By Rasa Von Werder, May 10th, 2014
All that they developed technologically was for conquest, power – everything – the electricity, computers, cars, engines of all types, outer space exploration – more weapons of all kinds, small weapons, big weapons, poisons, almost everything developed by males has turned humanity farther and farther from NATURE and therefore, REALITY, TRUTH. We are at the outer limits of God – going farther through Patriarchy from our GREATEST GOOD, farther and farther from TRUTH and closer and closer to DEATH.




It explains the truth about everything from our past – when Matriarchy flourished, when Patriarchs took over; what it was like when Matriarchy bloomed, how it changed, the meaning of things.  It explains THE ORIGIN OF ALL MAJOR MALE RELIGIONS HAVING BEEN STOLEN FROM WOMEN.

It explains the truth about everything from our past – when Matriarchy flourished, when Patriarchs took over; what it was like when Matriarchy bloomed, how it changed, the meaning of things. It explains THE ORIGIN OF ALL MAJOR MALE RELIGIONS HAVING BEEN STOLEN FROM WOMEN.


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Powerful ideas came to me how technology, under the left-brained activity of males, has become a demonic force taking the planet, and all who are on it, down the path of destruction.

Once we were close to nature; we kissed the earth before we planted our Spring crop (stated by Marija Gimbutas), thanking God as Mother Nature for her bounty.

This “technology” which is venerated mostly by males, was developed under the brain/instinct of males, which is competition – and this meaning the destruction of others.

All that they developed technologically was for conquest, power – everything – the electricity, computers, cars, engines of all types, outer space exploration – more weapons of all kinds, small weapons, big weapons, poisons, almost everything developed by males has turned humanity farther and farther from NATURE and therefore, REALITY, TRUTH. We are at the outer limits of God – going farther through Patriarchy from our GREATEST GOOD, farther and farther from TRUTH and closer and closer to DEATH.

Under the cloak of Patriarchy we have become severely OVERPOPULATED. Patriarchs have said what wonderful science we have, that humanity has increased so greatly. But this humanity is miserable and it is crowding out the rest of the life on the planet and polluting the earth.

These people – forced into existence by the Patriarchal lash, are people undeveloped, lacking the time needed with their Mother, suffering from ATTACHMENT DISORDER. The intimacy spent with the Mother in the first five, six years determines whether or not people are happy – they are NOT. And so, the planet now groans by the weight of nearly seven billion unhappy humans who are doing damage to the rest of life.

Meanwhile the Patriarchs, who caused this dilemma, how do they react? BY THE DESIRE TO KILL MORE PEOPLE. The SHADOW GOVERNMENT, the small number (about 16,000) of Patriarchal men, wants to KILL 80% OF THE HUMAN POPULATION and herd the rest of us into cities, micro chipped as slaves. And so their greed for humans backfired on them. They wanted children so they could kill – their army being bigger than the next guys – but that having come to its conclusion now presents the problem of management. Having hoarded the resources of the world into a few small hands, they need to control the rest of us and that is impossible for them. We might run amuck and want our freedom. So in their left brain / half brain thinking they now want to kill, kill, kill. It won’t happen, but that is their intention.

As I see the big picture of what half brained men have done to the planet, it is ugly as Hell; it is Hell.

When our world was Heaven (Garden of Eden) what was it like?

We were NOT SAVAGES, NEVER. We DID NOT become “civilized” through Patriarchy. That is what they want us to believe. Women invented language, mathematics, all our industries, skills, sciences and religions. But these did not take us away from God. We remained ever close to God, our nature being God, our instincts being God, life being Sacred, and we were happy. It was only Patriarchy – the demonic onslaught – that deteriorated our world.

Must write an article on Col. Dave Grossman’s “Killology,” the science of how men teach other men to kill, to brutalize.    Prior to him I learned from KAY GRIGGS how the military prompts males to commit atrocities, assassinations – how much homosexuality is in the military.

Must write an article on Col. Dave Grossman’s “Killology,” the science of how men teach other men to kill, to brutalize.
Prior to him I learned from KAY GRIGGS how the military prompts males to commit atrocities, assassinations – how much homosexuality is in the military.

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“As a woman thinketh, so is she.”
Reframe all your thoughts about all that has happened to you or what is happening to you, in a positive light.

See the good in it, no matter what it is. Believe all your sufferings, disappointments, frustrations, rejections and failures as having a good component, a silver lining, a meaningful result.

Accept whatever has happened in the past as having good in it – the abuse, the abandonment, the ridicule, humiliation, mental, emotional and physical pain as bringing you good.

Any accident, theft, mishap, calamity, conjure your faith to believe it has brought good – believe it and you will eventually see it.

You learned from all your sufferings – forgive those who made you suffer.

Both Christianity and Yoga teach how acceptance of all things, feeling they have all come from God, is the height of holiness.

If you want to be happy, you have a choice. You can either be miserable from what happens to you daily, complaining, screaming, hating, or you can accept it, release the problem, let it go, and you are free.

To be free and happy is a choice. You don’t see the good in the bad, but it is there. Exercise your faith even when you cannot see it, and sooner or later, it will be revealed.

Lately, I have had miracles of vision, seeing so much evil in my life but the good in it has been revealed and I am so free and happy for it. It is absolute liberation. However, you must first release your faith, make a choice to be happy, and the vision will follow.

This puts an entire new light on religion way different than what Patriarchs teach.  Patriarchs twisted religion into their half brained, left brained, spirit and matter, God was here and left, demonic, stupid version of what is.

This puts an entire new light on religion way different than what Patriarchs teach. Patriarchs twisted religion into their half brained, left brained, spirit and matter, God was here and left, demonic, stupid version of what is.

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This puts an entire new light on religion way different than what Patriarchs teach.  Patriarchs twisted religion into their half brained, left brained, spirit and matter, God was here and left, demonic, stupid version of what is.

This puts an entire new light on religion way different than what Patriarchs teach. Patriarchs twisted religion into their half brained, left brained, spirit and matter, God was here and left, demonic, stupid version of what is.

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I need to do some reading on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and put it into an article proving nonduality.

Einstein demonstrated how matter is but energy slowed down – he showed energy and matter to be the same thing, and that time is merely an illusion of how we measure things – what we experience in our slowed down version of existence.

If you take energy and slow it down, you have matter.

Patriarchs have led us to believe, wrongly, that God is in another world, far away, in Spirit and Truth, and that our world/reality is somehow not with it, not as high up, very different, and God is inaccessible.

But we must bring to mind that God is here and now, right within our world of Nature, things, in the slowed down version. There is no difference, or two things, matter and spirit, but matter and spirit are one thing – nonduality. Energy and matter are two forms of the same thing, God, and nature, we are God and Nature. All is ONE THING.

That makes ALL THINGS SACRED within our world, we cannot disrespect or put down any of the “created” beings, for example, we must understand that this REALITY which could be called God LIVES AND OPERATES THROUGH MATTER AS IT DOES THROUGH SPIRIT.

This puts an entire new light on religion way different than what Patriarchs teach. Patriarchs twisted religion into their half brained, left brained, spirit and matter, God was here and left, demonic, stupid version of what is.

The Matriarchal religions had it right in the first place, even before EINSTEIN, they knew all things were one.

Males disparaged the feminine ability to SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE with their full-brain thinking. Female intuition, psychic phenomena, is women having the full-brain consciousness, seeing with all their brain and all their senses, inner and outer.

Males, incapable of full-brain activity, reduced reality to what they could understand. Obviously, one savant, Albert Einstein, got through to the reality in his way of thinking – but this is one man in millions. He came up with what women knew all the time – a great feat for a male.

The last YEAR. Been thinking about KILLOLOGY

Must write an article on Col. Dave Grossman’s “Killology,” the science of how men teach other men to kill, to brutalize.

Prior to him I learned from KAY GRIGGS how the military prompts males to commit atrocities, assassinations – how much homosexuality is in the military.

Been thinking about the “Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths ad Secrets by Barbara G. Walker. William Bond typed up several chapters for me.

I must study them and make comments. It explains the truth about everything from our past – when Matriarchy flourished, when Patriarchs took over; what it was like when Matriarchy bloomed, how it changed, the meaning of things. It explains THE ORIGIN OF ALL MAJOR MALE RELIGIONS HAVING BEEN STOLEN FROM WOMEN. Very involved, I cannot even hint at all of it right now, have not the time. Must get to it soon.

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