By Rasa Von Werder, May 4th, 2014
Features great scientists, neuropsychologist Dr. James Prescott and Clinical Evolutionary Psychologist Dr. Dale Glaebach. James Prescott says the threat to world peace comes from nations having depriving environments for children and repressive of sexual affection and female sexuality. Dr. Prescott instituted brain-behavioral research, documenting early experiences of mother-infant separation induced varieties of brain abnormalities. Babies should be breastfed and closely nurtured for at least two and a half years for proper brain growth & intelligence; lack of this brings violence, suicide, depression & addiction. Dr. Dale Glaebach explains how patriarchal religious anti-sexualism caused breast-feeding to become “redefined” as an asexual experience, which then causes sexual repression and stigmatization of women. Sexual fears plague a mother’s enjoyment, truncating breast-feeding when feelings arise. Evolution has given breastfeeding pleasure the same as sex TO INSURE SPECIES SURVIVAL.
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