Our Spirit, our energy can be anywhere. We can dwell in Heaven or Hell or anywhere in between. In our struggle toward evolution, the strategy is to stay in Heaven (while on earth) no matter what the circumstances. This is achieved through the Catholic term: “Abandonment to Divine Providence” well explained by St. Alphonse Liguori. The yogis understand this equally well, taking bad as good when it happens, as all comes from God’s will. Of course, sin is never the will of God, but some of God’s happenings are mysterious. Remember, that God does bring good out of “bad,” – stumbling blocks lead to stepping stones.

He was the most charming model I ever had – Pure class and delight!

God is Within us, in all life. Where is God? Not far away, in the atom, in the nucleus, in the middle of the brain, everywhere within. God is energy (spirit), God is matter. Matter must be worshiped as is spirit! Worship God in physical! Love the Creation of God, do not see it in a cavalier fashion; all that lives, breathes and moves is God. The leaves, the grass, the earth and sky, are all Sacred. Consciousness of Equality is a yoga terms that defines this POV