By Rasa Von Werder, April 1st, 2014
Great Sai Vihkë, Mother Durga, protect us from all the evil forces of Hell, from Patriarchy, from the demons of Patriarchy, from all the wiles of Satan and his lies, from his tricks and pretensions, from his snares and temptations, Great Mother, stand between us and evil, vanquish it for us, and we thank you Gratefully and kiss your Holy Feet

Durga, the Great Warrior-Goddess

Durga, Our Mother God Durga is the epitome of the forceful Absolute, this Mother God is especially suitable for the age of Patriarchy – also called “Kali Yuga”  (an age where the lower forces of evil predominate).

Ancient European myths said that when Our Mother God created the Universe, She also wrought the seven great Angels or Powers, to rule the seven Manifestations of Creation.

Dea (Mother God)-worshipers call these feminine powers Sai Raya (the sun), Sai Candre (the Moon), Sai Sushuri (Venus), Sai Mati (Mercury), Sai Thamë (Jupiter) Sai Rhavë (Saturn) and Sai Vihkë (Mars). Check  “An Introduction to the Seven Janyati”. Patriarchs later gave these all (Hindu) or mostly male (Western) identities.

These seven “planets” are the local symbols of these Universal Powers.

Kali Yuga, the last and thankfully short Age is influenced by Sai Vikhë, the Martial or warlike concept. This Kali-Yuga is the Age of conflict, hate and injustice. It is known in Classical terms as the Age of Iron: Iron being “of Mars”.  (“Women from Venus, men from Mars.”)

The male gender is associated with the Vikhelic principle. Mars is considered “of men”. It seems fitting that during this Kali Yuga “Age of violence”, is the time when males dominate our world.

The earliest Images of God are all feminine, found in the archaeology of the Indus Valley civilization. As Kali Yuga spread its poison these Feminine Images were eventually coupled with subordinate masculine consorts; and as men took control with atrocities, murders and genocides, they turned Mother God into their own image and likeness.

Our Mother God began to reassert Herself, nevertheless. The pattern is everywhere – Isis in Egypt, the religion of the Magna Mater (Great Mother) that vied with Christianity as the new religion of a Classical time, Kuan Yin in the East, Tara in Tibet, Holy Mary in mediaeval Christianity.

It stands out that in India, of the currently surviving Images of Dea, there are theological schools that assert Dea (Devi) is the One Supreme Creatrix, both “the Supreme Brahman and the all-pervading Atman” (Padma Purana), the Absolute Deity. Not all Hindus believe this, but it is an accepted and respected position in Hinduism.

These vestiges of Mother God worship lived on even while the evil of Patriarchy was pushing itself – human memory clung to the Image of Love, the natural instinct wanted its Mother.

The return of Our Mother God as “the One without a Second” (Devi Mahatmya) came about in the Iron Age – the domain of Satan could not prevent it.

Works such as the “Devi Gita” presented Dea as the Pure Absolute, the Mother of all, expounding Her Divinity and ways to worship Her.

The first major work in patriarchal India to proclaim Her absolute Divinity was the Devi Mahatmya – which concentrates on Her Form as Durga, the Great Warrior-Goddess. This tome of thirteen chapters expounds on Durga’s battles with demons. The gods are helpless against the Great Demon Mahishasura and only the Feminine God, as Durga, can destroy him.

The account of the victories of Durga holds descriptions of Her Power and Miracles: this is how the devotion to Dea as all-in-all – the Self of all, the superior of all other gods – re-emerges from India.

Dea returns in the form of Sai Vikhë, the Angel of Battle, as this is Her way to conquer a Vikhelic age.

Sai Vikhë is a Janya, which can translated either as “Angel” or “Goddess”; it can be seen as either envoy of Mother God or Dea in one of Her forms.

The Indian view of Durga agrees with this outlook. She is a “goddess” and a Form of the One Supreme Devi. She is a part of the Feminine Trinity. She may appear as an Army or a Single Being.

Durga in Her Trinitarian Form

While Mother God is often seen in Her compassionate forms such as Maria, Kuan Yin, or tender forms of Devi, there is a special need in Kali Yuga for Her aspect as ferocity.

It is that the Demons of Darkness, being stronger than ever today, must be defeated to DEMONSTRATE THE POWER OF MOTHER GOD. Thus, in India, Durga was the appropriate form of Mother God to come to Power.  She demonstrates that the forces of Hell cannot stand against her.  (I might add here how is this administered?  Does the extinction of males ring a bell?  The Y chromosome being touched by Mother God, never to be repaired?)

Durga is a major symbol in Indian Devi-worship, with Durga Puja in Calcutta (the largest outdoor festival on earth) and with Bengalis throughout the world, celebrating the victory of Durga over the Demon.

The Warlike Aspect, or Angel, (like St. Michael the Archangel defeating Satan and his followers, St. Michael not being a male—angels have no gender) of Dea has always been with us, as it is one of the Seven Streams of Powers that form our cosmos. It manifests fully in Kali Yuga, the evil of the age demanding a remedy.

It might be stated here that the highest Holy War is against inner demons and all that stands between us and Mother God.

Sai Vikhë, or Durga, is invoked when we need protection from hostile forces, be they material or spiritual. For this purpose Durga is the best and surest form of Mother-Defender to call upon.

Great Sai Vihkë, Mother Durga, protect us from all the evil forces of Hell, from Patriarchy, from the demons of Patriarchy, from all the wiles of Satan and his lies, from his tricks and pretensions, from his snares and temptations, Great Mother, stand between us and evil, vanquish it for us, and we thank you Gratefully and kiss your Holy Feet.

Presented by Guru Rasa   3  31  14

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