Shrine to Shakti


Shaktism (Sanskrit: Śāktaṃ; lit., ‘doctrine of power’ or ‘doctrine of the Goddess’) is a denomination of Hinduism that focuses worship upon Adi parashakti or Shakti or Devi or Parvati – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead. It is, along with Shaivism and Vaisnavism, one of the three primary schools of devotional Hinduism.

Shakti is MOTHER GOD - She is the Divine Principle Dominant over all thing - In this religion the male worships the Female as the way to attain God within himself - Enlightenment, Self Realization

Shakti is MOTHER GOD – She is the Divine Principle Dominant over all things – In this religion the male worships the Female as the way to attain God within himself – Enlightenment, Self Realization

Shaktism regards Devī (lit., ‘the Goddess’) as the Supreme Brahman itself, the “one without a second”, with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations. In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism. However, Shaktas (Sanskrit: Śākta,), practitioners of Shaktism, focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine. Shiva, the masculine aspect of divinity, is considered solely transcendent, and his worship is usually relegated to an auxiliary role.


MOTHER GOD (Shakti, Kali, Durga–by any name) IS THE ALMIGHTY PRIMARY SOURCE OF WORSHIP – SHIVA IS SECONDARY – IT IS LIKE ISIS AND HORUS, HORUS BEING THE DEPENDENT ONE, THE SON.  A woman is always a Mother to a male, she is the authority by natural design.

As the female makes love to the male, she  worships THE  MOTHER GOD AS THE SOURCE OF HIS CREATION, SHIVA is his masculinity, but HE HAS NO POWER WITHOUT HER;  in Shaktism, Shiva is called “inert.”  Woman is PRIMARY as a symbol of God and as female on earth, because all humans start life as a female  – the fetus is then truncated from becoming reproductive  and the person called male is developed.   (See geneticist Dr. Bryan Sykes, “Adam’s Curse.)  The egg of the female is a reproductive cell, the sperm is not, the male merely gives his DNA material to a female for reproduction.  It was recently discovered (reported in 2013) that a woman can produce sperm, it is known since archaic times she has the power of parthenogenesis (spontaneous conception).  The human race can continue without the male gender, and apparently, it will have to, as human males are going extinct.

Woman is dominant - all things being equal

Woman is dominant – Man is her underling.  When women rule, there is no war,  no poverty, society is run in an equitable and harmonious manner.


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