130 Souls into Heaven!

By Rasa Von Werder, June 29th, 2023
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 Sri Kaleshwar ENCORE lol  With our merger we got a large number of Souls into Heaven!

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          After thinking about this all morning & realizing what this is, who it is, I laughed heartily. Yes it’s another miracle from Sri Kaleshwar.

          I wrote an article about the show done by Alex Ferrari where he interviews Alx Utterman. Her main story was the miracle Sri Kaleshwar did at his Ashram Christmas, 1999, with her present. He had the men take a pine tree, make a cross out of it, then blood gushed out of the middle of the cross for hours! They burnt all that had become bloody & distributed the ashes among the disciples. Her rendition was the most awesome of any of the many great tales on Alex’s Podcast, & my comment was,


“What will you do for an encore?”

And he answered,

“I’m working on it.”

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When first waking up with this dream on my mind & the sensuous kiss from a movie star I knew I didn’t have a hint of its gravity. But now I know. It’s an answer to the request I presented a couple times to the two gurus – Kalesh & his partner, Shirdi Sai Baba. I reminded them that those in Heaven can use my office or portal to get Souls in Purgatory out. I mentioned Errol Flynn got Beverly Aadland, his gf, as well as his last wife, out of Purgatory through me. And Saint Martin Luther King Jr. on his holiday a couple years ago, had a group of about thirty people pulled up with me as a partner.

And that is what this is about, nothing sensual but of the highest spiritual order.

When I reviewed his using the word ENCORE it was the KEY to unlock the meaning.


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I’m at my apt. in B’klyn & two men are with me. They are my disabled best friend Rudy, who I see vaguely, & a movie star I dated long ago – dark skinned – call him Ralph.

Not sure what’s going on but it’s like we’re waiting for something.

I recall looking through the rooms & the apt is how it was when I painted it myself in all deep, bright colors. The color I’m looking at is a rich green gloss in my kitchen. And someone asks me how I can be happy here, as it isn’t much space, & I say I am happy here, I’m satisfied.

I’m standing in the main room which is where the kitchen would be but somehow it is the living room. Now Ralph & I are both attracted to each other, so I’d like him to stay – neither one is saying anything about our attraction. And then Ralph says he’s going out – which disappoints me – going to a place called ENCORE which I imagine is a club & I think he’s trying to make me jealous as he’s going to look for women there. But I don’t show any jealousy & matter of factly say,

“Alright, go on,”

Like I can take it or leave it whether he stays or goes.

But he returns soon, within an hour, like he wanted to be here more than there. He didn’t actually want to leave my ‘event.’

Ralph is standing by a window tinkering with it. And I was also trying to open a window, but the entire thing was moving with the frame. I’m trying to secure the frame while opening the window at the same time, it’s tricky, but I try & try.

And Ralph is at another window tinkering with it. I go over there to help. We are close now, our bodies, our heads, then our faces & lips. And I go ahead & put my lips on his & the moment we kiss we both agree this is a good thing to do & we kiss intimately for a few minutes, very sensual. It sounds physical but I can feel something of a higher nature.

I might add a detail – Rudy is not sensual or handsome, but he’s more humble than Ralph, more of a martyr type.

After we kiss I move away & then something unusual happens. The poor ghetto kids in the neighborhood – like the ones I used to help – are entering the apt & greeting me warmly. But many years have gone by since I lived here & these are new kids that I don’t know – but they know of me.

Some greet me with warm hugs.

The last two that come in are one fat, one thin female. And I say,

“I don’t know these people.”

They all looked up to me as their guide, teacher or mentor.

And someone says,

“They heard you were here so they all came.”

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Now the scene changes. My apt becomes larger & a different set of persons begins to enter. They come two or three at a time, like friends, couples. These are all white, better dressed than the ghetto kids, more affluent. And I don’t know a single one. But it’s my party – my premises. The clothes they have on are for an occasion. I notice one guy in an outfit of light grey, with a piece of cloth draped over one shoulder, like a Sari.

Since it’s my apt I exclaim to Ralph I think,

“I don’t know them!”


I have some sort of perfume or scent on a contraption hard to describe, made of wood. It’s like arms holding something you might have a tiny Bunsen burner underneath warming up this concoction. I take a cup of it out; it’s a syrupy thing like liquid honey with a white syrup included & special spices.

I take this around to our guests, & they each take a tiny bit on their fingers & anoint themselves with it. One lady even takes a sip. But at the end many guests decline to partake of it & I stop offering it.

The apt seems to expand as guests arrive. I find that guests have gone into a nice room which is a walk-in closet of light Oak wood & they are hanging up their outer garments here. I see fancy coats made of like yellow under-feathers & other party coats, expensive stuff. And I think,

“I didn’t even know I had this room here.”

Almost forgot, my little daughter is here. She’s kind of mental & berates me about something, ranting on & on, she seems about seven years old. She has tears in her eyes. And she was saying some crazy stuff about a baby in my womb from Ralph, she wouldn’t bother with it.

I exclaim to those around,

“She’s jealous for my kissing Ralph.”



*** Meaning: And so, Kalesh & Sai Baba have met your request to use your office to get a large number of souls out of Purgatory! It’s his ENCORE!


          The apt in B’klyn: This is the place where you gained the two greatest accomplishments of your spiritual life: Seeing God Face to Face twice & Receiving the Divine Stigmata. So it is appropriate for special events.

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          Rudy & Ralph: Are Sai Baba & Sri Kaleshwar. Rudy was a long-suffering martyr type person, as he got disabled since age 8 from being run over by a tractor, & lived in some deformity & pain his entire life. But he was the best soul you ever knew & your best friend for years. He spent only 3 weeks in Purgatory which says a lot. He was humble. And he represents here, Sai Baba, who was a martyr also as we have established from before.


          Ralph is a handsome movie star type, dark skin, appropriate for Sri Kaleshwar because he also was handsome & probably had fans who liked his looks. But he according to this & other revelations, was not a martyr like Sai Baba.


          Something we are waiting for: Is the prayer request you made to the Gurus to use your office to get Souls out of Purgatory. Kalesh hints to you he’s doing to do his ENCORE!


          The windows: Are windows of opportunity, the portals or ways by which these Souls are going to enter Heaven!

          You have your own window or office, & Kalesh has his – two portals. And now you will do a SACRED KISS, uniting your Anointings, & the Souls will be RELEASED!

          {When James Brown, the entertainer, came to me from Purgatory he was released with my Sacred Kiss. Kisses, hugs, even sex can be Sacraments. Note the second time Kalesh appeared to me he Anointed me with Grace under the Guise of a sex act.}


          The first group of Souls that enter your office, by which they will ASCEND, sound like the poor folks of India. It is because you opened your apt to the welfare children in the neighborhood of B’klyn, using it as a Church & Education Center. It’s a good symbol.


          The next group of Souls that will Ascend by entering your & Kalesh’s portals are the Westerners, more affluent, better dressed & more of them. The Hindu Gurus really love Westerners, including Americans, because we are so welcoming to them.

          Your apt ‘opening up more’ to accommodate these Souls must be your Anointing more opened up by you & Kalesh joining.


          The oak, well-lit with soft light CLOSET in which they have placed their fancy wraps: One of the wraps is made of thick undercoat feathers, yellow. This is a sure sign of someone ascending, as the Egyptian symbol of this is God weighs your soul against a feather. These are the symbolic garments by which they will ‘fly’ into Heaven.

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          The special ELIXIR you pass around for the guests to Anoint themselves: This is personal from you & so it might mean ‘the wood of the cross, its arms, which created this Elixir or Anointing from your Divine Stigmata. The way Kalesh created that Sacred Ash from the blood that he miraculously made stream out of that pine Cross they made – & the way Sai Baba created that Vibhuti by manifesting it out of nothing, which people collected like a talcum powder – you also have a syrup-honey-milky-perfume out of the Interior Divine Stigmata you attained. The Bunsen burner under the concoction hints at ‘burning up’ because the Heart Chakra burns up during this Event.

          The wooden arms of this contraption are dark, not like the light Oak wood in that closet – which represents joyfulness. This is death or martyrdom. They are thin, a couple inches of elaborate curved carving & going about two or three feet forward, where they more or less present the Elixir, which sits on something with the Bunsen burner underneath. It’s like saying ‘I present to you the result of my martyrdom.’

          And so here, you proudly present your own miracle of Grace, the way Kalesh & Sai Baba did!

          And it also hearkens in comparison to where you interpreted in the last experience with Sai Baba, where you faced him & put both your hands on his shoulders & he was shocked – that this gesture was a symbol of the ‘Secret Wound’ of martyrdom, – don’t know how it was manifested in Sai Baba but in Rasa it’s Interior, ‘Secret’ Divine Stigmata. It’s so secret that no one believes or understands you have it, lol.

          The ingredients in the Elixir bespeak the sweetness of Divine Love mixed with the spices of suffering. Honey is sweet, milk is kindness/love.

          Me: Why do some guests partake of this but some decline?

          Mother God: Possibly because some aren’t Christian & might not appreciate what is defined as a ‘Christian’ Grace, although the Grace of Martyrdom applies to all religions, all cultures. Maybe because they don’t need it to ascend into Heaven – it’s OK, free will.

          Me: Who was the Lady who sipped some of it or what was the significance of that?

          MG: Someone who KNEW the significance of this Grace, who was a possible Martyr herself.

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          My DAUGHTER ranting & crying out of jealousy for my kissing Ralph: This is my FLESH but why reacting this way, Mother God?

          MG: It is a very great Grace to merge with a phenomenal Saint like Kaleshwar & she’s expressing jealousy like she wishes she could do that, but the flesh cannot.

          Speaking of the baby in the womb, would be the FRUIT of the Grace of your kisses, the merging of the Anointings produces something.


          This is a WONDERFUL dream/experience. The new Gurus are coming through with flying colors.

          I estimate that we got 130 Souls from Purgatory into Heaven this way – 30 from the Hindu world & 100 from the West. What an accomplishment, what a collaboration!


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