By Rasa Von Werder, May 12th, 2023
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Prosperity Preachers Fake


Costi Hinn, nephew of Benny, speaks up


Rasa Von Werder says:

If & when someone comes forward & squeals on these guys about their prostitution activities {which I guess exist as they are men. If it did not happen I am a monkey’s uncle} – that would bring down their false world. Like Jimmy Baker & Jimmy Swaggart. I know men, I was in the adult trade most of my life as a stripper for God, model & arm candy date. Where there are men, there is sex. Everywhere. Glamour world, poverty world, ghetto, elites, Churches & military. Where there are men there is unfaithfulness to wives, pedophilia, rape, & whoring. Someone will come forward & tell us how these men acted with women, how they procured women for sex & cheated on their wives. Let’s hear it someone. Where there are men there is sex. And I don’t mean faithful monogamous sex. There might be a few homos here & there also, like Paul Crouch. And not condemning, just exposing. So their cruel world of USING THE INNOCENT SHEEP comes down. I dreamed about Costi last night & saw Benny as a possessed man, dressed in black, carrying a corded shiny white set of whips, running & trying to knock us down – but I stopped him. And all those around him possessed by demons, & I did a big EXORCISM & they all flattened against the wall.

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Wow, Costi explained something to me that wasn’t clear. When friends would confess their problems to me, most of the time I said nothing & did not even pray. But of course I cared. And so, there was no ‘faith’ on their part nor did I promise anything. But THEY WERE HEALED of various problems, including cancer. This underscores the SOVEREIGN POWER OF GOD that Costi is talking about. Once God Anoints you, the Sovereign Power will go where it will, when it’s appropriate. Like he said, out of a crowd, Jesus healed ONE & the guy didn’t know who He was. And so I noticed people everywhere I went would speak their troubles & get answered BY GOD, not me. So it is an Anointing, not my ability or technique or skill whatsoever. I gave myself to God, God gave me Anointings, Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I DO NOT even have to pray any more. I used to – for hours. Then God Gifted me more & more. I put no EFFORT or strain or prayer, it’s INSTANT TRANSMISSION. Yes Jesus did not heal everyone, neither is everyone that complains to me healed. Some people are BLOCKING GOD through either unbelief – like Jesus’ home town he did few miracles. Some are blocking God through ANGER at God because of their sufferings. And so, by their free will, God cannot & will not heal them, so my Anointing won’t work. But what he said is true – you DO NOT have to have faith in the person you talk to. If they are Anointed, & you’re NOT blocking God, you get healed or helped……………………………………….


Mass ‘slaying in the Spirit’…In Kathryn Kuhlman’s case it was authentic. Benny Hinn was taken by his Mom to Kathryn’s meetings & he got the ideas from her, but with him it’s hypnotic suggestion – that’s what God told me. I have been a professional hypnotist since I was 23 years old & have been to hypnotic shows. A pro hypnotist lady told a guy he had 9 fingers, lol, & he kept counting & got 9 & we all laughed like crazy. Like Costi says, he tells them they will fall down, so he is SUGGESTING IT & all those who are liable for or ready for this fall down – but I noticed not everyone does. And through this great GIMMICK & the showmanship, copied from Ms. Kuhlman’s shows, he creates a scene where people can be overwhelmed & influenced by their HUMAN EMOTIONS. But God is SUPERNATURAL. No one can be TAUGHT TO DO MIRACLES OR HEALINGS, only God does it. You have to be Anointed to do this – Benny IS NOT ANOINTED because he & all these others are FULL OF THEMSELVES, filled with ego, lust & greed, & God will NOT answer their prayers for healing! They have sold themselves to the devil, they obey the devil, & God will not listen to them or respond to their prayers, as they are spiritually dead………………………….

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Now when I go around the people tell me their troubles including sickness & God AUTOMATICALLY solves their problem or heals them. Two men were HEALED OF CANCER just because they lamented to me about it, one was throat, the other his remaining lung. I noticed wherever I went, people were healed & problems solved spontaneously because I am ANOINTED. I have given myself to God, & God gives me the Holy Spirit. I cannot heal, only the Holy Spirit can & it happens. But Benny & all these fakes have no Holy Spirit, they are DEMONIC………………


At times God gives us poverty, other times prosperity. We learn from both. Let God decide what we get. To those who love God, all things work for the good. Accidents, diseases, even tragedies, traumas, will bring you to your greater good. Uniformity with God’s will is what you must concentrate on, all the Saints from all religions taught that. Something good will come out of something ‘bad.’ Poverty might be safer as far as your walk with God, as long as you don’t get angry & bitter about it. More poor people go to Heaven than rich, more rich people go to Hell the Saints say. Wealth can be a temptation, as jesus said, ‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven” {eye of the needle was a passage way into Jerusalem, very narrow.} And He said to the rich man, if he wanted perfection, ‘Go, sell all you have, give to the poor & follow me.’ I was poor most of my life & God gave me some wealth in middle age, & with my wealth I built my internetChurch. I paid a webman to build it & work for me for 3 years – it cost 50k. And I continue to do God’s work with the bread God gave me …………………………………………………


Costi alluded to changing his lifestyle & giving up the sexual sins & drunkenness. OK but what about the other guys? Can you tell us what they did? Because you were a young, single man, so it’s OK – as far as I’m concerned. But these other guys are married & if they did this they are big-time hypocrites & liars & I find it hard to believe, that with all their other sins Satan makes them do, they did not sin here. And if you want to bring them down, this is the way to do it. Americans are HYSTERICAL about sex! Commit sex acts that you preach are a sin, but you do it, Americans will crucify you. I personally do not believe sex between consenting adults is a sin. God decides if it is. But if you PREACH it to be a sin or teach it that way but are doing it, then it gets hysterical. Jim Baker & Jimmy Swaggart were demolished because of their sex acts as they were so hypocritical. And Paul Crouch was part of preaching against homosexuality & then he got sued by a male sex mate & had to pay 400k. No wonder his wife had had a nervous breakdown/depression. And then the Catholic Priests beat them all in their lowlife crimes. So it’s there, but somebody’s got to expose it………………………………………………….


Costi also speaks very well re repentance. When you repent you don’t just give it lip service, you change your whole life around. Sounds like Benny is just talking, not walking. Not giving up his lavish lifestyle, big mansions, & major luxuries.


Costi said when someone turns around it’s 180 degrees, like Zachaeus, who apparently was a crooked businessman & ran around saying he was going to reimburse everyone he cheated. But later, he killed himself, so this was remorse rather than repentance. Like Judas Iscariot had remorse, tried to return the 30 pieces of silver but couldn’t, then killed himself…………

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Dream re Costi Hinn being good & Benny being demonic:


                    I had gotten lost being away from NYC, & was in green fields, with suburban style enclaves of houses around, but I was looking for the central part of NYC, like the best part of Manhattan on 5th Ave. I traversed round & round & was pretty frustrated. I questioned many people but no one steered me right.


          {Meaning: Lost not knowing something I wanted to know.}


          After doing this a while I met some people & they were bringing me help. Suddenly, in front of me, there is a man standing there gazing at me with a sublime expression on his face, his look is so ethereal I say,

          “Is he an angel?”

          The people helping me were presenting him to me saying me he’d show me how to get there, so I am going with him.


          {Meaning: The angel is Costi Hinn. His face radiates Truth.}


          But where he takes me, oh my, it is not where I’m hoping to go!


{Meaning: This is Hell. A small, narrow tunnel is a place of limitation. We are entering the consciousness or inner state of Benny & his type people. Hell encases one in limitation, Heaven is wide open, Infinite space.}


          We’re both in a tunnel now, & this ‘angel’ points to a deeper part of the tunnel & say for me to go there.

          But as I look there I see a narrower tunnel lined with square foot tiles, mostly white or off white, & the floor of tiles is moving toward me, so instead of taking me anywhere, it would make me go BACKWARD into the tunnel where he & I are. So I say to the angel,


         {Meaning: What he is representing, his knocking people down, his POV, all that he does, goes backward instead of forward toward God.}


          “Take a look.”

          And as I point this out to him, here comes a man running from this narrow tunnel, with a black cape, carrying a set of short whips, white braided ones, & he is flailing this whip in the air to try & knock us all down!


          {Meaning: Black cape—cloak of darkness or Satan. His whip is his jacket.}


          My friends & I retreat & now I see in our larger tunnel a few dozen people associated with this man in front of us.

          To stop this man I begin an EXORCISM really loud, pronouncing the long form of it. This exorcism works, & all those associated with this man retreat against the wall at my words, they are completely under its control. It’s like they are pasted or pushed against the wall to my right.


          Meaning: The narrow tunnel is the place where Benny Hinn is & he is evil, & those associated with him are. They are all possessed by Satan.

          And this angel, who is Costi Hinn, is showing me this, & somehow, I am also showing him. We are sharing or in agreement.

          But the Power of the True Anointing pushes him & his associates ‘against the wall’ or renders them helpless.



Allen Parr & Costi Hinn

Re Costi:   This is SOLID. He is sent by God. I am personally touched & fired up to speak up for Our Lord & his Truth. I dreamed of Costi & saw the Truth within his Face – a Symbol of the Truth he represents & presents. There’s so much about him I’m impressed with, will write an ARTICLE about him & what he teaches & post it on my blog & website ‘Embodiment of God.’ I am going to go over his statements with a fine tooth comb for the next several days at least, write my comments & put them in articles. Whoever has been teaching him is right on the money, spot on they say, hitting the nails on the head. And those who are twisting the Gospel in wrong ways will be smited. “Let God arise” Psalm 67, against those who are using the features of God or seeming to, the Bible, the Words of God, all of that, but they are confusing, twisting, appropriating words in the wrong way, just out & out wrong when they say Jesus used his HUMAN SELF to do miracles & healings! Give me a break! That’s the Bethel teaching he says & it’s ALL WRONG. They are trying to say we humans CAN DO WHAT JESUS DID IN OUR HUMAN SELVES! They want God’s Power in their HUMAN HANDS! No such luck – Get behind me Satan! God will not share the Glory. We humans, Costi & Allen, have but to GET OUT OF THE WAY. Our work, discipline, sacrifice, is to silence our flesh, stand back, cease & desist & make way & space where God can work. It is God who does it all; we merely believe & step aside.


This is me speaking from my own learning: And yes, Our Lord did suspend for a time the consolation & Power of his Divinity when He suffered the Passion & Cross, saying at the end, ‘My God, My God, why has Thou Forsaken Me?’ He did this because He had to suffer, & He could have stopped it all with his Divine Power, but he chose to suffer & die…..Costi is speaking straight & diplomatically, not hysterically or emotionally & because of his manner he’s setting the record straight & putting things right.

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Costi’s teaching: It is NOT “touching the Lord’s Anointed” when you mark or call out the false teacher. What King David referred to was do not ASSASSINATE or physically attack the teacher or pastor, do not blow up the abortion clinic – this is not how we deal with issues. But POINTING OUT where there is false teaching & make a correction, we are encouraged to do.


Rasa says: This is really good. It takes the fear out of people who should criticize these prosperity punks     . ………………………………………………


Fraud Benny Exposed by Journalists        


what is so confusing is that he’s using God as a front – but he’s not Blessed or Anointed by God, it’s all smoke & mirrors, it’s performance, it’s music, it’s HYPNOSIS – & hypnosis is powerful & effective & does WONDERS. Not saying no one ever gets healed here – but they get healed by the Sovereign Power of God, not Benny Hinn’s Anointing – he has NONE. He is of the devil. He’s sold his soul to the devil for riches. He lives like a King – Wallowing in obscene luxury. Satan said to Jesus, “I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me.” Jesus rebuked him, but Benny obeys him.




Rasa says:

I dreamed of Costi again & he is good!


My mind is on him as I’m studying him, & God reveals to me the state of a person inside their heart, when I think of them.  It’s unusual for me to dream of someone two days in a row.  It might go on & on as I study him & each dream reveals another facet of his personality & character, what he is inside his heart & soul.  So far – all good.


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