Separate Beds

By Rasa Von Werder, February 28th, 2024

Separate Beds–A Surprise Ending  2-27-24


         This dream was so vivid had trouble going back to sleep.

         Somehow I have a date with an old friend – a wonderful man, who was my best friend for 10 years, then for some unknown reason he dropped me.

         Our date is at a fancy bar-restaurant {where we originally met} & as we sit at this small table he says,

         “You’ve changed.”

         I say,

         “I’ve quit drinking”

         but alas, he’s not only ordered me a drink, but a HUGE one in a huge glass & there is a part of it in a bottle on the floor to my left – like the drink has 2 parts.

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         Not wanting to be rude {I see the waiter behind us & he looks like my old buddy Jack, who was the most fantastic ‘slave’ & Jack served the drink. He gives me a look like the drink is expensive or something like that.} – So I say I WILL drink this just this one time.

         I shall call my date ‘Joe.’ Joe’s wearing a traditional black suit with gray quiet vertical pin stripes.

         I was about to start drinking this drink when there’s some kind of ‘call’ {BTW the glass is shaped similar to the glass Kathryn Hepburn bought from Rossano Brazzi in ‘Summertime’ which she thought was a one-of-a-kind goblet – but turned out it was a fake – she felt cheated – he argued it was authentic but she suspected-that glass was rose, but this is clear & similar not exact to that.}

         The call is saying this part of the restaurant is NOW CLOSING & we all must go back to the main part of it. We are suddenly in the MIDDLE OF A FIELD, huge expanses all around us, like say a 10 minute or more walk back to the main road & town.

         And as the call comes, everyone here lines up like a herd of sheep or whatever, walk several people deep, long line of HUNDREDS of people – male & female, & they’re walking fast!

         But I stand there looking back at our little table because I’m not sure, but I think I brought my PURSE with me. It’s twice as large as a normal purse, not round or fat, about 5” or so deep, but it’s a foot & a half tall & wide, & it’s exquisite. It has indented stripes all over it, not vertical or horizontal, slanted from left to right downward – The color kind of in between, party dark, partly light, the stripes darker than the background – tasteful design.

         I am staring & staring as to where did I put the purse, {as it has all valuable stuff in it}. I bend down to see if it’s under the table but can’t find it. Then I think, maybe I brought just the little purse that went inside this big one – that’s it – I left the big purse in his car.

         Meanwhile he kept calling me & calling me, telling me to come on, while I looked. Finally, he just LEFT ME THERE while I was searching, & he & all the other people DISAPPEAR!

         Now I must walk, all alone, back to where we came, in my HIGH HEELS which are not too comfortable. And I realize Joe is NOT a gentleman to leave me here like this. There’s an indented walk, like cut out in the field, so the ground is a foot higher on both sides of this dirt road. As I walk I think of Joe, how he looks, wondering how we got together again & in my vision he becomes my first husband Stan, who was a very evil man. I feel REPULSED at the thought that we’re back together & he’s courting me & I absolutely DO NOT WANT HIM.

         I finally get back to the bar/restaurant where we originally met & had just been. Look in the bar where we sat – he’s not there. Walk into the front bar – he’s not there either & I hope people don’t know he abandoned me & are laughing at me as these people saw me with him now without {these people look like the local yokels I hung with recently trying to start the Church but of course it couldn’t work. They’re wearing their type clothes- lots of checks.}

         I then go out in front to the sidewalk & try to recall where he parked. Oh yes, right around the corner. There he is in a black car next to a small tree, & he’s on the phone. I wonder WHO IS HE CALLING? As I don’t have a cell phone on me & should he not be looking for me instead of calling someone else? It’s a feeling of betrayal.

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         The next dream is I’m with a Jehovah’s Witness who’s reading from a book. She’s giving the teaching on Jesus & its WAY DIFFERENT than tradition. It interests me & I want to know more.

         She’s sitting with her back to the wall, on the floor. I go to her & say,

         “Tell me the page number as I want to look it up myself.”

         She tells me something like,


which is unlikely for a book to be that big but I write it down.

         Now in this room is a boy, about 7-8 years old who’s some kind of disciple of whatever is going on. He’s been taught. And there’s a grown man to the left, is he the mentor?

         The boy wanted to take this book & show it to someone but I tell him no, it’s a secret teaching of ours. If you take it to someone who’s traditional it’ll be like shooting them, they will be in such shock.

         Where does this boy suddenly get a large handgun & he aims it at that man, his mentor. I try to stop him but too late – he shoots the man in the head. Then he puts the gun to his head & shoots himself twice.

         We must get them to the hospital immediately. I think the mentor will be alright but I doubt the boy will survive with the 2 shots. He did it to himself.

         The mentor speaks to me, he will recover. He tells me lately he’s been shaky on his feet & this is just part of it, but we both sense he’ll recover as the bullet did not penetrate him fatally.


         *{Mother God, to start with, I know who it is, an associate of mine I shall call Sam. In the scenes there are several symbols of ghosting & rejection. First, he’s Joe. Joe was the greatest best friend for 10 years & suddenly dropped me & I didn’t know why. There’s also Jack {the waiter} who was a dear buddy/’slave’ – he moved but sent cards every Holiday, suddenly one year the cards stopped. I called him but no return call, feared he was dead – then one more card & nothing. – So, another ghost.

         And in the end, when I go back to the original bar, I see the local yokels who I tried to get to help me start a Church – no go – not a single one was interested – another rejection or ghosting.

         I do finally find Joe there in his black car {this car reminds me of a long-ago boyfriend, Richard, the half Chinese, half English stunner, who dated me but tried to get sex & I was celibate. Finally he gave up & dropped me – this looks like his car.

         He’s in the shade of a small tree. Tree could be tree of life or it might mean ‘Cross.’ The black car, if it’s like the guy mentioned, could mean two things, one, he drops me for not getting what he wants, & two, black is a funeral, so end of relationship. Now that I think of it, it’s like the car has slightly jumped the curb, see the spokes of the wheel SHINING – right under the tree the right tire on the curb on some grass.

         He CALLING SOMEONE ELSE rather than trying to find me is definitely he’s deserted me, seeking someone else.

         But our bar area turning into a huge field – What is that? And the drink? Huge drink – I have quit but will down just this one but don’t even start when they make a ‘call’ which means ‘last call for alcohol’ as they do in the bars before closing.

         The DRINK seems to be something that here is compared to the goblet where Kathryn Hepburn got screwed or cheated. And the one who SERVES it {waiter} is another GOOD friend who’s stopped communicating! This is a drink of something in the past – I USED TO DRINK {in real life have quit} but no more – Sounds like FEMDOM as I used to be in it as a BUSINESS but no more. He wants me to continue, but I don’t even start. WHO wants me to continue? It’s obvious; the subject of this dream is a FEMDOM MAN – Sam, who has now abandoned me, because of the Femdom Issue – He’s wants it – I don’t.

         Comparing Sam to my first husband is the LAST STRAW. This evil man tried to kill me twice & in the end, after I went back to him & took care of him for 6 months, he secretly canceled his life insurance & left the baby & I penniless. Literally 5 bucks to my name. And he paid for being who he was – 55 years in Purgatory, getting out WITH MY HELP!

         And so, this breakup is not a friendly one, it’s BRUTAL or HEARTLESS. And IN MY EYES or vision, when I see who & what he really is, he repulses me. And like Kathryn with the rip-off goblet, I felt cheated by him as he came off so SINCERE re Matriarchy. {BUT his version is not mine!}

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         Now what is the HERD of people filing out fast while our seating is suddenly way out there in the midst of a field? The call comes – they all run including Sam & he wants me to exit pronto but I DON’T. He leaves me. And I am all alone, & WHAT is my PURSE?

         My purse is the NEW ORDER. Here is the crossroads where Sam & I will go our separate ways! The order is FOR WOMEN ONLY for the most part, & the men who are ‘faint of heart’ cannot take it. Only the MOST HUMBLE & SUBMISSIVE to MOTHER GOD will remain! As I said before, Patriarchal Femdom men are NOT SINCERE – they TOP FROM THE BOTTOM & here is a prime example! Sam is topping from the bottom!

         He is INSISTING that Femdom Men be part of the Order – NOT supporting me/us in what Mother God is telling me to do – as I am Her handmaid – She explains to me how we must separate. He will NOT swallow this & is concerned with & focused on FEMDOM MEN instead of Mother God – all the while professing he is ONE with Her & so on, when he ISN’T. Because the bottom line, I, the woman sent by God, am the LEADER, & the HOLY SPIRIT is speaking to ME, what women must do. He is a man, albeit a good one, but in this FINAL STEP of SEPARATION he will not obey & is holding on to his human desires & flesh! And he cannot see ME, personally, as his leader who he must follow & obey, he wants me to follow HIM – topping from the bottom – which is so predictable natural, & common, a daily occurrence in Patriarchy. Here it is, the fox in the hen yard – he would devour us by telling US what to do! He is saying, “I want to submit, DOMINATE ME!’

         We are saying,

         “We don’t want to dominate you, we want to be left alone. We need to find ourselves, the identity we have lost from thousands of years of men dominating us. We need time,- to commune with nature, our own nature & the God Within. Stop bothering us. The only thing you CAN’T DO is to leave us alone!”

         Now being in this field suddenly, far apart from the town, is the NEW ORDER being ‘way out there’ like ‘left field’ or way away from the normal ordinary thinking. And so the bugle calls & everyone in the world, including Sam, runs back to safety, to the common ground, to PATRIARCHY!

         My PURSE is what I carry of VALUE. In it there is money, keys, ID, all imp stuff. This purse is BIG. The idea of the New Religion/ Order is a BIG THING to bring to the world! That is what I am concerned about, not going like a sheep with the rest of them to the safety of old ways, the familiar, we’ve been complaining about – everyone talking, no one walking, no one working for Matriarchy including female separation from men – they are AFRAID! {That’s why in the last two days of dreams, the dance troupe conflict, the dancers were all in YELLOW. I alone had a dress made of pure gold sequins. My Jesus, the One within me, was so afraid we’d be shut down He cried. This told me that the Jesus within me is the author of this project; it is HIS, not mine. I’m only the servant.}

         The design of the stripes over my purse? Not up & down or across, but 90 degree slant. What is that? Might be ‘a new slant on life’. Up & down is PRISON, like the SUIT Sam is wearing – he is a prisoner to Femdom, to his flesh. Stripes across would be THE WORLD as it doesn’t go UP to Heaven, just stays here.

         But SLANTED reaches THE TOP & comes DOWN to Earth, something from Heaven to us. And bigness here means importance.


I do not go with the herd, I’m looking at this vision of the New Order.

            Back to his car. He’s in the driver seat looking for something/someone new – one of his dominatrixes? Our first argument was over that – he said “I have to go with the majority,”

Meaning the majority of women – they were all Mistresses trying to get money out of men – I was the only Woman of God, & Sam said because there were more of them, I was only one, he had to side with them. He quit me – ignored me – & it took me a couple years to get back into his graces – I worked hard at it.

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         The next dream: This woman here is speaking A NEW RELIGION, which is a strong departure from Christianity. It interests me; I’m studying the alternative ideas & have incorporated them into the New Order.

         The two males here – one a small boy, the other grown up, his mentor {‘Steve’}, & the boy wants to tell this doctrine to traditional people. I tell him no but he doesn’t listen.

         This is Sam applying the doctrine & lifestyle I presented here to the REST OF THE WORLD. But it is only a sect right now, a small beginning. It won’t do to tell everyone about it – they’ll only be SHOCKED – we must be selective who we choose, like Christianity in the beginning – they were greatly persecuted for a long time, in fact, until Constantine, the Emperor of Rome, finally made it legal {Edict of Milan, year 313}.

But ALAS, he HIMSELF is gobsmacked by the ideas – he reacts immaturely. The small boy is a symbol of his immaturity & the temporary immaturity or lack of open mindedness from the other guy Steve, who’s seen as mentor or superior to the little twerp.       He gets hold of a gun, shoots his mentor in the head – from which he will recover & himself in the head twice, where I suspect he will not recover.

         Mother God, clue me in on this. I might get it wrong.

         MG: OK your new doctrine is a shock to traditional people including Christians. But the two people represented here as SHOCKED LIKE SHOT IN THE HEAD are the two males, one little, one grown. They represent Sam & Steve, another friend.

         The little guy is IMMATURE & INCAPABLE of actually submitting to women &/or Mother God!. This is Sam – he can’t rise up to it, it’s beyond his capacity – so he ‘kills himself’ or removes himself from our fellowship. He’s ‘dead to it.’

         The other associate is more mature. He was also shocked like a ‘shot in the head’ but he can handle it & is recovering & seeing why it has to be. He’s a ‘bigger person’ as they say, ‘you have to be a big person to handle this,’ & because of his ability he’s seen as MENTOR to the little guy.

It’s all about HUMILITY.

         The BIGGEST PERSON is the one who can humble himself & allow God to take over. The less there is of my will, the more there will be of God’s. Let God’s will be yours. But the immature person cannot humble themselves to God, they hold on to what they know – their flesh – & give no room to God, so they remain spiritually small, weak & incapable of obedience.

         Jesus spoke constantly especially in ‘John,’ of how He & the Father were One, that it was this union that facilitated His work. He had given all of Himself to God, He did not think in the lower ways of the flesh, whereupon He got His Power. And conversely, those who hold on to the lower things have not God & Her Power.

The chickens have come to roost, lol. {end}

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