Guardian Angels Answer Prayer

By Rasa Von Werder, March 28th, 2023

         My Guardian Angels – Prayers answered re Tiny Teenee

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First dream I am typing since my severe eyestrain started in Dec.     3-28-23 


Prayed last night re Tiny Teenee, that I could see him or her in my dream, hold him, pet him, let him know I love him & also Teenee Wienie, who was almost as small as Tiny – cats that I left on a farm when there were too many cats. I was told Tiny died of starvation after 3 weeks & Teene I was not told about, but I assume many of the cats did die, some were pregnant, I could not harbor them any more. When you have a passel of cats they multiply quickly. But the situation with Tiny was a mistake I could not rectify. I meant to keep him & thought I was putting Teenie into the cat cage – but it was Tiny. I did not have the guts to go back & look for him at the farm & I have grieved intensely for 2 years over this.

I even confessed this & other sins to Padre Pio & was forgiven, but I still grieved somewhat. Decided to have communication of love with these creatures would heal my grief.

In the last days I prayed specifically to my Guardian Angels about facing the upstairs chaos of the plaster falling down from the ceiling in two places, even in one closet falling on clothing & soiling all of it. This was so daunting to face I could not do it for weeks. Finally I prayed to my Guardian Angels to give me the courage & they told me the reason I couldn’t face it was because I kept thinking about it & imagining all the negatives that would occur. I had to stop thinking, put on the rubber gloves & take my tolls & just go up there & start, which I finally did.

And when I started I got the worst part of it done in 3.5 hours. It’ll take another hour to finish this & maybe 2 more to finish the ‘moved out of the apt’ chaos up there. Then I will ask the GA to help me tackle the rest of the house that remains in chaos, the attic, spare room & cellar.

However, I did NOT pray specifically to the GA’s to help me contact the kitties, but in this dream, you will see they were the ones that helped. And I am deeply gratified & amazed at how they appeared! I rarely see my GA’s in any form!


I am some place traveling & stopping in an apt of sorts for rest. There are two small girls with me traveling. I’m trying to entertain them somehow but it’s not easy – not sure why. But we do walk at the edge of a woods & in a park I vaguely see, then we return to the apt & await our next outing. I am on tenderhooks trying to entertain these two.

Then I myself need consolation, & the husband of a lady I know comes into the place. I have always wanted to get close to him & today he does come near, & even rests on my body as I’m lying on a bed in the middle of the living room, & I breathe deeply because it feels so good. He’s wearing a knitted grey sweater & a knitted cap.

What I don’t like is he tried to put his finger into my vagina & he misses & keeps putting it on my anus, – I move his hand. I don’t really want him to do this but he says something about it why it would be good. For him maybe, not me.

        I then look under the covers & see his penis & it looks like a dark, small sausage. This part of him doesn’t turn me on, in fact, he isn’t really ‘for me’ as he is of a lower echelon like ghetto type or maybe working class – he isn’t refined enough for me.

I am not happy when my daughter enters the room! Have no idea how she found me, but she did, & here I am on this bed with this guy on top of me!

So I see the guy leave, I’m looking at him on the other side of the glass wall, he’s leaving sadly that he could not consummate our relationship, & there’s blue on his clothing, but I don’t care – it wasn’t meant to be. I want to attend do the children, daughter & cats here – all three elements are present.

There were two cats here that I love, a white one that remains through all the activity, & a black one like the one I have here, Blackie, who hid during the activity, & now she comes out when the man left. She’s timid. And her name is MARY so if this is Tiny, she was female.

I then look at my daughter & say to her,


“How on earth did you ever find me?”


She was far, far away, & had no knowledge of where I am, but here she is! And behind her I see three men, mature men, like working class cowboys, all three have small-growth beards & remind me of some kind of rural gangsters, almost lowlifes you might say – they are all full-bodied, not fat, but not thin. One is sitting lower, the others very near maybe on table tops or something.

I ask my daughter if these guys came with her & she says,


“I don’t even know these guys”

and they disappear.

Later I’ll see my daughter looking like she’s playing a role on stage – which she is – as a singer – & she is imitating Jane Fonda, with wisps of grey silver hair framing her face, partially covering it.

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OK now we all have to go out & there are two men here. They are all POOR.

And so, when we appear at the Waldorf Astoria, one of its restaurants, I am baffled. I ask them,

“Do you come here often?”

And they say yes, it’s a regular spot of theirs. The surroundings are luxurious.

Who is sitting here with us? The two men, one bigger, one smaller, my daughter & myself & I vaguely sense others but can’t even tell who they are. Maybe those two girls I mentioned in the beginning.

My daughter is looking at me plaintively because people are criticizing her for her performance. She’ll have to go on stage soon, we can hear the singing, the play has already begun & we must go as she’ll be on soon.

I tell her that whatever she does she is great; I affirm it ahead of time even before I see her perform. I just give her a complete blanket of approval & disdain anyone who criticizes her.

We all get up & stand in line in the room where the cashier is & are told to move up toward her. We do so &


the second man, the smaller one, to my surprise goes up to pay. He opens a wallet & there’s a white card & he pays with it, but then looks to us to each pay our share, giving the bread ot him. I quickly open my wallet.

The price for the dinner for all of us is $290.

I plan to give the majority of the bread, like $200, as I have the most money – as I said – they are all poor, & this little man was the poorest, that’s why I was shocked to see him step up to pay.

And I believe we will now go to the play my daughter is performing in.




My daughter I believe is Tiny Teenie, & the three men behind her are my GUARDIAN ANGELS who I’ve been thinking about lately, they came through! And I have also been listening to Fr. Chris Alar on angels & other subjects – this might have stimulated my faith in them.


I was under the impression Tiny was male but this shows under several forms, it’s a female, & her name is MARY. She appears under the form of the black cat because the black cat is very close to me, sleeps with me every night & loves me deeply & I her. And this is proven to me by her timidness as Tiny was the smallest & intimidated by the rough play of the bigger kittens, & would hobble over to her ‘safe spot’ near the entrance to my then-bedroom, by some soft blankets. One of her legs seemed shorted than the other, she was slightly


handicapped & so I say ‘hobble.’ She tried so hard to keep up with the bigger kitties.

I think these two kittens appear under the heading of the two girls I tried to entertain, Tiny is then my daughter, & they are the black & white cat. Why so many symbols?

Symbols are God trying to explain to me the principles & what is going on here, that Tiny & Teenie are my children & my pets. Tiny is especially dear as she appears as DAUGHTER she is trying to win my approval & love, which I give mightily. The grey hair over her is her SUFFERING which she endured after I had her accidentally left at the farm {by another person.} Her having to perform is what? The state of her pain in that she has to prove herself or please the audience, & FEELS REJECTED as I am certain she felt when starving to death.


It is fascinating that my three Guardian Angels are here & they have obviously BROUGHT TINY TO ME. Out there is cyberspace or Infinite Space, it is not easy to find any one person, like Souls in Purgatory or Heaven. It takes supernatural grace. And so, the Guardian Angels have provided this grace – Tiny says she doesn’t even know them, & they disappear.

But WHY do they appear as they do? I was not comfortable with these guys, almost like they were gangsters, like ‘Hell’s angels’ or something.

It seems notable that most of the people around you, in this dream, are poor & working class, not posh, rich or powerful. It could be these are all who NEED YOUR LOVE. The man you don’t really want could be a local


man who desires you, but he belongs to someone else you feel, even though she’s only a girl friend. You LIKE him but don’t want to get SERIOUS. He wants you more than you him, so he goes away sad. You aren’t into sex right now.

        Why is Tiny called Mary? Probably just to show you it’s female – Mary is the favorite name for you.

        The Waldorf Astoria is a posh place of NOURISHMENT. Nourishment can be many tings, but primarily this is not physical, but EMOTIONAL – SPIRITUAL nourishment. You wanted to show Tiny or Mary YOUR LOVE & this is the opportunity. She asks you for SUPPORT & you give her a BLANKET APPROVAL without her having to show you or prove anything to you – it’s even BEFORE you see her performance.

        Why does she resemble or imitate Jane Fonda in this play? Maybe because Jane Fonda is eternal – or because she is still trying to prove herself even after being a star all her life. After all, if we are still performing at age 88, we seek applause or approval. Born in 1935, she is still looking good & performing. Tiny was just a youngster, but she went through a lot, she was martyr. She seeks your love & you grant it. This is what you prayed for!

        Lining up to pay. All of you at this table of the Waldorf Astoria had a meal or nourishment, even though you don’t physically see it. These others here tell you they are regulars. Could this be the Eucharist which you celebrate every day? And these two mysterious men, who are they?


The smallest man is the poorest & he steps up right away.

       There is A PRICE TO PAY. You will all contribute, you willing to pay the Lion’s share. This could be your pain/grief at what you did to Tiny & also your daily prayers & Holy Mass.

        Remember, this event is PRIVILEDGE bought at a price of suffering – you prayed for a gift, you got it, but there is a price tag. And others are participating in the joy of this but also the pain.

        But if the two men are contributing, they can’t be Souls in Purgatory, as these cannot gain merit, they can only suffer, but the suffering does not GAIN MERIT. So let’s think the bigger man might be Nick, your spiritual husband, who is attached to you. And the smaller man {bigger is more important, smaller less important} might be the guy who is interested in you but you are letting him down – his pain could be a contribution. {When you are at the bar together, he pays for your beers, but you did not call him last week or this week so far.}

        So you received this great grace of meeting with Tiny Teenie & Teenie Weinee & showing your love but it cost you & some of your associates & even poor little kitties paid. But this dream shows you suffered more than anyone – paying the most in other words.

        But I still can’t understand why my Guardian Angels appear so unattractive as far as characters. They are like tough macho men, almost gangsters, like country ruffians. Why? Obvious symbolic of something. Angels are Spirits, messengers of God. What are they saying? Maybe it was the brutality of sorts required to take all my cats to the farms – which I did several different times {it is impossible


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to harbor un neutered cats}. It took a terrible brand of turning off my feelings to do this. As much as I loved them, for example, I had allowed a random cat to move into my house in the middle of winter. She had a litter of kittens & I took care of them. But within months they grew up & four of them were pregnant. This is DISASTER. Come what may, I had to remove them from my premises, at their great peril. There was a time once when forty cats collected near my property because I fed them

        It is heartbreaking & I swear each time I will never allow it to happen again. So many times I broke their hearts & my own – never again, & Tiny Teenie was the worst, for which I’ve been grieving for three years, & Teenie Weinee also stood out as a terrible heartbreaker.

        And so, the GA’s could be representing that state of heart I had to put myself in when I left them at the farms, on their own, with a partial chance of survival.



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