2-23-24 Dance Group Conflict – Moving to the next level where the other women can’t go
This dream was extremely stressful as I dreamed it.
I’m in a dance group. It’s easy – so easy you don’t have to repeat the steps again & again to learn them, you just know the steps as soon as you see them.
There’s about 15 of us dancers with a female manager. We’re wearing yellow costumes, like fancy 60’s style bright shiny, thin yellow pants with matching tops that are revealing, with other decorations like on head & arms. We dance again & again to a large audience of thousands. I love my job but then something terrible happens.
A man owns our company but he has to go away on business. While he’s away the manager lady has me on the stage with all the others & says to me,
“You have large breasts, but all the rest are flat chested – you make them look bad.”
I’m outraged that she says that to me & I exclaim loudly,
“Are you saying because of this I’m fired?”
I assume she says yes although I don’t hear it. I go out into the audience, protesting to them, saying how unfair this is. The entire audience disappears but a new one enters, & they are ALL GREY.
It’s like the old audience slides out {they were all regular colors} & the new one slides in – they went out me facing them to the right & the new one also comes from there. The new audience is not as huge so far, it’s a beginning.
As I’m in the audience I come across a Mom with her little son about 7 years old. He says to me,
“When the man called us boys to dance, he did not call on me, but I wanted to dance. Please tell him next time to pick me to dance also. He’s referring to the man that owns this company.
He’s a sweet little boy wearing a light green sweater with designs, soft grey & other pastel designs, & I tell him I will tell the man. I don’t know who the boy is or how to describe him to the owner.
OK, the man returns. I have something to tell him. I get up on the stage, the man is to my left – I don’t see him but know he’s there. The company has gotten a whole new set of costumes, they are all bright, tropical colors, with spangled headdresses, very fancy. The manager is standing there wearing the most plain white cotton top, form fitting crisp material. She has dark brown medium short hair, somehow reminds me of Rev. Verna who exploited me.
I exclaim to the man, in an outraged manner, pointing at the manager, exactly what she said,
“She said, you have large breasts & you make the rest of us look bad,”
“And then SHE FIRED ME!”
I see myself off somewhere, maybe talking to myself,
“That was the most happy I ever was – dancing with that troupe.”
Have no idea what then transpires as the dream ends.
*{ME: I’ll need help Mother God. All I can think of is my first large group of videos where I mostly tell my life & my breasts are exposed, sometimes to an extreme degree. I worked it this way because I was representing myself for the most part in the adult trade – Kellie Everts, rather than me as Guru Rasa, & of course I knew I’d get a larger audience that way. I’ve been planning a new playlist as Guru Rasa with all plain, conservative clothing, teaching & preaching.
MG: That’s exactly what it’s about as you’ve been gathering a new wardrobe, checking some of the old clothes you’ve never worn, planning a new slicked-down hairdo, maybe the new very light sunglasses {not sure about that}. Your mind’s been on it.
ME: But who is that lady firing me, & who is the man that owns the company?
MG: the lady could be Mother God or Holy Mary, who is seen as manager. Don’t take the ‘firing’ so seriously & so ominous, it’s merely a transition from that playlist to this conservative one.
The man who owns the company is Jesus, & he was figuratively ‘gone’ as you spoke more re secular things than spiritual, but now He’s back!
The audience is first, the regular people who are of the world. But the new audience beaming, streaming or sliding in, are those of the mind & spirit seen as grey for ‘grey matter’ of the brain – There won’t be as many.
Who is the little boy? That’s someone who’d like to be included in your work, but he hasn’t been ‘called’ or invited. It’s as if Jesus has to approve him, but you have to ask or tell Jesus to do so. All I can think of is friend Pete. Pete seems unhappy today, it could be because he feels ‘left out’ from this new Order.
And so according to this new dream, it isn’t just videos but your entire outlook, focus of work, has now shifted to the Matriarchal Order & spirituality – this would gel with the recent dream you had of a new place or orientation. You couldn’t figure out, what is the new place? Before it was your life, now it’s moving ahead in preaching, teaching, & conceiving the New Order.
ME: the breasts – How do I make the other women look bad – what does this mean?
MG: Those were the old days of show business, glamour & the like. Your calling is way beyond that, that was only a phase of your identity & work. You are BIGGER than that – your REAL SELF is about GOD LOVE – breasts being love. You leave behind the smaller place {flat chested} to your bigger calling.
ME: How do I recommend Pete to Jesus? He wants to be chosen to dance is he wants to be a part of this work – {Dancing, performing is work in my vocabulary.} But he is a part of it. What does he feel left out of?
MG: The community of Matriarchal women. Both Pete & William want to feel they are a part of this, & they are, but they need to feel wanted or needed. So tell them they belong to the community off premises, & if it ever starts, Pete can come to the dances & gatherings to which men are allowed. And he can continue doing computer work for the Order. Even if you’re dead but there’s a community, Pete can be a part of it because he’s been your associate. Leave behind the invitation in your writing.
ME: The new very colorful artsy show biz costumes – what do they represent? They’ve moved on without me, & who are THEY, the flat chested women?
MG: The flat chested women are the phonies – they have no LOVE & therefore they’re not ANOINTED to do God’s work. They were called, but not chosen. All the women who profess Female Superiority / Domination / Matriarchy – not a one of them has offered to join up, to help, to be helped, to form Sisterhood even when you reached out to them, or when they saw your work – except for Freyja Derrickson, who has now abandoned you.
ME: What is their problem? Why can’t they work with me instead of against me? They don’t have the capacity to make it on their own, God is not with them. Logic might tell them joining with an Anointed person would be good. But instead they’re hostile to me, or just ignore me & think ‘I will be Queen.’ Like the Princess from Snow White & the seven dwarfs: ‘Mirror mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? When they find out another female is more beautiful, they turn into ugly hags, bring her a poison apple & give it to her.
MG: To be Anointed you have to humble yourself & step aside for God. Divest yourself of human nature & its desires & obey Her. They can’t do that, they’re working from human nature & its competitiveness, its egomania, its selfishness, a path that is short lived. But you must all on your Faith strongly, trust the God that got you through all things & will bear you up through this work. Just remember how She got you through everything & carry on with this Faith. Not even knowing what is ahead, but believing it will happen as God plans.
In the dream it shows them carrying on as usual with all the colors of the earth – bright, flashy, tropical. But your audience coming in is grey/drab in color but represents the MIND. Mother God/Mary knows you did your stint here – you had to – but now you go to Higher Ground because of the Anointing – a place where – get this – THEY CAN’T GO. ‘Water reaches its own level’ means it follows the path of least resistance. ‘Dead bodies float downstream,’ lol. They have not the Power to go against the current – you have, because you’re ONE WITH GOD. {end}
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