Here we come upon a religion at least 22,000 years old, but why doesn’t the entire world know about it? Because Shaktiism is woman-centered, female friendly religion. Men worship the body of the woman while worshiping Mother God. As they give the woman pleasure, they draw from her or distill from her soul the Energy of the Feminine Divine. This is God energy. The more the male can distill – like a bee sipping nectar from a flower, the more spiritual light he receives. Working this ritual, this passion, again and again, he can eventually get to the point where he reaches the Sahasrara – Enlightenment – Moksha or Self Realization. But it might not be as easy as it sounds. The man has to learn to abstain from orgasm while the woman orgasms again and again. Some yogis carry this to an extreme degree where they even abstain for years. But they do reach Enlightenment.

This is good symbolism for Shiva and Shakti as She is top/dominant, and he looks devotional, but She is also deeply engrossed in him, as a woman who worships God (as Shiva or Shakti) through the man’s body
Two of Rasa Von Werder’s Gurus practiced Tantra Sex – Swami Muktananda and here, the Avatar Ramakrishna. Tantra sex comes out of Shaktism, the way of worship of God through the female body.
“In 1861, Ramakrishna accepted Bhairavi Brahmani, an orange-robed, middle-aged female ascetic, as a teacher.
The Bhairavi initiated Ramakrishna into Tantra. Tantrism focuses on the worship of Shakti and the object of Tantric training is to transcend the barriers between the holy and unholy as a means of achieving liberation and to see all aspects of the natural world as manifestations of the divine Shakti….. He later proceeded towards tantric sadhanas, which generally include a set of heterodox practices called vamachara (left-hand path), which utilise as a means of liberation, activities like eating of parched grain, fish and meat along with drinking of wine and sexual intercourse. According to Ramakrishna and his biographers, Ramakrishna did not directly participate in the last two of those activities, all that he needed was a suggestion of them to produce the desired result………………………………………..

Love is the Greatest Power, and when we express this Power in Sex, Sex is Beautiful
Swami Muktananda did marvelous things for Rasa during their Sadhana. He gave her his sandals, the first night! He gave her all his Gifts! And later, he gave her himself in marriage, the Highest Accolade! She also worshiped his Guru, Nityananda, and this Great Soul also married Rasa, Anointing her with a beautiful long silver dress, and in celebration of their nuptials, releasing 250 souls from Purgatory!
Pornography V Romance By William Bond
Pornography is extremely popular on the internet, as many men seem to like it. Yet at the same time, most women don’t seem to like it at all, and many […]
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When Sex Was Holy – Why Is Patriarchy Anti-Sex?
Patriarchy is anti love & therefore anti sex. Patriarchy hates sex, because sex has God in it, sex has love in it. Their concerted effort regarding sex has been to […]
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