Reach Sai Baba on My Own!

By Rasa Von Werder, June 21st, 2023
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6-20-23 Startling Experience with Sai Baba

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This is so startling. I am in a kind of theater, on a platform looking down at a huge seating of movie stars. There are hundreds sitting there, maybe even a thousand, & each great star is being introduced by a voice on a speaker & I see one male star stand up with his son to his left, also standing.


*** Meaning: These represent the STARS OF GOD – Great Saints. ***

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This man is absolutely STUNNING, medium dark hair & in spite of amazing accomplishments he is modest & humble, you can see it easily in his demeanor.

His Jr is not as stunning, he is alright, much younger, like 28.

And although the great star I know is maybe 40-45 he has the looks of a perfect 35.

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*** The stunning beauty is Sai Baba & his son is Sri Kaleshwar. Beauty is his stature in Heaven, his Radiance. ***


I am eager to meet this star in person but don’t know how. But somehow I figure a way, to go around this gathering from the back, & then, I am close to him as in the dream he is now at the back row. My daughter is with me. He & his son are still standing & the star turns to me. He is ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED to see me, that I have reached him, startled. He’s wearing a strong looking glossy twill suit, dark color, wide shoulders, the suit is stiff like armor.

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*** The SUIT of glossy twill, dark, strong shoulders: This is his ARMOUR that represents spiritual STRENGTH & PROTECTION. It’s the ‘armor of God’ – as in the Breastplate of Righteousness.

When a soul rises up to God they cannot be interfered with, contacted willy nilly, by anyone. In Heaven, for example the lower souls cannot access or communicate with the higher ones without their permission.

For example, I might not want to see my relatives in heaven, who abused me on earth, & if I chose not to, they cannot contact me, since I am a higher soul, the onus is on me.

Our Light surrounding us in Heaven {& on earth} is a SHIELD that not everyone can ‘penetrate’. ***

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I place both my hands on his shoulders & say,

“I love you.”

And then,

“Can I kiss you on the cheek?”

Taken aback, he says no!

And I return with again,

“I love you!”

And with my daughter, I withdraw.

Moments later he finds where I went & shows me affection, like snuggling near me. He changed his mind.

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*** Meaning: Wow. I touched him! Meaning I’m on the SAME LEVEL as him – touching the shoulders means Divine Stigmata or Martyrdom. Because Jesus’ SECRET WOUND, that the bible speaks not of, was when he carried the cross, the wood pressing against his shoulder bore through his flesh right down to the bone. Anne Catherine Emmerich reveals this.

Now I have Jesus Secret Wound so to speak – the Interior Divine Stigmata, which no one can see nor can I prove it to anyone. And this is MARTYRDOM. And it is saying that I recognize or touch the secret wounds of Sai Baba – that he was a MARTYR & we have that in common, & this STARTLES him.

The darkness of his suit is ‘God is darkness to the soul,’ so says St. John of the Cross. And people cannot see or understand Sai Baba easily, as his height in Heaven is darkness to those who are not as high.

This Grace occurred because a lady sent me an envelope with his VIBHUTI, enclosed in plastic. This was something that when he was living, Sai Baba could manifest, & it was like talcum powder in the air & it fell on people. One of her friends was there & collected it & sent her some & when she heard I was communicating with Sai Baba she sent some to me. She suggested I keep in in my bed when I sleep, under my pillow. But I was afraid I would damage the envelope somehow & decided to keep it on my bed mantle, & to kiss the envelope each day, which I did. And my kiss resulted in this experience.

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Now Sai Baba put me to a test when he said “no” to a kiss on the cheek. If he rejected me, would I still love him?

I passed the test.

And then he changed his mind, he came to me with affection.


Me to Sri Kaleshwar: This is startling in that I was able to reach Sri Baba by my own volition, rather than his coming to me, as you guys have done to me a couple times. And there’s strong symbolism that we are both martyrs. But Sai Baba is a miracle man, with astounding spiritual height & Powers. Surely, how can I equate with him?


Kalesh: You can equate with him because of your Divine Stigmata. A person cannot give more than that, they are at the greatest height of Sainthood. You gave up God for loving God in the Interior Stigmata. Sai Baba is also a martur, this says, & you are on the same level.


Me: But why can’t I do miracles as he did?

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Kalesh: You have done many miracles. Each soul sent by God has a different mission, your miracles have been commensurate with your mission. Sai Baba & I demonstrated miracles appropriate to our work. We did healings & manifestations.

Your speech in front of the White House stopped the Cold War, end of Communism, the threat of WWIII. That was a miracle.

Your prayers for 3.5 months, in favor of victims of predators, brought about the ‘Crisis’ in the Catholic Church. Was that not a miracle?

The manifestation of female body building, was that not a miracle?

Stripping for God, was that not a miracle?

Seeing God Face to Face, all the Visions of Jesus & Mary, angels & saints, were those not miracles?

And the healings of cancer for your friends, were those not miracles, & other manifestations of answered prayers.


Me: But somehow I could not imagine myself an equal to Sai Baba, he is revered as an ultimate Ascended Master. Are you saying I am as good as he?


Kalesh: The height of a person is determined by what they give to God of themselves. You gave all. You could not give any more or rise higher, that is the ultimate gift, one’s life. Giving up the vision & Gifts of God is the same as giving up one’s life voluntarily. And so, yes, you are on the same height as the highest of Saints, who also gave their lives.


Me: Then I have succeeded as an Avatar. God sent me, many Avatars don’t make it due to this life being so harsh & people being so cold hearted. But you say I made it. Wow. That is extraordinary, I am so happy.


Kalesh: You have a lot to be happy about. God is All.

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