascended? Even so, the Souls in Heaven cannot directly minister to Purgatory {except in unusual cases} & they need a portal such as yourself to get there.

The veil behind her ‘dragging’ is she can’t do anything for her Mom & the infant – like a person ‘dragging their heels’. Why her veil dragging, not feet or another item? Because the veil represents UNION WITH GOD & she can’t help the persons on that score, needs help.

Now you know where today’s Masses will go.}* {End}

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