I know many people have said things about God that are partially true – But they have claimed part of the answer, not all of it. I believe this will be all of it.
And I’ve been saying again & again,
“No one knows Who & What God is & they never will, because we are finite, God is Infinite, it is beyond our ability to understand Her.’
But recently She has revealed to me Who & What She is! And I feel it is IRREFUTABLE, like when Einstein discovered his Energy equals Matter times the speed of Light squared, & his Theory of Relativity. So here’s my Revelation:
Where God is there is no TIME & so God has no beginning & no end, God just is. God APPEARS & MANIFESTS as the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, & everything in it.
God did not create the Universe & stand apart from it, God IS the Universe.
God is the Galaxies, the suns, moons & planets. God is the Dark Holes & the empty spaces & the meteors.
God is the LIFE on every planet which has life.
God, on Earth, is nature, & animals, the air, the water, the dust, the insects, the people – everything.
All that is in the universe is an extension or manifestation of the BODY OF GOD.
God is both energy & matter, God is everything & in all things.
This answers one of my burning questions – why does God allow predators & victims, for instance, Painted Dogs taking down a deer & devouring pieces of her while she’s kicking & bleating, still alive?
God is both the victim & the predator – God has no MORALS – just as William Bond said – it is WE who invent morals & religions, God invents Life.
In God’s life, it’s all by INSTINCT. God cannot sin, no creature that preys upon another sins, as it is their instinct they cannot deny, in fact, to deny their instinct would be death. The rule of life & instinct is to live, so they must do what they do.
As I said, God is the victim as well as the attacker; God experiences the terror & also the satisfaction of killing for food.
Now we come upon a big question, that of religion. Religion is an invention of humans. Prayers, rituals, are the same in all religions, from Wicca to Christianity to whatever. The prayers & novenas & rites of Catholics are no different than those of Wiccans, they are SPELLS. All religion, as Buddha rightly says, has a PSYCHOLOGICAL effect. His followers – although he recognized no central God – do prostrations, prayer wheels, offerings of water, flowers & food to him & Maitreya. He demanded no such thing but people want to worship, as it gives them Peace of Mind & Satisfaction – it’s primarily psychological, we can call it spiritual. It affects our minds & emotions.
We create sets of rules, we follow them, we feel it will bring us to the Promised Land, & it does. Our minds are the catalysts for where we go, to Heaven or Hell, to be discussed further on.
Now about DEMONS.
Who & what are they, & what is sin?
Only humans can sin. Animals cannot because they don’t have the intellectual thinking ability to judge ‘right from wrong.’ Their frontal lobes or intellectual capacity of the brains are not developed that way. They cannot ‘reason.’
But humans can reason, & so, knowing ‘right from wrong’ they can CHOOSE to do wrong & then it’s a sin. Who or what decides right from wrong? – Religion.
There are religions that worship hate or negativity, there are religions of Love. Love can be defined as the instinct of a MOTHER – Matriarchy – To care for others, to help them survive & grow.
Of the religions of Love, there is no one religion that can be called the absolute Pinnacle or ‘perfect’ religion. Jesus said,
“Religion is made for man, not man for religion.’
No religion can claim to be the One & Only answer to God as God is all things to all people – Infinity. No one discipline can encompass all that.
I personally admire the Nature religions, like Wicca, equally with the Christian religions, its followers have less faults. Christians tend to be fanatical & judge & condemn others, Wiccans don’t do that. They don’t say,
“follow this or you go to Hell,”
but some Protestants say that. Even Catholics who aren’t as fanatical, many feel they are the one & only correct religion – not so.
Islam is also fanatical but as I said, no religion can represent all there is.
Demons come from the ID or the primitive part of our brain, mostly came out of men when they rebelled against Matriarchy & denounced Mother God & women with the mythical words,
“I will not serve.”
Now you ask, if other animals cannot sin when they follow their instinct, why do humans create demons from their primitive self?
Because it is a CHOICE, a decision, which other animals don’t have. But humans have a choice, they have frontal lobes that make intellectual decisions, & the humans who once obeyed God as Mother & respected women, made a choice to turn against them both & stand in their stead.
It is this BRAIN-INTELLECT choice which creates a demon, when the human wants to EXCLUDE GOD & LOVE from his person. It is not a creation of God – it is a negation – it is an absence, a shutting off God from oneself – it is there that people end up in Hell – a place where God is not. It is by their own actions they end up shutting out God & being where God is not.
I conclude this for today & will make additions as they are revealed to my mind. It’s gestating. Guru Rasa Von Werder {end}
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