Miracle Worker

By Rasa Von Werder, April 24th, 2023

“Next Level Soul Podcast”


Important!   Alex Ferrari – Hear this!


I’m listening to the podcasts of this man & here is the one I’m hearing now.  Go to the very END, at point 50:00 where she speaks of the WOMB CHAKRA & how Mother God is our ORIGIN, directly for women as they have a womb, indirectly for men as they have no womb & must ‘go’ to this Chakra through their Mother. 

This has been an ASTOUNDING interview.   

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the podcast is “Next Level Soul Podcast”

It’s the best thing on the internet, IMO

Here Alx Uttermann speaks about miracle man Swami Kaleshwar – It is ‘beyond belief’ what he has done.


And the ending which I mentioned she speaks of his revelation of this ‘hidden’ or ‘secret Chakra’ which apparently Patriarchs have hidden because it glorifies the female – the Womb Chakra.  It’s the foundation or origin behind all the other Chakras he says.





the Host is remarkable ALEX FERRARI


Next Level Soul founder Alex Ferrari is a #1 best-selling author, podcaster, speaker, entrepreneur, & filmmaker. Throughout his life, Alex always asked the big questions; Why are we here? Is this all there is? What is my soul’s mission in this life? He developed Next Level Soul to help people around the world get closer to their own higher power to look inward for the answers they are searching for.  The Next Level Soul Podcast discusses all aspects of life’s journey; Mindset, Relationships, Health & Wellness, Spirituality, Creativity, Business, Entrepreneurship, etc. 


Alx Uttermann



Alex Ferrari 52:05 If people are if people are watching this video, this interview with this conversation, the energy just coming off the images on your background, are are fairly strong, just a little bit, just by the energy of the of the saints that you have hanging on the wall behind you. It’s been a pretty interesting conversation, to say the least. There’s one thing that you talk about, and I’m not sure how long it’ll take you to kind of explain it. The holy womb chakra. Ah, yeah, can you because we basically we’ve just taken most of this conversation to talk about your journey. I would like to talk at least one healing thing, modality, if you will, of what you do in the world today. So can you talk a little bit about the holy womb and what is the holy womb chakra?

Alx Uttermann 52:57 I can, I can say so I spent five years studying this sort of PhD level of miraculous healing and spirituality with Swami caliche for which led us to experience Mother Divine as Maha Kali directly, like in person, like meeting her. In order to command and unlock the energy of the miracles, we need to know who is our real mother? Where did our soul really come from, in the same way that every human child has the right to know their human, their biological mother, we have as souls the right to know who is the Divine Mother and not intellectually, and not in a vision or a hallucination, but eyes open seeing a solid form of Mother, we need to know the womb for we recreate it every so hmm. That happened. And along the way, he gave us a system he gave he taught umpteen systems, of miraculous energy of learning different aspects of how our creation operates, like really at the nuts and bolts level of energy, if you if you like that term, and how to how to understand it as an outgrowth of the energy of the Mother Divine and of Shiva. And if they’re, let’s say, Romans that creates this whole creation.

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Okay, so we were all schooled in that and then he brought out this thing called the holy one chakra in 2006. To that it’s a 7000 year old technology from one of those ancient manuscripts written on dried palm leafs, and it’s all about this incredible doorway into our enlightenment and our capability of souls on this planet called the Holy womb, which everybody has male and female both. You don’t generally see it in the books on chakras and where they define things and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, they don’t need left this one out. It is located variously it’s kind of interesting. There is a chakra like sitting sort of behind all the chakras. which is more or less where a woman’s physicalized womb is. However, it’s also part of our soul. And men through the womb chakra, each individual person has like a spark, right of the big light, you could say that spark connects to the big light, the big source of the mother through this mystical doorway called the womb chakra. So women go directly through it, because they have it physicalized, which is also how we create life, right? We can conceive a child. We can even do it without a man like Mother Mary or the way Rome was created out of a fire ceremony. Through the womb, chakra. Men are a step removed, they go through their physical birth mother to connect to the womb, chakra from other divine. So number one, in our relationship with the cosmic mother, all of the miraculous abilities are there all of the understanding of the creation is there whatever she can do, we can do. But it gets muddied and distorted because this plays into Yogananda teachings very nicely.

The womb chakras, I think what we would call the causal body in his parlance, which is where all the cameras are stored lifetime to lifetime to lifetime to lifetime to lifetime. And from where they come due, in the course of a given life. Let’s say you see a small child with a terminal illness. They didn’t create a Karma this life, why are they having that system? Why is that happening? previous lifetimes where they created enormous heartbreak and suffering for other human beings, is like all come together and through the womb chakra has gotten spit out in this lifetime as a large karmic bill to be paid with interest. Here’s the kicker, if you know the technology, the holy womb chakra. very good chance that you can heal somebody in that predicament. You can reverse it. College Board would say Yeah, four out of five cancer patients he would say I can heal. And we saw that all the time. Terminal horrible last ditch, he would say that the fifth one no mother won’t permit karma is what it is they have to experience it. But when you know the womb chakra, when you have yourself a very strong stable womb chakra. Through doing it’s a meditation system. And it involves drawing a there’s a certain Yantra that corresponds to the individual womb chakra. There’s a whole technology and a whole system around it. It is so miraculous. And the the ripple effects are gigantic. But one when one practices that system, then there are certain healing abilities that already start to get a lot from that. Also, we’re cleaning up our own crazy karmic balance sheet in the process of doing those meditations as month thrusts and the yantra technology, college for I would also say, and this plays into Jesus and his mother. It’s very interesting, he would say the two strongest womb chakras our planet has ever seen our mother, Mary and Jesus.

And what we know from some manuscripts that Jesus left behind in South India, or is that Mother Mary herself had extraordinary divine channels. She was not an innocent 15 year old girl got hit in the head with an angel and then suddenly having a baby. She was like Kali, she had meditated millions of lifetimes to gain that lifetime. When she has Christ in her womb, as a little human being baby developing, she’s already teaching him all the layers of the creation. So it is true when he came out he was a little bit extraordinary. But still, he needed a physical eyes grow to open his channels for which he went to India. So I think we all know in the last years, but she was his first girl. She gave him information through her unbelievably strong womb chakra. And the plot thickens when he goes through the crucifixion. And it’s time to wake him up to bring his soul back into his body. She’s the one who does it. Through her physicalized very, very divine direct line to Mother Divine capability, womb Chakra which makes so much sense mechanistically and every other which way so

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Alex Ferrari 59:12 There’s a technique so there’s a technique on how to activate it, how to understand it, all this kind of stuff as well.

Alx Uttermann 59:18 Yeah, I teach it. Um, so I could say so he gave us many systems over the years, dozens of systems with mantras and Yantras and different ways to approach the healing energy and different sorts of specialties of these different healing systems. I teach them all but the wound chakra is a kind of central, amazing healing system. It is really powerful, both for self healing, obviously, for many kinds of traumas, heartbreaks, cynicism, etc. are and to be able to turn around and use that energy to heal other people very powerfully at this sort of fundamental level of what we call the womb chakra.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:00 No. Did he pass already?

Alx Uttermann 1:00:02 Oh, yeah, he took off in 2012. On the Ides of March. Oh, he was 39.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:07 He was a young man. He was. He was a young man when he left.

Alx Uttermann 1:00:10 Yes. Yeah, I was surprised he made it that long, to be honest. Why? Since I met him in 1999, he was like, Ah, I’m looking for the exit. You did not want to be in the body frickin hated being in the body. And he would say, I will be so much more powerful. When I take somebody when I’m out of the body. I, I have to come physically, I have to endure this. I have to hook you guys up to certain things. And then I’m out of here. And I really think he thought it would be faster.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:40 And why did he choose to choose to come down then?

Alx Uttermann 1:00:43 Oh, it’s his duty. He can’t escape it. He has to.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:47 He had to come down. Has to? Yes. Um, Alex has been a fascinating conversation.

Afterward from Rasa:  After putting together this article I looked up her website & she is CHARGING for healings – about a hundred bucks to a thousand for nine sessions.  They also have COURSES which go from about $200 to $500.  I don’t endorse any of this, I am not suggesting you purchase any of these services – up to you.   I owe her a debt of gratitude for introducing us to Swami Kaleshwar & promoting his miracles & God/work.  She does what she can & that is enough.  I continue to believe in Alex Ferrari & will keep watching & talking about his valuable, informative & amazing podcasts.

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