How should I see the body of Rasa? Is it important? Or is it insignificant, the Spirit being higher? You should look upon Rasa’s body the way you look upon the body of Jesus, and his wounds. His wounds are Sacred, there is much devotion to his wounds taught by the Saints of the Catholic Church. Rasa’s body is the same. All saints were gravely wounded, but Rasa is even more so, as the Stigmatic saints are considered those who suffered the most. Not all saints have visible wounds, some have what is called the Interior Divine Stigmata. You may buy Rasa’s book on this, study it, to understand what She endured131129_0130 ZX FLAT

By Rasa Von Werder, March 29th, 2014

How should I see the body of Rasa?  Is it important?  Or is it insignificant, the Spirit being higher?

You should look upon Rasa’s body the way you look upon the body of Jesus, and his wounds.  His wounds are Sacred, there is much devotion to his wounds taught by the Saints of the Catholic Church.  Rasa’s body is the same.  All saints were gravely wounded, but Rasa is even more so, as the Stigmatic saints are considered those who suffered the most.  Not all saints have visible wounds, some have what is called the Interior Divine Stigmata.  You may buy Rasa’s book on this, study it, to understand what She endured

How should I see the body of Rasa? Is it important? Or is it insignificant, the Spirit being higher?

You should look upon Rasa’s body the way you look upon the body of Jesus, and his wounds. His wounds are Sacred, there is much devotion to his wounds taught by the Saints of the Catholic Church. Rasa’s body is the same. All saints were gravely wounded, but Rasa is even more so, as the Stigmatic saints are considered those who suffered the most. Not all saints have visible wounds, some have what is called the Interior Divine Stigmata. You may buy Rasa’s book on this, study it, to understand what She endured

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