New Site – New Teaching

By Rasa Von Werder, February 3rd, 2014
Mother God, Feminine Divine, God Power, Almighty Mother, Return of Goddess, Sacred Animals, Reverence for Nature, Mother Nature, Divine Nature, Natural Instinct, God is Within, Mounds, Circles, Temples, Woman, Inquisition, Patriarchy, Matriarchy, Lies VS Truth, Infinite Love, Reverence for Women, Femme, Female, Girl, Old Woman, Wife, Crone, Hag, Wisdom, Shamans, Elders, Wicca, Pagans, Druids, Ancestors, Catholic, Heretics, tyranny, Blood Thirsty, Men against Goddess

I DO UNDERSTAND THAT WHAT I AM PREACHING IS EXTANT IN ALL MOTHER GOD / GODDESS, WICCA / PAGAN RELIGIONS….IT IS ALSO EVIDENT IN SHAKTI / TANTRA. BUT HOW I CAME TO THIS IS A CONVOLUTED WAY on the long, hard road of Christianity.  (With Wiccans, Pagans, they are usually born into it and all these Truths are taken for granted.)  I TREAD THE  HARD ROAD OF JESUS CHRIST, DID WHAT HE TOLD ME TO DO, DIED ON THE CROSS WITH HIM.  AFTER THE RESURRECTION – (INTERNAL, MENTAL, SPIRITUAL & PHYSICAL…I have the Holy Divine Stigmata, equivalent to martyrdom), I EMERGED INTO YOGA, THE ORIGINAL RELIGION WHICH IN FACT JESUS TAUGHT; BUDDHISM / YOGA – (THE “DO UNTO OTHERS” RELIGION).527125_270316479745094_1587468589_nAlready I had gone into the zone called, “No longer I live, but Christ in me,” which is nonduality, the death of the ego, when God fully takes over. I saw God face to face in 1981 – I knew that She was Me, & I was She.  But I did not know the name of this was “nonduality,” nor did I claim I was God, as I had a right to do, I was not yet practicing Yoga where it is commonly known that Enlightened Gurus are God.
It was Our Lord himself and his Holy Mother that appeared to me and asked me to leave the Catholic / Christian Church and GO BACK TO NATURE.  This was obviously the next step for me, and the step which I now share with humanity, after years of working it out.That God is “in Nature” does not exist in the Christianity purported by men AFTER JESUS CHRIST.

They missed his cues on several occasions, one being, they could not grasp Enlightenment, and set Jesus up as ALMIGHTY rather than EMBODIMENT.  They did not understand Yoga / Buddhism, perhaps they never heard of it, & there is nowhere in the Scripture where Jesus told them,

“Hey guys, this is the religion I was born to preach.  You see, I am the reincarnation of a great Guru from India. The three wise men knew this; they traveled a long distance to honor my birth.  They came back for me when I was twelve, took me to India where I learned my Craft.  I returned age 29 to teach you all.  This is Eastern religion, I am a Guru, and even a Goddess worshiper (look how I treat my Mother and the Holy Women!)  All Satgurus (great Gurus) are an Embodiment of God, God speaks through them, like I said,

Mother God, Feminine Divine, God Power, Almighty Mother, Return of Goddess, Sacred Animals, Reverence for Nature, Mother Nature, Divine Nature, Natural Instinct, God is Within, Mounds, Circles, Temples, Woman, Inquisition, Patriarchy, Matriarchy, Lies VS Truth, Infinite Love, Reverence for Women, Femme, Female, Girl, Old Woman, Wife, Crone, Hag, Wisdom, Shamans, Elders, Wicca, Pagans, Druids, Ancestors, Catholic, Heretics, tyranny, Blood Thirsty, Men against Goddess

“If you have seen me, you have seen the Father,” and
“I and the Father are One,” and
“Don’t you know that you are Gods?”

In the Scripture He never makes it clear that He was Buddhist / Yogi, that He was 17 years back East, that his teachings were part of an ancient religion thousands of years old– If He said it this was not recorded in the Bible.

It seems to me that Jesus was walking on eggshells during his three-year ministry, that He had to bite his tongue, that He could not reveal himself fully & accurately to these ignorants for fear of thwarting his mission.  He never lied, but he could not tell them ALL THE TRUTH about himself.  Most probably, if He had, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE LISTENED TO HIM ABOUT ANYTHING.  After all, a Jew preaching Buddhism would not have been accepted in society & certainly restrained from preaching in Synagogues.

Now on the subject of God in Nature.  If a human being can be an Embodiment of God, what about the rest of Life?  Is not the Universe another Manifestation of God if is the little human?  Certainly the Universe is God/of God, but this could not be preached in a Patriarchal religion, as will be explained further on.

Mother God, Feminine Divine, God Power, Almighty Mother, Return of Goddess, Sacred Animals, Reverence for Nature, Mother Nature, Divine Nature, Natural Instinct, God is Within, Mounds, Circles, Temples, Woman, Inquisition, Patriarchy, Matriarchy, Lies VS Truth, Infinite Love, Reverence for Women, Femme, Female, Girl, Old Woman, Wife, Crone, Hag, Wisdom, Shamans, Elders, Wicca, Pagans, Druids, Ancestors, Catholic, Heretics, tyranny, Blood Thirsty, Men against Goddess 222288_308502652593143_1011922060_n 382084_451347951597114_792164802_n 418780_403611916370718_189720224_n 484587_404667392931837_1346709446_n 537488_453836331348276_1089119286_n 551835_270003419776400_1479985892_n

The twisted version of Christianity presented to us is the typical PATRIARCHAL GOD, distant, far away, authoritarian, more bent on rules & regulations than Love.  (Not saying there is no Love in the theology, it has to be there, but the rules stand paramount in this version.)  And this “God” is a manlike violent one.

The Hebrews, as most Patriarchs, were violent.  They believed “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” – revenge.  No forgiveness.  “Love” was only for their own Tribe, the Chosen people, & again only for those who KEPT THE RULES.  The women (not men) who broke the rules were STONED TO DEATH.

This is not to mention foreign Tribes or foreigners; they were DESPISED.  Only the CHOSEN PEOPLE (themselves) had HUMAN RIGHTS.  Killing other people was stock-in-trade for Israelites.  “God” ordered them to destroy everyone within communities, & when they spared “the virgins” they were PUNISHED for disobedience by a BLOODTHIRSTY GOD!

Now comes what we know of as “Christianity,” the version Peter & men wrested away from the actual chosen Pope, MARY MAGDALENE.  (See Gospel of Mary Magdalene.)

At first, the Christians were the ones being persecuted; lots of martyrs; forgiveness, mercy, obedience unto death.  But once they go the Power they became the persecutors, eventually, by the Middle Ages, the world was a bloodbath ordered by the Popes.  The Crusades were followed by the Inquisition, the Inquisition being the Holocaust of women (nine million women victims, millions more of opposing faiths), three hundred years of torture & killing of females & “heretics.”

Eventually the Catholic Church slowed down it’s shedding of blood but not its tyranny.  Hatred of women & total discrimination still exists.  They slandered the women’s religions ONE WITH NATURE – Wicca, Pagan, Druid, others.  Christians still believe these are of the devil!  Meanwhile, the Catholics were covering up their own sins of RAMPANT PEDOPHILIA, it had become part & parcel of the Priesthood, only broken in the year 2001 by the prayers of “yours truly,” a woman sent by God.

Why are the “Christians” against Nature?

On one side, is Mother Nature, replete with her own Truth, embedded in her genes, in all Creation, in every particle of Life.

On the other side is Satan, a spirit of envy, hatred, destruction.  He comes roaring as a Lion, seeking whom he may devour, & his appetite runs to eating up Truth, & spitting out lies.

Nothing that he says “makes sense,” but his words are backup up by veiled threats, or overt persecution,

“Believe this, or I’ll kill you!”

All the world was forced to believe lies, backed up by armies of Satanists, men who were (are) either Satan himself, his demons, or duped individuals who have been beaten up to say “yes.”

The lies go like this:

“God is far away, we know HIS rules, obey us.  God left us in charge of all things, we need to use & exploit all creation, nothing has any rights unless we say it does.  Might makes right.  We do what we want BECAUSE WE CAN.  Anyone opposing will be TORTURED TO DEATH.”

This is Patriarchy:  Man made world, man made Hell.

Why is Nature so dangerous to Patriarchs?  Because when we commune with HER we discover WE ARE HER, just as WE ARE GODS or GOD PERSONIFIED.  We are Real, we are Truth, it is EMBEDDED IN OUR GENES.

Satan cannot UNCREATE us or take away our Godhood, all he can do is BLOCK THE TRUTH.  The Truth is still there, deep within where he cannot reach, but we are blocked by ideas that are NOT TRUE.  For instance:

(1)    Men are superior to women (men therefore, make & enforce the rules)
(2)    Certain races are superior to others  (therefore one race can exploit, turn those of other races into slaves)
(3)    Humans are superior to animals
(Therefore we can do whatever we like to animals with impunity)

These LIES are NEVER VOLUNTARILY accepted.  They are barked from birth to death, enforced with all kinds punishments.  To defy the army is to invite torture & death – that is THE ONLY WAY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN HELD DOWN.

Mother God, Feminine Divine, God Power, Almighty Mother, Return of Goddess, Sacred Animals, Reverence for Nature, Mother Nature, Divine Nature, Natural Instinct, God is Within, Mounds, Circles, Temples, Woman, Inquisition, Patriarchy, Matriarchy, Lies VS Truth, Infinite Love, Reverence for Women, Femme, Female, Girl, Old Woman, Wife, Crone, Hag, Wisdom, Shamans, Elders, Wicca, Pagans, Druids, Ancestors, Catholic, Heretics, tyranny, Blood Thirsty, Men against Goddess

Return of Mother God is Return of Mother Nature as well as OUR DIVINE NATURE

The Return of Mother God, Nature, our Divine Nature

With the RELEASE OF LIES Nature AUTOMATICALLY REVERTS TO TRUTH.  No one has to tell a possum or wolf or owl, what its nature is, what it has to do to survive & be happy.  It automatically knows, there is no THEOLOGY NEED BE TAUGHT.

We are the same way.  Once released, we automatically revert to OUR DIVINE NATURE which includes AN END TO SEXUAL REPRESSION, a beginning of affection & love, & without a doubt, RULE OF THE MOTHER.

There will be articles detailing these facts.  If you wish to jump ahead & research, please see the work of Dr. James W. Prescott on the Origins of Peace & Violence, the end of sexual repression of women is the end of violent cultures.

As far as our Divine Nature, we need only to be LEFT ALONE to find it!  Where we have been, “Satan is the Prince of this World” (Jesus) & as I have said “Satan Rules the World, & he works through men.”

Our Divine Nature comes forth like so:  a silver plate has been left sitting for years, has tarnished beyond recognition, is dull, grey & ugly.  Now we take that plate, clean it off, polish it up, it is beautiful & we see our perfect reflection.  This is the Truth of the silver plate & the Truth of us.

Honest Reality was automatically known by all peoples before Patriarchs.  This is where we return – It is called “The Return of Mother God.”  All the religions of Mother God worship will come back, all the Patriarchal religions (long ago stolen from the Feminine Divine & twisted to male agendas) will have tarnish removed, polished – restored to Perfection.

This explains our website.  All that you see here is part of the ancient world of Mother God, when life was Sacred, Nature & animals revered, women honored, & sex was a celebration of Love & a worship of God who created it.

Guru Rasa Von Werder     2  2  2014


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