My Xmas Gifts from Jesus & Mary!

By Rasa Von Werder, December 22nd, 2023

It’s close to Christmas time, getting Gifts from Jesus & Mary!


This is from Leonardo Da Vinci & I never saw it before – EXQUISITE!

12-20-23 Quick Review Dreams


          Ignored yesterday’s dreams so want to just put sound bytes on them & today, as I’m busy editing, formatting my latest book on Purgatory & near the finish line.


                     I was with a middle aged maybe French female to my right, taking. She said she was ostracized. I told her,

“How could that be? You’re charming, gracious, attractive, etc.” {Many superlatives I can’t recall.}

But she just leaned back looking up thinking I did not understand. She’s short, kind of stocky, curly light brown hair maybe 40 yrs old.

I said,

“I know what it feels like to be ostracized. They treat me like I was a prostitute”

This woman gave me something I think – it’s vague, I don’t know what.

Then another female came in, she remains standing while the first was sitting to my right. She brings a bundle, wrapped up in a large pack with a picture on it. It’s a blanket or comforter. From the picture I’m not impressed – I already have one like that. It portrays light medium green like a jungle or wilderness image, lots of leaves.

But then I look INSIDE, take a peek. Wow. It’s a pure white blanket & on it are embroidered, in various threads that stand out, roses. Some are PURE GOLD THREAD – those really catch my eye. Now I see this is VERY VALUABLE.

This bigger, taller woman says,

“Can you give me 25 cents for the music” – juke box I guess.

I dig into my pockets & have only a couple dimes. I apologize. But I walk to the dresser & there on it is some change to make exactly what I need, I take it to give to the new lady.

The French lady to my right says,

“I’ve had that appear to me as well.”

We’re in a large room.

Then as we all sit quietly, a man comes in who is a frequent client of this room, like maybe it’s a bar, restaurant or some kind of club. – After him, 4 more men. The last has on a standout outfit, with geometric designs in colors, some red. He looks familiar, like a well-known actor or something. These men are sort of uncaring types like Mafia or working class Italians who would be in a men’s club & feel the male is the head of the family, the male takes care of business, women have nothing to do with it, etc – As I said, Mafia types. I knew them from B’klyn.

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          *{ME: I have solid ideas about the blanket, Mother God. It’s something pure, of God – white. And the GOLD ROSES, golden thread, is the Highest Love, the others are also GRACES. At first I thought it was Graces I already had – not impressed. Then I saw INSIDE the package & it was way more special than the image on the front – it is NEW things I apparently DON’T HAVE. What are these Graces of Love?

Who is Gifting me this? Is it an Angel, a Saint, the Holy Mother herself? As she is BIG & TALL she is an important person. Can you discern who?

She asks me for pocket change to play music – I don’t even have that – but it appears, it seems to me, Graced by the Almighty, so she gets her music.

What is music? Ambiance, the ‘music of the spheres,’ the ‘Chords of heaven’ & the like. I had to give VERY LITTLE & even that I did not have of my own volition, God gave it to me!

And the poor French lady who says she’s ostracized, I can’t discern who she is, what it’s about. Could she be in Purgatory? Forgotten – ignored, as most of them are?

Also can’t figure out the Mafia guys. The last one is someone I know. The designs across his chest are like criss-crossed – have red in them. Criss Cross is ‘no’ or a rejection. Red is suffering. What is it about? Where are we, this room, like a club or meeting place.

MG: The French woman is a Soul in Purgatory who took you up on your request for them to pray for those on earth, including you – Isn’t that fantastic? This is the first indication you’ve ever had of a Purgatory soul responding to this request! Wow! She tells you she’s been FORGOTTEN.

You sympathize with her because on earth you are also treated as persona-non grata by society due to being in the adult trade –also because you’re single & single women are not welcomed in Patriarchy after people get married. Women are de facto owned by their men & outsiders, which are single women, are stone walled because they would lend power & independence to the wife.

Now this BIG WOMAN could be Our Holy Mother, if not, a great Saint who you call on often – St. Gertrude the Great, Saint Anne Catherine Emmerich or Saint Mary of Agreda. You have been given more GOD-LOVE & other Graces. All depicted by threads creating ROSES. {Roses are often associated with Our lady of Guadalupe & St. Theresa of Liseux but it could be any of the Saints.} 

Last night was the first time you addressed God, prayed to Her in the new way you perceive Her, as Infinity, containing every created thing animate & inanimate – the Galaxies that are Infinite, the stars & planets, meteors, the sky, the earth, the water, all the Infinite planets that also have life as we have, & their beings & members. You named a hundred things, of the Creation of God & worshipped God that way. You even included insects, rocks, sand, mountains, sky, clouds, hurricanes, tornadoes, many animals. It went on for an hour.

That could be why this GREAT LADY came to you with Gifts, & the picture outside was CREATION, but INSIDE was God’s LOVE – which is apropos to your prayers. You worshiped God in Creation but it was all out of & for LOVE, SO God reciprocated! Wow!

She asked for POCKET CHANGE, which might have been your simple prayers, so little. But even that you fell short of – it was GIVEN YOU by God!          Yes, the vision was granted you by God, you only repeated what was given! {I had dimes but the juke box needed a nickel with the dimes, which I didn’t even have!}

The Poor Soul tells me she was Gifted this way also by the Almighty.

And the Mafia guys? There’s only one thing this could apply to & it was a prediction. Today you asked a man to do something for you & the Cause – he will not do it. His love is not great enough. Mafia is Satan, Satan comes from libido – his lower self blocks him. But why the RED of suffering? He cannot endure the SUFFERING of doing you & the Cause this favo.- Lack of zeal or devotion.

But don’t worry, St. Paul said God would fill in for our weakness. You need help, God will enable you to do more, the thing you want this man to help with will be done by you with God’s help.

ME: Who are the other guys that go before him?

MG: Lol. That’s like saying ‘He’s like all the other guys.

Men generally think with their glands before the spiritual self. So the other ones are those you’ve known who ‘came before him’ – ‘they’re all alike.’   {end}


                     I was watching a male running for some type of office speaking. He was great, emotional, terrific. I went up to him after & told him,

“Next time you run for office, I’ll go with you & help. I can speak well also.”

He was walking away & gave me a key ring with dozens of keys, to use. They are on a ‘fob’ – not sure what to call it, a light brownish old metal thingy They are close together, you can’t even see the ring, it’s like a ‘mound’ of keys.

I was mighty surprised that he accepted me so quickly & gave me access to all that he had!

Later he & I are walking together to work & a lady is trailing behind us who I suspect it’s his gf & she’s jealous. But we’re about work, she’s about personal. Not sure what he does, he glances at her, not sure if he speaks with her.

I sense we’re going to work together for a cause. {end}

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          *{ME: Mother God I know keys are the ability to access a place – the ability to go or get somewhere. “I will give you the Keys to the Kingdom”- Was it Jesus who said it?

But who is the man running for office who preaches so well? And I know I’m good, too, & I offer to help him & he gives me all those keys, then a jealous female seems to be watching us, but it’s about work.

MG: You’ve been praying a lot to Jesus & Mary about the Order, asking for help. This is Jesus, symbolically. Don’t know if it’s the HISTORICAL Jesus appearing, but it’s about Him. OK you want to start a new religion, Order, Temple, community, convent, housing, Sisterhood etc. He’s giving you all the keys is the ABILITY to access all these items, to get there!

ME: Wow. And the ‘jealous’ Lady?

MG: Take the word ‘jealous’ with a grain of salt. It’s Holy Mary, symbolically, who’s looking over you guys, to see if you’re legit – which you are. It’s just a symbol of her being an important part of this. She will be honored equal to Jesus in all that you do.

ME: In today’s dream its She who appears giving me the new mantle/blanket, a Godly Power. But yesterday she’s on the sidelines, Jesus gives me the keys. Why Jesus, not her?

MG: Jesus one day, She another. Remember long ago – 1978 & 1981? First He appeared to give you 3 rings – Faith, Hope & Charity Jan“78. Then late 1981 She appeared & gave you Poverty, Chastity & Obedience.

It’s close to Christmas time, you are getting Gifts. You are saying an extra Mass each day for the Souls, it is bearing fruit for yourself. Wow. They are being helped, so are you. A lot has also improved since you gave up wanting the ‘glory’ of the world – recognition. It’s an ugly desire that stands in the way of Holiness

ME: I don’t dare ignore dreams any more. I was going to skip both of these, & look what they mean! Only because I’m trying to finish the book on Purgatory, ‘God Waits for Them.’ Thank Heaven I decided to record these. {end}

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