By Rasa Von Werder, February 18th, 2014
Behold, it is a new Heaven and a new Earth, It is Matriarchy, Mother God and Paradise


Herein William posits a psychological reason how women “lost” the gender war and men “won,” and in light of his thesis, the remedy for this is that women regain FAITH in our Powerful Great Mother God, and let her EMPOWER US AGAINST MEN.  We will regain our rightful place that way.  I agree that it would help a great deal if women saw God as Mother and prayed to her for all things, including material prosperity.  With the tools and weapons given us by Our Holy God, we will be well armed and enabled to succeed.

Onward, Women, you are God, make your own scripture!

Onward, Women, you are God, make your own scripture!

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William begins:
Merlin Stone In her book, “When God Was a Woman” claimed that when people in the past worshiped Goddesses as the creator, women were the rulers of society.  Then when people began to worship male gods as the creator, men then became the rulers.  If that is the case, why would the change of the sex of a deity, have such a profound effect on which sex ruled the world?  This can only make sense if our creator is feminine in nature.  As I will explain in this article.

The ancient people called Her, The Great Mother. They claimed that She loved us all, her children, unconditionally, and will give us everything we want and desire.  This today seems an extraordinary concept, as we now live in a world of conflict, war, poverty and suffering, so this seems to be, too good to be true.  It also begs the question, why was the Great Mother giving everything to people of the past, but denying this to us today?  The reason is that one of the things we wanted was freewill, the Great Mother granted us this wish, but we have not been very wise in the way our freewill has been used.

Back in the last matriarchal age, it was a paradise on Earth, women had everything they desired.  The Great Mother granted them every wish, and one of these wishes was to have devoted servants.  This is why the Great Mother created men to serve them and do the hard physical work and protect them from dangerous animals.  So how and why did this all go wrong?  Creating the world of conflict and suffering we now know?

 HER GOD IS GOD!  All men must bend the knee!

HER GOD IS GOD! All men must bend the knee!


Many people have noticed that the nature of men and dogs is similar. (God is dog spelt backwards).  Dogs are the most loyal and faithful companions if they are well trained, but can become vicious brutes if not trained properly.  The same is true of men, who tend to obey those in authority without question.  In the last matriarchal age they unquestionably obeyed women where they were loyal and faithful. Then in the patriarchal age they unquestionably obeyed other men and many of them became vicious brutes as they were trained to fight and kill in wars.

The holy women at the time taught that men were created by the Great Mother to be women’s devoted servants.  When women kept to this teaching, they continued to train men to be totally obedient to women.  But then some women began to question this teachings. They thought it unfair that the only job, men seem to be suit for, was to be their servants.  They also questioned the idea of the creator only being female and thought it fair to have both a female and male deities.

These ideas took hold in matriarchal societies, until they were worshiping both female and male gods, and men were granted equality with women.  At first this didn’t seem to be a problem, but over time, things began to deteriorate.

In the next years you will see steeples replaced by domes.  There will be Temples, Churches, Centers of Mother God in every town, right in the open, in your face, while male belief buildings will diminish and shrink into the back parlor cult status

In the next years you will see steeples replaced by domes. There will be Temples, Churches, Centers of Mother God in every town, right in the open, in your face, while male belief buildings will diminish and shrink into the back parlor cult status

Men had great respect for women when they worshiped the Great Mother as all women became the embodiment of Her.  So men worshiped the Great Mother by worshiping women as Her representative on Earth.  Then when they had a male god who was the equal of the Great Mother, men began to lose their respect for women.

Men must be humbled in front of the Female Version of God....They must serve and wait upon Mother God through women...this is their place

Men must be humbled in front of the Female Version of God….They must serve and wait upon Mother God through women…this is their place


Sexual equality made perfect sense to women but not for men.  Men tend to think in terms of competition and hierarchy. (This is why all patriarchal societies are hierarchical in nature.)  When men worshiped women as goddesses there was no thought of competing with them for power.  Women were the unquestioning leaders.  But when men became equal with women, men saw no reason why they couldn’t compete with women for power and status.

Men soon discovered they had one big advantage in the power game against women and that was they were bigger and stronger than women.  The Great Mother made men big and strong so they could do the hard physical work that women needed, and to protect women from dangerous carnivorous animals.  But now this strength was being used against women,  as physical violence became an easy way to dominate women.  Many women were still protected from this by their strong connection to the Great Mother.  But unfortunately, women who didn’t think to look to the Great Mother for protection, or were worshiping the new male gods, became very vulnerable to male violence.

The new male gods had a male priesthood but strangely when people began to pray to the new male gods they weren’t getting what they wanted.  The reason was because the nature of our creator is feminine.  So when they tried to pray to male gods they weren’t connecting to the Great Mother in the same way as before.

It all started with the GENDER WAR.  The FIRST CONSPIRACY, original "enslavement" was of women.  Were women too nice?  It's like allowing your dog or your pet chimp, to dominate you.  A dog can tear you up, and a full grown chimp is deadly, as are most apes.  This is what has happened to men.  When they are not subordinate to us, they are crazed animals, loose cannons.

It all started with the GENDER WAR. The FIRST CONSPIRACY, original “enslavement” was of women. Were women too nice? It’s like allowing your dog or your pet chimp, to dominate you. A dog can tear you up, and a full grown chimp is deadly, as are most apes. This is what has happened to men. When they are not subordinate to us, they are crazed animals, loose cannons.


The result was that people came to the new male priesthood to complain about this.  The priests then began to invent all sorts of excuses why praying to the new male gods didn’t work.  Most of these excuses blame the people and made claims that their god was angry with them for many different reasons.

What should have happened then, was that people return to the worship of the Great Mother and reject completely these new gods. The problem was that the new priesthood in making excuses for why praying to these new gods didn’t work became proficient liars and con-men.  Like modern politicians they learnt how to successfully deceive the people.

Women were also very tolerant of the bad behavior of the male priests.  They knew that these priests were beginners at learning how to manage their new religion and thought that given time they would correct the problems they had.  So they accepted all the excuses the priests made, and to be fair there were many male priests who were making a genuine attempt to find solutions to their problems.  But what people didn’t realize was that the aggressive and competitive nature of men worked against them in creating a loving and caring patriarchal religion.  This was because in any patriarchal organization, the most aggressive and competitive men ended up as leaders.

Why do they have so much muscle?  Because they can't reproduce, the muscle is for protecting us and for work in the community, not for rape and conquest.

Why do they have so much muscle? Because they can’t reproduce, the muscle is for protecting us and for work in the community, not for rape and conquest.


The male priesthood did learn, that praying to their own fictional gods didn’t work.  So they went back to praying to the Great Mother for what they wanted.  Unfortunately, they continue to tell their followers to worship their male gods.  As the result the priests could perform miracles by praying to the Great Mother but denied their followers the same privilege.  The reason they did this, was because they had the power and their followers didn’t.  So they enjoyed the power they had over their followers and it kept the patriarchal priesthood going.  Because without followers they knew they had nothing.

As things went from bad to worse, many women began to think that the Great Mother had turned against them, an idea encouraged by the male priesthood.  What people didn’t understand was that it was they who had abandoned the Great Mother, not the other way around.  They had created this situation by asserting their own freewill.  They didn’t understand that they were creating the problems they were in, by not allowing themselves to receive the help and wisdom of the Great Mother, through the worship of male gods.

Meanwhile the holy women who kept listening to the Great Mother continued as before and like the male priests could also perform miracles.  The problem for them was that they found themselves in a war with the male priesthood for the hearts and mind of the people.  Although they could give the people who came to them far more than the male priesthood, they were politically naive.  They had little idea of how to deal with the deceptions and falsehoods of the priests.  Like the Great Mother they couldn’t go against the will of the people who believed the priest’s lies.  The priests had no such qualms and used force, lies, deception, propaganda, brainwashing and indoctrination to keep their control over the people.

Do not permit men to tell you who you are or how you will behave, woman!  Write your own commandments, make your own rules, by the Power of the Mother God within you

Do not permit men to tell you who you are or how you will behave, woman! Write your own commandments, make your own rules, by the Power of the Mother God within you

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As the result, the priest took control of society, and allowed male warlords to rule through violence and intimidation.  This was the start of a new patriarchal age.  So when women had worshiped the Great Mother they had the power, but when they allowed the worship of male gods they lost this power.

At the beginning of the patriarchal age people still worshiped Goddesses and still had Goddess temples where they worshipped the Great Mother.  The patriarchal priests declared war on these Goddess religions and attempted to destroy them, but couldn’t do so while the priestesses of these religions, kept their faith in the power and protection of the Great Mother. So even though the priestesses didn’t have an army of soldiers to protect them, their faith in the Great Mother was enough to do this.

The irony of the patriarchal age is that it didn’t benefit most men. It only benefited a small band of the ruling elite, whom the vast majority of men had to obey.  Men make perfect servants to women as the Great Mother made them this way, but in the patriarchal age they became servants and slaves to other men.  Unfortunately, these men made poor rulers, creating a world of conflict, fear, hatred, war and poverty. The new rulers cared little for the people they ruled.  They sent men into wars and forced slavery onto both men and women.  Most men were worse off under patriarchal rule than they were when they lived in a matriarchy.

William suggests that women should pray for wealth and power, allowing Mother God to find the way without anticipating how.  A GOOD IDEA!  Ask and you shall receive!

William suggests that women should pray for wealth and power, allowing Mother God to find the way without anticipating how. A GOOD IDEA! Ask and you shall receive!


The holy women and their followers that still worshiped the Great Mother were immune from this while they allowed themselves the protection of the Great Mother.  For thousands of years they resisted the attempts by the male priesthood to get rid of them, but slowly they began to disappear.  This was because if any time these holy women began to lose faith (by getting involved in the lies and deceptions of the priest), they lost contact with the Great Mother and were open to force and violence from the warlord / priest society. Once a Goddess temple was destroyed through the priestesses’ lack of faith, the patriarchal priests ensured it was lost forever and never allowed to recover.

As the result, over many generations the Goddess temples and the teachings of the Great Mother were destroyed, making it difficult for these holy women to keep their faith, when they couldn’t reverse the march towards more extreme patriarchy.  So even they also came to believe that the Great Mother had abandoned them. The last of these holy women were killed in the medieval witch-hunts.

So how can women reclaim their power? -  And connect once again with the power of the Great Mother.

To do this, women have to understand the nature of the Great Mother.  She is completely unlike the false male gods that male priests want us to worship.  She is totally feminine and therefore gives us unconditional love, without judgment of any kind.  This is why male priests could still pray to Her and She would grant them what they desired – in spite of the fact, they were at the same time deceiving their followers.

Women must let go the male concepts of God and their religions, and think in their own terms. They must resist the brainwashing, if any, and understand that God is within them. They can find God within and by searching out ancient Goddess teachings, and also by rethinking, rewriting the twisted male scriptures - removing the misogyny from them

Women must let go the male concepts of God and their religions, and think in their own terms. They must resist the brainwashing, if any, and understand that God is within them. They can find God within and by searching out ancient Goddess teachings, and also by rethinking, rewriting the twisted male scriptures – removing the misogyny from them

This is where women have the advantage, because they are more like that Great Mother than men, it is easier for women to be on the same vibration as the Great Mother.  It is easier for women to be non-judgmental and give unconditional love like the Great Mother.  We can see this, in more modern times where the most successful and famous psychics and mediums have been women, because they find it easier to tune into the wisdom of the Great Mother. men.

The disadvantage for women is that they are far less likely to ask for what they want from the Great Mother.  The problem we all have is that the Great Mother has granted us the gift of freewill, and so the Great Mother cannot give us what we want, if we don’t ask for it, or don’t believe we can have it.  Whenever we desire something, the Great Mother is willing to give it to us, if we allow Her to do this for us.

To receive from the Great Mother we have to understand the true nature of prayer.  Prayer is not about asking, pleading or demanding what we want from the Great Mother, it is about receiving from Her, what we want or desire.  We don’t have to keep reminding Her what we want, all we have to do is relax and allow ourselves to receive.

One of the biggest differences between Matriarchal and Patriarchal religion is Matriarchy is natural in its approach to nudity and sex.  Patriarchy is repressive, and men explode into rape and violent orgies - they do damage to women and children, because in some cases, they have repressed their natural urges - In Matriarchy there were no taboos against sex between consenting adults - Patriarchy breeds HYPOCRISY because since all kinds of sex is a sin, then no one can admit they are doing it

One of the biggest differences between Matriarchal and Patriarchal religion is Matriarchy is natural in its approach to nudity and sex. Patriarchy is repressive, and men explode into rape and violent orgies – they do damage to women and children, because in some cases, they have repressed their natural urges – In Matriarchy there were no taboos against sex between consenting adults – Patriarchy breeds HYPOCRISY because since all kinds of sex is a sin, then no one can admit they are doing it


For many people this can be a problem because although they can relax, they can find it hard to believe that they can receive anything they want from the Great Mother.  This is because thousands of years of patriarchal propaganda has convinced us all that our creator is a male god. This then makes it hard to believe in a feminine Creator.

The reason why belief is important is because if we say to ourselves.

“I am allowing myself to receive everything I want and desire from the Great Mother,”

but if we have other thoughts in our mind like,
“this is nonsense, this won’t happen.”

Then the Great Mother has no option but to give in to these thoughts, because they are also our own freewill.  So our doubt becomes the freewill that we are expressing.

So how can we get around this?  How can we stop sabotaging ourselves by expressing doubt or disbelief when we attempt to receive from the Great Mother?

Beliefs are simply habitual thoughts. Religions, political parties and advertisers know that if you keep on repeating to people the same idea over and over again, this becomes a habitual thought.  Then people come to think it, as their belief.  If we understand this, then it means we can, if we choose to do so, program our minds to have the beliefs we want to have rather than allow political parties, religions and advertisers to program our minds for us.

The way we can acquire new beliefs is through affirmations.  Many positive thinking books like to claim that if we were to keep on repeating a phase, like, “I am a millionaire,” and keep doing it many times every day, this will in time became our belief.  Then this faith will turn us into millionaires.  Now this seems to work for some people but not for others depending on how hard they are willing to work at it and how strong is the disbelief they have to overcome.

Another point is that if you only do ten minutes a day affirming
“I am a millionaire,”
while the rest of the day you are thinking you are poor and have no money, your habitual thoughts on poverty will greatly outnumber those of being rich. The Great Mother gives you everything you think about.  Affirming for ten minutes a day is a good start, but over time it has to expand to dominate your whole thinking for you to get what you are affirming.

What is also a big help is relaxation or meditation.  Affirmations work a lot better when we say them in meditation or when we are relaxed.  This is why TV is such a powerful brainwashing tool for governments, religions and advertisers.  People are generally relaxed when watching TV and so can easy be programmed by repeated messages they see and hear on TV.  So likewise, we can do the same to ourselves and relax and program the beliefs we want to have through affirmations.

So what affirmations help us to contact the Great Mother?  This has to be an individual choice but they need to go along on the lines of:

The Great Mother is All-Powerful, omnipresent and omnipotent.

I am loved unconditionally by the Great Mother, (as we all are.)

The Great Mother gives us everything we want and desire. (when we allow ourselves to receive.)

Affirmations like this need to be done every day and preferable when we are relaxed or meditating.  We have to be patient as clearly any doubt or disbelief we have, is going to be a barrier to what we want.  So we have to wait until these affirmations become our habitual thoughts, which then allow them to become our beliefs.

It is also a good idea not to be too specific about what we want at first.  The reason for this is that the things we want more than anything else are the things we have the most negative thoughts about.  The greater the desire we have for something, the more we think about it.  And if this desire has been unfulfilled for many years, the more negative thoughts we are going to have about getting it.  The memories of wanting something and not getting it will be very strong.

Therefore it is better at first to avoid difficult subjects like the specific ones we most desire and to ask for general things like well-being, good health, loving relationships, success or abundance.  This helps to by-pass many of the negative ideas and beliefs we might have when being too specific.

Another problem can be about wondering how you can receive what you desire.  If what you desire is a lot of money but you are unemployed or in a low fixed wage job, then trying to imagine how you can be rich can only lead to negative thoughts and disbelief.  So it is a lot better to acknowledge your desire for a lot of money and leave it into the hands of the Great Mother to provide it for you in whatever way She likes.

For many men wanting wealth and power for themselves is easy, but it seems not so easy for women.  This is because women tend to be compassionate and want to care for others.  What women have to realize is that they can be more effective carers if they have wealth and power.  A wealthy woman is better placed to help people than a poor woman.  This is why it is a good idea for women to ask for wealth and power for themselves from the Great Mother.

When a woman allows herself to tune into the Great Mother, she can identify with Her.  This allows her access the power and wisdom of the Great Mother, so she can feel that she is a goddess.  Men can tune into a woman’s goddess persona and find they want to serve and worship her as they once did in the last matriarchal age.  Men who do not want to worship women keep away from her as they fear her power.  This is how the Great Mother protects women from predatory men.

Men in the past have created a god persona.  The pharaohs of Egypt and emperors of Rome and Japan all declared they were gods.  Even Kings claimed they had a divine right to rule.  Many male rulers like this became cruel tyrants as they were trying to be like a male god, created by the priests, who lacked love and compassion for the people.

A woman who takes on the persona of the Great Mother tunes herself into the unconditional love She has for everyone.  So it becomes unlikely for a woman to become a tyrant when she is in tune with the infinite love of the Great Mother.

Through thousands of years of patriarchal indoctrination, most women are made to feel worthless.  As the result, many do not feel they are entitled to have wealth and power.  Then because the Great Mother cannot go against our freewill, she cannot give it to these women.  This is true of many men as well, so in our patriarchal world only a small minority of men feel they are entitled to power and wealth.  So because this has become their freewill, the Great Mother has to grant this to them.

A Rose could represent Matriarchy like the Cross represents Jesus - they both mean the same thing - LOVE

A Rose could represent Matriarchy like the Cross represents Jesus – they both mean the same thing – LOVE

This then is another advantage for women in tuning into the Great Mother and adopting a Goddess persona.  By feeling and receiving the unconditional love the Great Mother, she can feel worthy and entitled to have great wealth and power.  And if this becomes her freewill, then the Great Mother can give it to her.

The patriarchal age has been a failed experiment, where men have shown in every way that they are completely unsuitable to be rulers of our world. The last matriarchal age fell because women asserted their freewill, without understanding how dangerous men can become, if given equality with women because men then took advantage and competed against women for power.  Men produced an age of violence, conflict and poverty.  The reason why men failed so completely as rulers of our world is because they find it harder to tune into the unconditional love and wisdom of the Great Mother.

Women cannot compete against men in the material world, because men are bigger, stronger and more aggressive than women.  But women can use spiritual power to be once again rulers of our world.  They have to return to the ancient religion of the Great Mother and allow Her to give them the power to rule our world.

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