Love, Sex & God

By Rasa Von Werder, November 22nd, 2023

Love, Sex & God dreams

11-21-23    Spiritual Mate & I have 2 Domains


Or residences. I see us at an apt in town & it’s beautiful & comfortable. Forget details but we were there a while.

Then we came ‘home’ to my main house. We go through the acres grounds & they are luxurious, well kept, all mowed, flowers, trees, bushes, everything neat & beautiful & I say to him,

“It’s because of you,”

meaning that he does the landscape & mowing, which my late husband Rich was good at – & he does appear as Rich but I know it’s Nick.

Then we get to the front yard & it is rather unkempt – not mowed. Front yard has wild flowers & weeds all though it – the flowers aren’t blooming now as it’s Autumn, & nothing is mowed. It’s not as neat & groomed as the back, but it’s OK, this is my area or responsibility.


Another dream re Pablo: I see in front of me 4 books, 3 in a group atop one another, one separate, & their hardback binding is exactly like ‘Mystical City of God’ but they are not as thick.

I sense this is the story of Pablo & myself within my life. Indeed, I might have done some chapters on him in 3 of my ‘I Strip for God’ books & now, in recording all these dreams he’s in, it adds another. The separate one must be the book on Purgatory.

He appears as Pablo, which is when he’s EVIL as Pablo was the bf from Hell. But he’s changed & he loves me. We have several meetings & it’s all wonderful, warm.

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*{For some reason, I’m thinking of my Soul Mate a lot. Could be listening/dancing to tangos {most romantic & sexy music} & also identifying with La Belle Otero in the last 2 days, channeling her.

He appears as the good husband Rich but also as the bad bf Pablo, but Pablo is reformed. What could this mean Mother God?

MG: This is a complete renewal of himself, possibly the evil that was in him is burned out as in the Purgatorial fires or pains. So he’s now with you whole & complete, a good guy.

ME: Why the two domains or residences? And why is the back of the yard, his responsibility which he keeps neat, while the front, my responsibility, is unkempt? Looks just like real life, lol.

And he is two characters, we have two domains.

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         MG: Two domains could be a sign that you are now united in a place where you should have been in the first place – your apt in town. But he ignored you for the most part, except to make love there. You were so lonely most of the time, had no visitors, just one night stands, which didn’t mean anything to you after a while as you only loved him. You used the other guys to make him jealous. {He did the same to you, you both ran a game where neither could win, you made each other miserable. It was his fault because he didn’t give you the attention or public recognition a real bf would give his female.}

That apt was empty of love, togetherness. But now this is healed. You are ‘there’ in cyberspace in an apt this is very beautiful & comfy. It’s happiness, it’s reunion.

And today? He’s happy in Heaven in your Union but you’re still on Earth, a lot of unrequited issues, things to write, things to do before death. He’s finished, resolved, neat & clean, everything in order.

ME: Why are my books compared to ‘MysticalCity of God,’ to me, possibly the greatest book/s ever written. How can mine compare to that?

MG: They do compare to that. Ven Mary of Agreda wrote the biography of Our Bl Lady. You wrote your biography & now you are writing on Purgatory. It is also mystical, your life is mystical – make no mistake. People of the world only look at your body, your physical activities, but you are eons more than that & you are explaining it. It needs explanation.


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