Geared to Women

By Rasa Von Werder, December 17th, 2023
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I got this letter from an Org that

teaches self reliance, carpentry,

camping, permaculture  &

outdoor work classes much of it

geared to women – The first letter

is them, my answer second

There’s beauty and tragedy during this time of midwinter celebrations. Gift-giving has been a part of many traditions for centuries, and remains a sweet way to conjure warmth and joy. At the same time, this sweet practice has contorted into something congested and draining in the post WWII materialist United States.

So much stuff!

 Boxes and packing material and things that need places to go. It can get a little out of hand.

Many of us yearn for deeply connective experiences more than we yearn for things. Why not make your loved one a delicious meal and share it with them while having a focused conversation about something they’re into? Or plan an excursion to a wild place you’ve never explored together? Or write a song or poem to share with them? Or plan to take a class or workshop together on a subject you’re both interested in (hint hint )?

However you approach this time, it can be helpful to examine your own relationship with giving and receiving.

Why do you give gifts? 

What kind of impact are you hoping for? 

What are you longing to receive?

May these inquiries help you feel more grounded and deeply satisfied in your relations, even if you find yourself drowning in bubble wrap.

On another note…as we get excited about opening up classes in January, we’re keying in to the strain that many are feeling around money and time. We wanted to share a few ways we’re responding to this reality.

These are the ways we’re trying to meet you in this moment (we’re all on the same team )

  • In the face of inflation and rising prices everywhere, we are not increasing our registration costs this year

  • As usual, we offer free camping (with facilities use) to all of our students; this includes access to a well-equipped outdoor kitchen, hot outdoor shower, clean and appealing outhouse, and the mountain beauty of our campuses

  • For those who don’t have camping gear, we’re trying out offering some set-up-for-you tents with bedding for a small fee at our Paint Fork campus

  • We’ve created this new Planning Your Trip page to share lots of useful info and help you feel more comfortable and prepared for the whole experience of coming here

  • Also on the Planning Your Trip page, and at the bottom of each class page, we’re sharing more info on transportation options and how to minimize costs there

  • We teach hard skills; if you go home and practice what you learn here, you can save money by building, growing, and making things for yourself, instead of buying them

  • During challenging times, feeling a sense of togetherness can be one of the most supportive things; coming to a class here helps many of us feel like we’re not alone in our hopes and dreams for a more sane and sustainable world

Whether or not you come learn with us, we hope you find a sense of not-aloneness this coming year, and that you can access the essence of generosity as you navigate giving and receiving.

With warmth and welcome,

Yours truly

 Hello Sisters,


            That’s the most sane, intelligent & valuable message/s I’ve gotten from your group since we started.

            I agree with all you state & what you act upon, what you teach & provide.  My problem with participating is I am old & both my hips hurt to the point of not being able to walk but 30-40 steps without carrying a small stool & sitting down {when outside} so I’m NOT a good candidate for your classes or  any sort of TRAVEL.  I have other conditions that make it rough for travel like a long bus ride, let’s skip all that.


    I live ALONE in my house so leaving it can invite breakins & most importantly I FEED WILD ANIMALS every day.  All who live in the forest or fields {I’m surrounded by mountains, fields, forests, 50 acres my own plus a large island, riverfront etc} avail themselves of the grub I provide, every day.  If I disappeared they’d go hungry.  I feed everyone from bees to bears; foxes, 1 coyote, skunks, possums, deer, 1 unknown big cat, chipmunks & squirrels, many birds, etc.  Raccoons galore.  I was feeding some of the raccoons & bears by hand, they got so tame.  These last critters can do mischief to property, I’ve had all sorts of dilemmas, so it pays to be around to watch out for trouble. 

Screenshot-2022-06-19-at-11.39.24-340x340 SWI-Fishing-Aceh-Attractions-Banyak-Islands-017-1 thumbnail (45) 

    Putting all that aside, I am hopefully your SISTER IN SPIRIT.  I’ve written you before that I hope to start an Order, a new religion geared toward women partially written – A Temple to Mother God {no men allowed}, a ‘convent’ for single sisters who want it {celibacy not required}, housing for Mothers & their children, A learning facility where we teach & practice all the things you do, plus show business, – entertainment training – acting, singing, dancing, public speaking.

      We will have one large facility where beginners can live in a Community, less privacy, & also individual homes I will design for Moms with kids, or women in same-sex marriages, etc.  This Order will create a MATRIARCHAL COMMUNITY.  No we will not exclude men but have dances or parties often, for those women who want to meet men {we screen the men for background: criminal records, past relationships, employment etc – They have to apply for membership to take part in our gatherings}, date, & possibly have children.  Some of them want no man participating – they want to raise their children alone.  Those who wish to get married can be included but they live in separate premises – to be worked out.  They can still belong to the Order & participate daily or weekly & take advantage of our perks, education, ambiance, child care, sisterhood, etc. {They will soon discover that having a man will be a conflict to their freedom.  Men will resent their participating in a woman-liberating Order, doing constant activities, meeting in our Organization – they will begin to impede & limit the female’s participation, they will be a nuisance.  Women will be warned ahead of time about this & they will discover its truth.}

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  We will have Elders & Officers who are the governing body of the Order, they will vote on issues & actions. Our Order will run on a military style with Officers {Like the Salvation Army.}  We are the Army of Mother God.  This will not be chaotic or a free-for-all, there will be rules, regulations & a hierarchy.  Refusing to cooperate/obey the rules will mean termination of membership & all its privileges.

    OK that’s my info for now.  If you wish to speak to me you may write me & exchange phones.  Thank you for your great activities that feature much for women. I’m excited about your courses including  camping / scouting /  self reliance,  self defense, & assertiveness training  for our Sisters.


    Oh yes, in case you’re wondering – I’m not gay, just gung ho for Female Supremacy/Matriarchy.  I’ve had 3 husbands, all of whom died.  I was a Cougar for eleven years, dating new men every weekend – mostly college age. {Much experience & Wisdom here to impart to other women}.  My life story plus many teachings are written in 31 books, available on & Amazon.  I have TEN books on my life story called “I Strip for God.” If you’re interested in any of my books I will send you them FREE of charge.

    One last note, in case you think I’m a Pipe Dreamer with delusions of grandeur.  I have the money today to begin the Order on a small scale, but I am waiting to find staff who can help.  My life story will probably be made into a Major Movie in my lifetime – I’ve had offers since 1981. {If not in my lifetime the rights will go to my beneficiaries for the Order}.  Linda Carter, Wonder Woman, was asked to play me but she refused so that killed it at that time.  But the day is approaching when it will be done.  This will bring in the MILLIONS the Order will require to get it started.  Meanwhile, I will put everything on paper & publish it, in case I can’t get it going during my lifetime; future Sisters will have a blueprint.  I will leave all my resources to the right female/s.  It can be one woman or a married couple who believe in my work & can dedicate themselves to it – they will get the money, my land which includes MINERAL RIGHTS with gas/oil under ground. {See Marcellus Shale}

            Sincerely,    Rasa Von Werder – look me up on the internet, including Wikipedia

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