Girl I Helped as a Child I now Help in Purgatory! See BELOW this part about James Brown, I gave
both him & Vivian sacred kisses
The beginning is I am a grave digger & this is inside a large mall where there are many COLUMNS holding up the ceiling.
My job is to DIG where there’s to be a grave for someone. The ground is HARD as it’s winter {I know it doesn’t make sense} & it’s frozen.
I also see 2 thick plastic mats lying next to each other, one around the column or under it, the other next to it, which I must dig through, which is another impediment.
This project I no longer see & next, there’s another grave digging project, this time with 2 male assistants.
It’s in the same mall, & we need tools. They ask if I have a shovel, not sure if I do. But I go off & find 3 tools, one of which is this iron gizmo, about 4.5’ in length, it’s end is just an iron flat spatula – the tool is thick from top to bottom & heavy, in my real life premises this is very old, was painted red, now mostly worn off. And there are 2 other tools which I show the male who’s in charge. I’m concerned that he has what we need. I think they have some tools also. Are we set?
We get to work under a column in the mall. Then to my right I see a table where a girl is sitting & to her right her Dad, across from her the Mom.
Her face is SO FAMILIAR. I then recognize her & rush over to her & kiss her in a lively manner on the right cheek {similar to yesterday’s experience with James Brown!} 3 times!
She had that sweet innocent smile of hers from the first our eyes met. She’s wearing a darkish top with a medium beige button-up sweater; the sweater seems to be dropping off one shoulder.
I say to her,
“Wow, I haven’t seen yu in what seems like 5 years!”
The Dad says,
“Three years.”
As I stand there looking at her Dad, he’s fairly young – no more than 40, whereas her Dad in real life was around 60 if I recall correctly. I mostly communicate with him, {he seems gleeful & nice looking} but do glance at the Mom who is about 40 & I hope I haven’t offended her by speaking more to Dad than her – but he seemed closer to me. Her face is kind of lacking color, the
eyebrows are SPARSE. {end}
Next, I go to a theater where there’s a troop of dancers who’re dressed Western style & I presume that is how they dance. I see cowboy hats, vests, male & female. There’s about 10 of them.
This type of music & dance doesn’t interest me too much so I go off to do an errand & plan to return. I sense I go to the mall again with a companion.
But at the mall I see a catastrophe. I find out one of the dancers was attacked – by whom or what I don’t know, but her entire foot is damaged. Not only were the nails torn off but the toes of the foot & she is in great pain. I just see torn off stubs, no blood.
I return to the theater & there, another female has had the same experience. I interview her, trying to find out who or what did it. She says,
“It was like nails. The pain was so great I howled & used the worst language. I will replay it.”
She then produces a machine like a TV set sort of, which when it’s engaged begins the howling sound of her screaming & cursing. It’s so fearful she & I run out of the theater, the rest of the people there are all in consternation, closing their ears & maybe running out of the place. The audience is now sparse.
She has the same condition as the first female I saw.
I did see a bit of their dancing before all this & they are professionals, it’s OK.
*{ME: Wow, am I going to need help Mother God – not with the first, but the next 2 dreams. Haven’t a clue
The first is I’m a grave digger because someone has just died & it’s my old friend, Vivian V. I knew her from age 12 to 15, when I ran the “Daughters of the Light,” & she was my neighbor
I did a lot for her including taking her to the movies {Star Wars, she didn’t like it, I don’t blame her}, had her & her bro inducted into Holy Communion in a local Church – had a custom-made red cashmere cloak made for her for the occasion with a white dress {it was winter.}
She attended my girl gatherings for the 3 years I knew her – then the family went to Puerto Rico & returned to me the red cape {no winter there! I’m not sure if I still have the cape – I hope so to confer it on some young lady in future – but I might have given it to Good Will}. She returned when to her Dad’s consternation, she got pregnant by an older man who wanted to marry her, they sent her back to the mainland to live with her sister, who she said ‘didn’t care’ & she visited me a lot at that time, seeking support.
Because of what the Dad said it clued me into her age. She was 12, I was 29 when we met {both ages approx.} If she just died – as the grave is being dug – she’d be around 61.
Who are the Mom & Dad – themselves or symbols of others? I suspect the Dad represents her Guardian Angel, since basically he brought us together by appearing at the table next to my grave digging in the mall. His appearance is good, he’s bright & cheerful, as an Angel would be if his charge is getting help. The Angel is the one who BROUGHT HER HERE – to the TABLE means to the Mass, which I am celebrating at a table.
Who is her Mom? Could be the Mother God within her. The eyebrows being sparse have to do with VISION. It hints that she’s ignorant of things spiritual – thank God for the Guardian Angel.
Her clothing? Dark top, beige sweater hanging off her shoulder. The dark is the shadow or veil still remaining between her & her Maker. The beige sweater is contemplation {seeing God’s Presence}, shoulders are usually carrying the Cross. Being ‘off’ the shoulder might be like saying,
“Rasa, you helping me took a burden off my shoulder.”
And that would explain the Guardian Angel’s smiling.
Now the eager 3 kisses connect her to yesterday’s dream of James Brown. They are BOTH in Purgatory; he’s not yet in Heaven as I hoped.
I explained before I have included in my daily Masses now, 10 kisses on the palms of my hands, for the Souls & 10 hugs for them. These are Sacred rather than human acts – similar to Amma, the Hugging Saint’ when she transmitted Shakt {Holy Spirit} to rows of people for hours on end.
These hugs & kisses seem to be reaching their mark, they are effective! One might think them to be silly; they’re not.
So backtracking this might solve the mystery of James Brown & where he is. My kisses for Purgatorial Souls reached his cheek, so it’s Purgatory.
I reached Vivian in her need, this is blissful. {end}
ME: Help, Mother God
MG: Theater of Life. Actors in it, something that doesn’t especially interest you, so you go away for a short time & there’s a disaster. Then you return & see a similar disaster to the second lady.
You going ‘back to the mall’ is a key.
Remember those 3 months you had such bad eyestrain yu couldn’t work on the computer? {Started a year ago.} So to make use of your time, you decided to go out there to meet people – a couple bar/restaurants where the locals hang out, & you did this 2 days a week & while talking tried to get one of the owners to let you preach on their premises, & also tried to initiate a new church with the support of locals.
None of this worked. No respect, cooperation, nothing. Not one single person had any enthusiasm or support for your work, although they received your free religious ministry including prayers that were ANSWERED because of your ANOINTING. Case closed, you QUIT & here it says,
“Went back to the mall,”
where you are a GRAVE DIGGER, lol. This means at the end of your efforts you said, more or less,
“What am I doing here at these bars? These people are not worthy of my ministry. I shall go back to the Souls in Purgatory where I am wanted & appreciated & where my efforts bear fruit.”
Now something catastrophic happens to TWO WOMEN, one you discover while at the Mall, the second upon your return to the Theater.
Why are you seeing this? Is it KARMIC in that when these women rejected God {through your ministry} calamity came upon them WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED had they come COSER to GOD & accepted more of God’s Grace?
The fact that you are IN THE MALL {Purgatory} in the first case, when you heard it, might indicate a woman got a DEATH SENTENCE, such as diagnosis of a fatal illness.
The second I cannot discern but it’s something that is so DEVASTATING that it affects or shocks everyone around her {in the Theater} & people flee to escape the trauma.
Dictionary of idioms & phrases – To ‘step on one’s toes’
“To insult, offend, or upset one, especially by getting involved in something that is one’s responsibility. I want to help John out on his project, but I know it’s his baby, so I don’t want to step on his toes in any way. Look, you’re going to have to step on a few peoples’ toes if
youwant to getahead in thisbusiness”
In these cases, it’s so serious that not only are the toenails gone, but the toes are shredded, & the victims said it felt like NAILS & the second one said it made her scream & use the worst language & it was so bad, it affected all those around her who wanted to get away.
The dream does not explain WHO got these traumas & what they are is only hinted re the first, as explained. Perhaps in the future, if you speak to locals again, you might find out. Except you’re not speaking to any locals so it maybe be along time before you know anything.
ME: OK Mother God, I see great trauma. Is this a message to them & me that they should have been more open to God’s Grace, & now they are being punished for their uncaring attitudes?
MG: People don’t realize how serious it is to REJECT GOD. You brought God to them on a SILVER PLATTER. And at the end, not a single one gave you any warmth, support or even sympathy for trying to do what you tried. They rejected you & the God you brought them, so this is the result. It’s their karma, indeed, & God wanted you to know. You are not suffering – THEY are. You tried, they rejected – as you sow shall you reap.
ME: Why is the setting of Purgatory in this dream in a Mall, & the graves being dug at the foot of pillars?
MG: The mall is enclosed the way Purgatory is – you don’t see the sky, which is the end of limitation. The pillar is they are in the Kingdom of God, Jesus & Mary are PILLARS of the Catholic Church, you’re saying their Mass, these Souls are being helped by the Masses of Jesus/Mary.
ME: Why is the ground FROZEN & what are the 2 mats & then the tools the head man asks me to get – like shovel – but I find other things, don’t see the shovel. What is that incredibly strong iron bar?
Ground frozen is when there’s a lack of Grace – Grace is water, bodies of water, gentle rain, etc. This is not an EASY ministry, you are getting help & it must be either Guardian Angels {yours & theirs} or Saints.
The TOOLS? You need a shovel for soft dirt that can be moved. If it’s frozen you need a battering ram to get into it, much FORCE. And this tool is the strongest there is, pure iron, cannot be bent, that you will use to GET INTO THE GRACE.
The OLD RED PAINT is the clue. Red is SUFFERING. It is the suffering of Jesus & Mary that will obtain the Grace; they will get trough the hard soil of our sins, our obstinacy, our lack of spiritual effort. We are HARD against God, the Holy Mass is the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary, it will get through, it is MERCY.
The two plastic mats: Plastic is something false/unnatural. This could be the attachment people have to the word & the flesh – things that lead one on the Broad Highway to Hell, the limitation of our minds riveted on temporary illusions. Get through this fake-plastic layer of thought & you can get to what is REAL.
Disclaimer: When I speak of ‘black’ men or women it’s usually about souls, not race
12-17-23 See James Brown – He will ASCEND on the 21st!
This should be interesting.
I go to see a show, inside a building – James Brown is performing. I got all sorts of things ready on paper. Had it all set up, seems like in the end, a couple small images of myself off a post card, I forgot where I put all the rest of the stuff. I’m dashing as the show’s almost over, this is my chance.
Getting ready to go to him, when all at once a black female is near me – I was talking to her earlier but now she acts up.
She says,
“If you go to him, I’ll kill you!”
She’s carrying a longish stick, maybe 3-4’, & it has light green cloth attached on 2 sides, about a foot square each, & she jumps me with this stick again & again. I fight her, knock her back & hit her several times; she falls but wants to attack me again.
My lady friend looks at her device & says,
“It’s nothing but cloth,”
and I see it is, with a row of some sort of small balls or buttons on it vertically.
I finally get away from her but when I go to the spot he was performing, it’s all over & the door to the ‘dressing room’ has become the wall with a seam. I try to pry open the seam but can’t.
I know he’s in the building so I go looking, down the stairs. In front of me is a room filled with building maintenance black ladies.
I say to them
“Where is the theater?”
They say no theater, this is a hotel.
OK then, where does James Brown get dressed before & after his show?
All five of them take me now, up the stairs. I was afraid they’d be jealous like the other black lady, but they aren’t.
As we walk into the premises of James, we make quite a noise, like a raucous, a wave of noise.
And he is like a dark cloud to the right, hovering in the air, but he turns into himself – at first HUGE, then shrinks to normal size man in less than a second & right before me. And he is not brown skinned, completely black, close to my face, I see him very clearly.
Without giving him a chance to say or do anything I kiss him zealously on his right cheek 5 times, & was going to kiss his left cheek also.
I hear his voice clearly, his presence – it’s him, not a symbol – no one else. He says,
“You have to give them something TERRIFIC,”
meaning the audience for a show.
That’s it.
Next scene totally different. I’m watching a preacher, who’s very good. Then another preacher comes by & gives a lesson on preaching, which is also good. The first man I feared might be offended. One of them is wearing fatigues, not sure which one.
I intervene so no one will be hurt. I explain clearly to the second preacher that the first was extremely good because he put his EMOTIONS into speaking. But you also have something important to contribute I tell him, they are both good & I make peace between them.
Then a group of people are holding me up on someone’s shoulders, saying how great I am, like hurrah, hurrah, she’s our religious hero.
Then I’m standing taller than those around me. I look down & see my high heels are higher than anyone else’s – like 2’ tall heels! That’s why I’m taller, lol!
Then they wanted to take pictures of me as a religious celebrity. They took a few & we were done – but then I see the altar & say to take some of me in front of it. I recline before the altar; it’s decorated in blue highlights. They are directin me, there’s a small dog also reclining here, beige color, fluffy. {end}
*{ME: Mother God, where is James, Heaven or Purgatory? I saw him a couple years ago – his Guardian Angel brought him to me. I gave him the Sacred Kiss, he said something, & the Guardian Angel took him away, I assumed to Heaven. But this imagery is confusing & could go either way, Purgatory or Heaven.
MG: Yes, it could be interpreted either way. If when the Guardian Angel took him away not to Heaven, but had simply brought him to you for a visit so you could help him then he’d still be in Purgatory.
The dark cloud he’s in or is his soul would be the darkness he’s still in & he manifests as a male so you can communicate with him person to person. Being black would be, then, still his soul is quite dark, not ready to ascend or is he?
But then again, there is the theory which you agree to, that God is DARKNESS to us humans, because we do not understand God – so explains St. John of the Cross. And when we go into ‘dark nights’ all we see is darkness but we are actually coming closer to the God we cannot yet understand.
And so James might be in Heaven in a ‘dark cloud’ because you cannot perceive or understand his being {there with God} & he manifests for you in human form.
The very black skin would be an extension of your perception – he is darkness to you, beyond your perception as being in Heaven.
But then again, on the side he might be still in Purgatory, you began to do the kisses on your hands every Mass, sending them to the Souls in Purgatory, & if he’s there he received these zealous kisses. Or he might have received them in Heaven.
I think the jury is still not out on this.
You recently heard from him after you listened to all the audio ‘slave accounts’ – 40 or 50 hours of them. Somehow he saw your empathy & repented hurting you.
I think we shall hear from him again to decide where he is.
ME: The 2nd dream, what is that about? Something different? Who is giving me the star treatment? One thing I do know, me having 2’ high heels is the Cross of Jesus. My being the ‘highest’ would be because my Cross is worse than that of my companions. I don’t get who these people are.
MG: These might be Souls in Purgatory. If it’s Saints they would be Saints not as evolved or Self Realized. Someone is honoring you, whoever they are. It gives you a break from all the work.
ME: It could be because of my new understanding re recognition, that it is part of the ‘Kingdoms of the world & their GLORY” that Satan tempted Jesus with. I never thought about recognition that way, but recently I see it as never before. Praise, status, recognition, honors of the world are all part of that insidious GLORY, & I am renouncing it. {end}
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