8-11-19-WOMAN THOU ART GOD – Woman-Only Religion

Woman Only Religion


  Thou Art GOD

8-11-19-WOMAN THOU ART GOD – Our New Religion – Women Only Woman, thou art God. Thou shalt put no Gods before Thee. (Do not worship a God created by men, worship only the God WITHIN YOU & wherever you believe the Spirit of God dwells— take from all or any religion according to your conscience, what you believe, what you approve of. Let no man or woman intimidate you as to beliefs, rules, commandments, behaviors, or speech. Speak to & obey the God within you, your ‘still small voice’ & not outside voices—It’s your agenda, not theirs, that you must follow.) God created woman, & woman created the male. Once you were the only human. You have the power of parthenogenesis, spontaneous pregnancy, you created the male as a helpmate. For eons the male behaved properly, then recently went astray. This is being resolved by the Almighty through male extinction, it will be a woman-only world with their own religion. Woman, rebuild yourself FROM WITHIN. You are as you believe – do not believe the lies that disempowered your ancestors. You are the leader; have faith, trust & confidence in yourself & matriarchal sisters.

Woman Must Regain Her Self Image

Satanic Patriarchy Has Created a Fake Image of Woman


Woman, there was a war–‘in Heaven’ they called it. This means spiritual warfare. Lucifer rejected Mother God, wanted to be like Her & have her prerogatives (privileges) & created ‘God’ in his image & likeness–& one third of the ‘angels’ in Heaven (one third of men) went with him. This Lucifer is the Satan of this world–otherwise called Patriarchy–& in the spiritual realm without a mask. This Satan, this spirit, waged war on women, as women are the Creators & bearers of children & have charge over them {he/they coveted this privilege}; he waged war through the men as mentioned above, those men who love Satan/sin, who are demonic. He waged war on women to exploit them, their children & other men—{Satan & Patriarchs have no Light, no mercy, no hope, no Love, they are pure evil, solid darkness, with no hope of redemption.} Women & others then became the prisoners of the war with Satan (called the gender war) – not their souls necessarily, but certainly their bodies became chained, imprisoned & fettered by the Patriarchs, their unjust rulership. Many of these women have suffered but did not sin, they retained Love, Light & Goodness.

Women Must Recapture Their Own Identity

Women Must Separate From Male Interference


Some of these women have sinned, & given their children over to Satan/men—sacrificed their own children or the children under their care. These women who became demonic will suffer the same fate as the demonic men. Mother God is not mean, they asked for it, it was their decision just as was Lucifer’s in the beginning. Woman, this is important. As a prisoner of war it is your duty to try to escape in any way you can, to save yourself & the children of this world. But Mother God does not ask you to put yourself or your loved ones in harm’s way. She does not ask you to forfeit your financial security, your physical, emotional & mental safety. She does not ask you to do things so overt against the enemy that you will be persecuted, injured or killed. If you are in a prisoner-of-war camp, you must work in secret to escape, you cannot challenge those who have guns & hate, you have to keep your plans silent. The important part of this religion is THAT YOU BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND & BELIEVE & worship Mother God, the God within you, begin praying to Her & no other God, allow her to empower you from within. Pass this belief & practice to your girl children & any female who will listen, {understanding that if any of these women has males who dominate them, you will be barred.} Now as I said, keep your religion secret but this has to have exceptions. {Truth MUST BE preached in order to be known.}

Female Must Separate From Male Authority

Female Must Create Her Own Subculture Now


The majority of females are not anointed or empowered to fight ‘Goliath,’ the male establishment. They cannot do it for fear, it is impossible for them–the brothers of ‘little David’ who fought Goliath were physically big but spiritually small, they were not Anointed. If you want to be an Apostle of Mother God you must be Anointed, empowered by the Spirit to proclaim her doctrine – this is not for everyone. But there have to be women who are empowered, & through the ages they have come forward & battled, not of their own strength but the Power of Almighty Mother God. {Indeed, like David they killed a lion & a bear with their sling shots, they took those steps forward to prove they deserved an anointing, they did not wait for God to anoint them before doing anything, but after being anointed, they were unstoppable.} For the rest of you, keep quiet when it behooves you to stay safe, but keep the prayers & the study of this religion active.




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