Jesus & Mary Equals

By Rasa Von Werder, August 14th, 2023

Principles of the New Religion 8-14-23


Principle 1 – That Jesus & Mary are Equals

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        Jesus & Mary are equals. They are both God, as in the attitude of Yoga ‘The Guru is God.’ In Yoga we do not look at the Guru as the flesh but as an Embodiment or Incarnation, we look at the God within the Guru, as he or she is Self Realized or Enlightened.

        Mary created Jesus without participation of a man. The Holy Spirit gave her the ability of parthenogenesis, a skill all women once had which has become vestigial. In one of the Eucharistic miracles, Jesus turned from bread into real flesh. This flesh was sent to three laboratories to analyze, without telling them the source of the flesh. Each one came to the same conclusions:

        “This was the Heart Tissue of a living man! Not a dead man – they asked, how did you obtain this living tissue from a living man?”

     And his DNA had no y chromosome. We need to ask Dr. Bryan Sykes, how could Jesus be a man when He had no y chromosome? Was this a miracle? Dr. Bryan Sykes has determined the y chromosome is crumbling & cannot repair itself. When it disappears, in about 100k years, there will be no more men.

        As Holy Mary created Jesus, She presented us his Body & Blood & it was the same as hers. She was the first Priest & the first Pope.

        In the book of Ven. Mary of Agreda, ‘The Mystical City of God,’ four volumes which are the life of The Bl Virgin, dictated to Mary by our Queen, the following is revealed:

        Before Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane to await his arrest, he visited his Holy Mother in her oratory. Standing before her & taking her hands, he stated,

        “Mother, let us begin the work of Salvation.”

        He did not say ‘Let ME begin the work of salvation, he said US.’

        How did Mary tangibly work as partners with Our Lord?

        In a monumental revelation, see ‘Next Level Soul Podcast’, interview of Alex Ferrari with Alx Utterman – She describes her experiences with Sri Kaleshwar, a miracle man of India. Here she tells us that Sri Kaleshwar has revealed that the most powerful charka in the body is the WOMB Chakra, hitherto unknown to the west. It contains the data from all our past lives & their karmas! He also explains that only the female has a Womb Chakra, & the male has to use the Womb Chakra of his Mother if he utilizes it. And then he adds,   

Dictated to Ven. Mary of Agreda (1601-1664) by the Blessed Mother herself, The Mystical City of God is an amazing collection of four books of revelations about the life of Mary and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls that has been enthralling readers for centuries.

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        “Jesus had the most powerful Womb Chakra of any living man.”

        Now think. If Jesus employed the Womb Chakra to do his work, his miracles & healings, it was the Chakra of his Holy Mother! Look what this implies! It means She had the most powerful Womb Chakra of all time & Jesus was using it – they were equals. Alx Utterman said she might have reincarnated a million times to have attained her level of evolution.


        Now on another level. We know how a loving Mother bonds with her child so that its every pain is her pain. She suffers with the child when it suffers, she grieves when it grieves, she is totally bonded with her child if she’s a good Mom. Her suffering is equal with his or hers. When Jesus suffered, Mary suffered, every one of his pains was her, in the Passion, She was with him in Spirit in the Garden – She knew He was about to be betrayed. She was with him at the scourging, the entire Passion. Everything done to him was done to her, She felt it & lived it. And when He expired, She expired. When He forgave his enemies, She forgave them.

        There was an absolute Mystical connection with them, She supported him like no one else COULD. Her Holiness was above all.

        And after Jesus left the scene, Holy Mary invented the ‘Way of the Cross’ & relived it every Friday; the beginning of devotion to his Passion. And then, She led the Church, not officially recognized, but unofficially, She was the head of his Church. All the Apostles deferred to her, & St. John lived with her as her Son helping Mary in the absence of Our Lord. Jesus decreed it from the Cross,

        “There is your Mother, Mother, there is your Son.”

        He represented all of us.

        It is also She who appears to the human race so many times to save us from the effects of sin & wars. They are equal partners in the Salvation of mankind.

        When we say the Holy Mass in the New Religion, it is the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary. Amen.


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