By Rasa Von Werder, April 21st, 2014
These weapons seem very slight for so huge an undertaking but they are also potentially very powerful catalysts. How can she achieve the seemingly impossible? Most importantly she must create an army to do battle for the soul of humanity. She must recruit and she must weld these recruits into a powerful force to best the Patriarchy. We must be clear that the Patriarchy will never relinquish its power unless forced to.

 Newsletter – Michael Krause has become a General in the
Army of Mother God -  Dec. 4, 2012

Disciple Michael Krause writes the introduction to the new blog for

Guru RASA von WERDER has been charged by MOTHERGOD with nothing less than
effecting a Revolution in human behaviour.
Before qualifying or expanding on this statement we must reflect on the
magnitude of what she has been charged to do; she is to effect a
Revolution whose result will be a complete change in the way we live as
human beings.

RASA SAYS:  Indeed, the Matriarchal way of life is 180 degrees apart from
Patriarchal, it is oil & water, it is Biophilia VS Necrophilia, it is the
Culture of Life VS the Culture of Death, it is Mother God reclaiming the
entire world from Satan, his mess & his

The sheer scale is of her task is staggering to the point of unbelief.
This charge has been made to others in history but only a very few have
had the strength of personality and dedication to take up the burden; RASA
von WERDER is one of these exceptional few who hear and obey MOTHERGOD
when She calls.

RASA SAYS:  Many are called, few are chosen.  I have also called hundreds
of disciples out of thousands, but I can count on one hand those who have
helped, on one hand those who are helping me directly – (but I might add
that lately I see many inspired & working independently without me for the
same cause.  This is gratifying.)

I was praying to God within me a year or so ago, asking about Avatars –
(the Anointed sent by God to change the world, to empower certain people,
for example Ghandi to empower the Indians of India & Rev. Martin Luther
King Jr. to empower the black people of America.)  And God said to me,

“I have sent THOUSANDS OF AVATARS, hundreds born every year, but they do
not achieve their mission, so you never hear of them.”

I asked why & God said,
“Because it is too hard.  And while struggling against the world, the
flesh & the devil they FORGET WHO THEY ARE & they simply live & die &
disappear, without helping humanity to any great extent.”

What is the hardest thing about changing the world?  I asked & God said,

“The OPPOSITION, & their own human needs, so it is the human needs &
feelings fighting with opposition, & most people can’t take it, they give
up, they forget their Sacred Call, live & die anonymously.”

OK God, what virtues or qualities within me saw me through so I did not
suffer the same fate as other avatars?  And God said,

“Your OBEDIENCE, & your ZEAL for the Kingdom of God.”

Oh yes, obedience.  Oh yes, zeal.  That is EXACTLY what I find MOST
LACKING in the disciples  I call.  They HATE obedience, & they have NO
ZEAL – with few exceptions.

What has she been asked to do?  To do battle with and overthrow the
everywhere successful forces of a Patriarchal world which can best be
described as violent. This is perhaps a simplification but violence is the
baseline of the male world. AND she is asked to carry out this fight as a

RASA SAYS:  This is why most women cave in during the fight to establish
Female Empowerment, it is the violence of men, explicit, implicit, not
always physical since some of this is internet, but it is violence in
words.  Even under fake names, hidden personas, women & men fear
opposition, harsh words & threats.  It is AMAZING how words along can
wield such power, that the good can be overcome & made silent from
speaking the Truth.

Just as it took me YEARS to learn to fight on television – I did hundreds
of appearances – it took me YEARS to learn to fight on the internet.  I
learned that I CANNOT BE NICE.  I watched how men fight TO WIN, they pull
no punches, & fight on the lowest, unfair & illogical levels, to the body,
with harsh insults & put downs regardless of facts.  When a person failed
to speak to me in an intelligent manner I also tore them apart, as they
would tear apart the innocent, see them merely as demons, not men or
women. I do not fight all battles – sometimes the wisest thing is to
leave, I fight very few battles but there are many bloody ones behind me.
I am in a different level or phase now, I have beaten so many demons it is
time for other work, they have bit the dust, we are building.

What weapon has she been given to fight this overwhelming battle?

Her own great strength

RASA SAYS:  My strength has always been in my FAITH in God, my CONFIDENCE
in God & my eyeballs being on eternal life rather than this one.  So even
if someone kills me, I have won by staying with God, & reaching the
Beatitude of Eternal Life, I am the winner.
Her beauty

The Gift of beauty is a two edged sword.  On one hand, there is unwanted
attention, on the other, there is valued attention.  You cannot have one
without the other.  If you use your beauty in the service of God & for
positive things, then it brings great good.  Some people use it for ill.
I knew I had a Gift, I worked on it, I lifted weights, I took vitamins, I
studied health.  You cannot be beautiful if you’re sick – part of beauty
is health.  You have to really study these days to take care of yourself,
as the world around us it trying to destroy us.
Her willingness to devote herself wholly to the struggle and cause of
MOTHERGOD. She does not question , she obeys.

This is a fact.  I am obedient unto death because at a certain time of my
life, before the Divine Stigmata, I received a direct threat from Satan.
I sensed his presence & he spoke to me.  He said that if I continued
trying to save the soul of this particular man, he would make the man
shoot me dead like a dog in the street.  It was scary.  I thought for a
moment & I said to Satan,
“Jesus Christ died for me.  And so it would only be fair if I died to save
someone else.”
And Satan left!  I saw then how he tempts us to fear, but if we resist the
fear, he goes away!…………………………………………..
Her ability to inspire and motivate others to follow and serve her.

I am not aware of having any great ability in this dept.  In fact, to me,
I seem to lack the ability to get others to follow me.  But if you say so,
could you be right?  I suppose people do eventually help the cause because
of my persistence.

These weapons seem very slight for so huge an undertaking but they are
also potentially very powerful catalysts.  How can she achieve the
seemingly impossible?  Most importantly she must create an army to do
battle for the soul of humanity.  She
must recruit and she must weld these recruits into a powerful force
to best the Patriarchy. We must be clear that the Patriarchy will
never relinquish its power unless forced to.

It is interesting & righteous Michael how you outline the weapons that are
mostly not flesh or material, they are intangible, spiritual, having to do
with will power & virtue. It is good to ponder that our metaphysical power
is the greatest power, it is the beginning, & in the end, it is the most
important.  If you look at Buddah, his teachings are his power, the same
with Jesus, the same with Ghandi, the same with Martin Luther King Jr.  We
believe certain things, we act upon those beliefs.  We preach & teach.  We
wield God Power, while the armies of Satan / Patriarchy wield the
opposite, – lies, corruption, sin, exploitation, manufactured sickness &
disease, slavery of various forms, & violence.  The weapons of Patriarchy
are everything against God, he is hate, God is Love.

Michael Krause introduction to the new blog he is creating for Rasa,
Guru Rasa answers.(Part II)

What do powerful armies have in common?

The have well trained, dedicated troops who swear loyalty and
obedience to their Commander.
They carry out assigned tasks without question and to the utmost of their
They do not question orders nor second guess the decisions of their
Commander as this way leads only to defeat and ignominy.

One of my members posted the manifesto of the Jesuit order, where they
pledge upon their lives to kill every enemy of the Pope in the most
explicit terms, they will use any lies, deceit, trickery, skullduggery,
pretense, anything & everything to kill these people – & they will also
use any means of murder such as poison, strangling, daggers, etc.  It
makes your hair stand on edge.

On the other hand you have the traditional armies of today, where human
males are brainwashed, browbeaten into submission by the sergeant,
intimidated by a system which has taken away all their human rights.
Soldiers are ordered to kill innocent people, & if they refuse, they are
put into jail, they are encouraged to rape, kill & brutalize the innocent
people of occupied countries.  They are not asked to defend their country
from the goodness of their hearts, they are forced into doing what they
do, many end up obeying without question & believe the brainwashing.  This
is how Patriarchy controls men & through these zombie robotic killers,
they control the world.

Now imagine if Matriarchy had an army like this?  That is to say,
employing brainwashing, brutality & violence?  Can you conceive it?  Can
you conceive women training men & women to kill innocent people, brutalize
them, rape, torture them?  No one can, it is inconceivable, because women
do not behave this way.  The army of Mother God has to be something else
than the army of Satan.

The army of Mother God has to work in a completely different way than the
way of men, & even in a different way than Jesus Christ.  No, we cannot
continue being slaves, we cannot obey our masters, we cannot bear it all &
keep bearing it.  Jesus way is the way of the Cross.  This is a good
analogy for submitting to God, but not to men.  But how do we fight back?
Fortunately for us, the main work is done by Mother God, we just follow.

No matter how difficult it is for my male disciples to swallow they are
going to have to face the fact that Mother God is disabling men from
within.  Her weapon is her God Power, through nature, biology, genetics.
She is causing men to crumble from within, She is destroying the Y
chromosome.  No matter what men do, they cannot stop her, they cannot
survive, their days are numbered, their gender is finished, their hour has

This is probably the most vital weapon that I have to preach – that men
are going extinct.  Here they can no longer wield their lies, in the face
of Nature which wants them out, which will make them disappear.  They
cannot say they are superior, or dominating, or the leaders of the world.
If they are going extinct, there is a reason.  Even those who do not
believe in a God – any God – when faced with an extinction have to weigh
the facts – why does something go extinct?  Why would human males go
extinct, but not the males of any other species?  Why would males
disappear but not human females?  It means that in universal terms males
are dysfunctional, they are not functioning by the plan of nature, they
are not necessary, they are redundant.  What else can one conclude?  If
they were needed, if life could not go on without them, they would remain.
But life can & will go on without them, the female is reproductive, the
males are not needed although it seems, they could stay on the planet, but
Nature is removing them for a reason, & the reason it seems to me, is that
they have become a LIABILITY.

Now this fact is a known fact, but no one was preaching it, I was the one
who once I knew it, shouted it from the rooftops – no one wanted to hear
it, – too radical– I got death threats for stating it – they were saying I
wanted to see all men dead.  It was not my studies nor my will, but the
studies of geneticists & the will of Mother God – but as the messenger
when I first preached this message it was hysteria.

We are talking about weapons.  Truth is a weapon.  I gathered together all
the facts I could conjure up regarding female superiority & male
inferiority, put them onto a website that took three years of time &
money, & this website is still getting a million hits a month.  So I
fought with Truth against lies – William Bond was doing the same thing at
the same time.  We became friends.

William Bond has been my greatest ally / asset in the work of Mother God /
Matriarchy, so far.  Others are also helping, but not many, not quality
help.  We are getting “in name only” disciples or “lukewarm” disciples,
the disciple present, Michael Krause, seems to be the only one who “gets
it,” being the whole picture of what I’m doing & what must be done.  Not
sure what the others are thinking.  Some see me as a Guru but don’t
understand my mission fully, others see me as a dominatrix & dream of
worshiping my body.  However, I have noticed that my work & the work of
William Bond has suddenly taken off in the minds & bodies of other people,
far from us, not those associated with us, just random people who are
suddenly repeating, in this way or that, all the things we have said.
Academics have caught on, students have caught on, & they are teaching &

As far as army, if Michael Krause continues this work, he will be my
General alongside William Bond – that is an honor of great magnitude.

How has life prepared her?
She survived a very troubled, even abusive childhood and she grew stronger.

Yes, childhood abuse mostly by my Mom, but she also recruited the rest of
the family to help her abuse me.  It took all of them put together to mow
me down.  Then my Dad abandoned me in my time of need.  It was rough.  I
never understood it until recently, that this torture, this abuse to the
point of psychologically killing me, made me strong.
Her great beauty made her the target of male predators at a young age but
she survived and grew stronger
Her time as a Dominatrix taught her command and how to deal with
entrenched male prejudice and she grew stronger

I learned as a professional dominant how our roles as feminine or passive
were taught, imposed upon us, they weren’t natural at all.  I learned to
be feminine to attract men, please them & make money.  Then I learned to
be dominant & aggressive to attract men, please them & make money.  I saw
it was all a mantle, an act.  I saw how fake or arbitrary it was to act
feminine in the way that we were taught, to kow tow to men, to let them
win, to laugh at their jokes, etc.  All an act.  I saw the reason for it &
the idiocy of women to continue acting this way.
She is acknowledged as the progenitor of female body-building. Body
building was till then a highly testosterone charged male domain but she
prevailed  and she grew stronger.

That was another great battle, oh my.  Yes, I succeeded.  I wrote a book
about it, great story.  Breaking through the iron door of body building.
Women were not supposed to develop muscles, that was only for men.  I went
to the mainstream media & put it across, my first miracle.
She sought divinity and entered abusive but crucial relationships
with Gurus. She learned obedience and service to MOTHERGOD. She survived
grew close to MOTHERGOD and grew ever stronger.

There was a great battle of the Guru bashers & myself.  I had appeared
now, at this juncture, as Guru Rasa, having left behind my identity as
Kellie Everts.  For some reason, this entire group wanted to mow me down,
led by Jody Radzik.  I beat him & about thirty others all together, they
finally admitted defeat, it was an amazing display of my God Power.

At this time MOTHERGOD judged her ready and GURU RASA took to the streets
to preach the word of MOTHERGOD to all who would listen. She even built
evangelism into her night-club act “The Stripper for God”. At every step
she was ridiculed and met with the often rabid hostility of the Patriarchy
and it’s representatives. But she only grew stronger and was ever

The street preaching happened at various times.  I would preach an hour, a
day, three weeks.  But one time, in 2001 I preached with a loudspeaker,
walking up & down the street, for 2.5 months, in the winter, it was a hard
thing to do.  This & hard prayers following caused the shakeup of the
Catholic Church & the exposure of their Pedophilia – another of my
miracles.  How many children’s lives & minds were saved by this!

“Stripping for God” started in 1972 & went up to 1987.  At that time,
during a fourteen year stint of preaching & dancing, I dispelled the
notion that woman is either a “Madonna” or “whore.”  I proved that a woman
of God could save souls, then dance & show her body.  The assumption
Patriarchy taught was that this could not be done – but I did it.  I was
supposed to be a slut or whore, but I wasn’t.  And so, I empowered women
once again by what I did, I cleaned the reputations of strippers, adult
trade workers, sex therapists.  It was a great miracle of mine.

She has now created a University of MOTHERGOD and taken the fight to the
world through the world wide web as GURU RASA von WERDER, the ANOINTED of
now she calls us to her, to become members of her army and to carry out
the will of MOTHERGOD/RASA to recreate the world as one of love and
compassion not of hate and violent indifference.

And how do we respond?

Before I answer this we must be clear who is asking.  Is
it RASA the bodybuilder, RASA the dominatrix? No it is GURU RASA von
WERDER the Anointed, indeed the earthly incarnation of MOTHERGOD Herself.
GURU RASA has risen beyond the earthly plane. She is at once mortal but
also the vessel which contains MOTHERGOD on earth.

When we see GURU RASA we see MOTHERGOD who works powerfully through Her.
It is MOTHERGOD in GURU RASA to whom we pledge our total allegiance and
our unquestioning obedience to the huge task ahead.

The question we must each ask ourselves is not Is GURURASA worthy enough
to receive my love and obedience but am I worthy enough to offer Her my
love and obedience.

GURU RASA beckons us to Her in all HER power, full of the essence and
purpose of MOTHERGOD and we must ask:


It is a question we must all ask ourselves.

I know that I do not feel worthy but will strive with all my ability to be
worthy to offer Her my complete love and obedience. It is the same love
and obedience we would offer to MOTHERGOD because it is in fact to Her we
offer it through Her great ANOINTED GURU RASA.

GURU RASA is a leader of great power and the greatest services we can hope
to render to Her is to carry out with unquestioning loyalty and obedience
the tasks She assigns to us to successfully master the huge challenges

WE must ask again and again:


If we are honest many of us must say NO! Or at best NOT YET! but we must
look inside to see if we have the strength to pledge ourselves to Her.

We have in GURU RASA a direct path to MOTHERGOD. Do we have the courage to
take it?

Thank you Michael Krause.  I call you, as Mother God, to become a
right-hand General in my Army, I Anoint you to fight at my side, to be
there for her, Mother God / Me, & valiantly Be the Truth.  Thank you for
joining!  U R Anointed!  BEGIN THE WORK!

Written by Disciple Michael Krause, answered by Guru Rasa Von Werder Dec.
2, 2012

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